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1、Present simple and continuous Present simple Form: He/she/it works. I work. They work He doesnt work. They dont work. Does he work? Do they work? Use: we use the present simple tense to: -give information about permanent activities (Valentino makes luxury chocolates.) describe a state that doesnt ch

2、ange: (He looks like his father.) -talk about routine activities, repeated actions or habits: (I often travel abroad on business.) -some verbs are always used in the present simple (not with ing): What do you mean? I remember her name. Present continuous Form: I am going. He/she/it is going. They ar

3、e going. I am not going. Am I going? Use: We use the present continuous to: -describe activities in progress at the moment of speaking (She is talking to him on the phone right now.) -describe temporary situations: (The delegation is staying at the Hilton until Friday.) - refer to future arrangement

4、s: (He is starting a new job next week.) - describe changing situation: (We are developing a new marketing strategy.) Complete these sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous We normally _ (hold) ous sales conference in Spain, but this year we _ (hold) it in Poland. Although

5、 we _ (use) our own sales representative at the moment, we generally _ (use) agents in Japan. It normally _ (take) us two years to develop a new product. We dont often _ (raise) our prices more than 5%, but this time we _ (raise) them 10%. Usually our Sales Director _ (deal) with important customers

6、. We usually _ (recruit) from within the company, but this time we _ (advertise) externally. We _ (rent) offices until our new headquarters are ready. The company _ (want) to achieve record sales this year. Present perfect simple and continuous Present perfect - simple Form : I/you/we/they have work

7、ed he/she/it has worked I/you/he/she/it/we/they havent worked Have I/ you/ we/ they worked? Has he/she/it worked? Uses Talk about actions that continue from the past to the present We have been in this business for over 50 years. (we are still in business) Talk about past events that have an impact

8、in the present Recently profits have fallen sharply because of strong competition. Talk about life experiences Hes worked in a number of different firms. Shes never had to lead a team before. (in her life up to now) Present perfect continuous Form : have/has + been + -ing Shes been studying for thre

9、e years. They havent been working here long. How long have they been living here? Use An activity that began in the past and is continuing now. Ive been studying English for three years? Sometimes there is no difference between the simple and the continuous. The continuous can express a temporary ac

10、tivity, while the simple expresses a permanent state. A past activity that has caused a present result Ive been working all day. (Im tired now) Present perfect simple or continuous? The simple expresses a complited action ( Ive painted the kitchen, and now Im doing the bathroom.) The continuous expr

11、esses an activity over a period of time ( Ive got paint in my hair because Ive been decorating) Some verbs have the idea of a long time, for example, wait, work, play, try, learn, rain. These verbs are often found in the continuous. Ive cut my finger.(one short action) Ive been cutting firewood.(per

12、haps over several hours) Some verbs dont have the idea of a long time, for example, find, start, buy, die, lose, break, stop. Those verbs are more usually found in the simple. Ive got lost my passport. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form, Present Perfect Simple or Continuous : I _ ( wa

13、it ) for you for ages! Where have you been? I _ ( break ) a glass. Im awfully sorry. Wow! Ou _ ( make ) dinner! Lets eat now. She _ ( sleep ) downstairs because she has broken her leg. We _ ( look ) for a hotel for two hours! Im exhausted! I _ ( work ) all day, and I _ ( not finish ) yet. Company vo

14、cabulary Subsidiary Profit Turnover Head office Workforce The money a company makes after taking away its costs A company which is more than 50% owned by a parent company The amount of money a company receives from sales The employees The main building of a large organisation vocabulary Market share

15、 Share price The cost of a companys shares The percentages of sales a company has in a particular market quiz if you dont like it, you can _ it and well give you your money back one of the problems of online sales:_ when the customer is not at home a building for storing goods_ another word for buy, or sth thats bought a reduction often expressed as percentage of the original price _ we must _ our customers the best pro



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