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1、黑龙江省宾县一中2020届高三英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案)第一部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Bullied(霸凌), bothered and mad, I became a troublemaker in school. In the tenth grade year, it came to a head. I _1_ friends with a rough kid who well could have _2_ the end of my f

2、uture. A big fight was planned for that Friday night. My friend said, Rudy, were tough. Lets go. I _3_agreed. I had a big head. It was a _4_ to show off. I would_5_those who had made me so mad.I waited until the family was _6_asleep. Quietly, I _7_ out of bed, pulled on my clothes, and tiptoed(踮着脚走)

3、 to the back door. I was careful not to make a sound. However, Dad knew something was up. He _8_ me off at the door.With his hand on my shoulder, he _9_ that we talk. I admitted where I _10_. The kids we would fight against had _11_ us.It was our _12_to teach them a lesson. Thats when Dad _13_ my fu

4、ture, and maybe my life. He replied, You are no man when a _14_fight is your way. You become a man by knowing when to walk away. Learn it now and remember.Im _15_ that Dad stayed up to catch me that night. Bad _16_ came the next day. Several were badly hurt in the fight. With a _17_to the head, my f

5、riend was now dead.It could have been me, or I might have been _18_ and taken away. Either _19_, that would have caused my end: Dad, you were the best: You taught me to stop the foolish _20_and to know when to walk away:1. A. foundB. madeC. metD. knew2. A. causedB. preventedC. keptD. observed3. A. d

6、isgustinglyB. graduallyC. foolishlyD. sincerely4. A. trickB. requestC. habitD. chance5. A. call inB. beat upC. fight forD. rely on6. A. foreverB. stillC. soundD. half7. A. jumpedB. droppedC. rushedD. slipped8. A. cutB. sawC. paidD. sent9. A. insistedB. agreedC. declaredD. promised10. A. caughtB. des

7、ertedC. headedD. lost11. A. educatedB. teasedC. inspiredD. rejected12. A. dutyB. pleasureC. taskD. turn13. A. ignoredB. predictedC. ruinedD. rescued14. A. midnightB. meaninglessC. successfulD. deadly15. A. astonishedB. blessedC. defeatedD. relaxed16. A. kidsB. ideasC. newsD. decisions17. A. blowB. d

8、iseaseC. flashD. shelter18. A. arrestedB. blamedC. killedD. robbed19. A. crimeB. manC. suggestionD. way20. A. actB. dreamC. friendD. theory第二部分:阅读理解(共两节) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AAmyotrophiclateralsclerosis,morecommonlyknownasALS,affectsthenervecellsinthebrainandspinalcord(脊髓)thatmakethemusclesofbotht





13、ion.ScientistshavebeenstudyingmanyfactorsthatcouldbelinkedwithALS,suchasheredity(遗传)andenvironmentalexposures.21.Accordingtothetext,ALS_A.islinkedwithclimatechanges B.leadstodeathinoneortwoyearsC.affectsthenervecellsalloverthebodyD.makespeoplelosecontrolofmusclemovement22FromthetextwecaninferthatHaw

14、king.A.diedofanunknowndisease B.livedwithALSfor55yearsC.feltdesperateinhislastyears D.wasparalyzedduetopoortreatment23.WhatisthesituationofALSintheUS?A . Over30,000peoplesufferfromALS.B.ALSisusuallyfoundamongtheelderlypeople.C.PatientsoftenenjoyalonglifespandespiteALS.D.Moreandmorenewcasesarereportedeveryyear.24.Whatisthetextmainlyabout?A.ThesymptomsandpossiblecuresofALS.B.AbiographicalfilmaboutStephenHawking.C.Ageneralintroductionofthed


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