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1、“里”、“内”、“中”、“外”方位意义及组配关系 广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 里内中外的方位意义及组配关系 姓名杨辉 申请学位级别硕士 专业语言学及应用语言学 指导教师范先钢 20070401 里内中外的方位意义及组配关系 姓名杨辉 导师范先钢 专业语言学及应用语言学 研究方向语法修辞 年级 摘 要 汉语十四个单纯方位词中里内中外是一个小类它们都具有容器 性质可称为容器型方位词本文分析里内中外的空间性质揭示其具 体方位意义在此基础上考察了里内中外与别的词语的组配情况组 即分析出可以和容器方位词组合的词语各是什么配即找出它们组成方位结构时的匹 配对应关系并试图从认知心理的角度予以解释文章分为五个

2、部分 零引言 这部分主要是明确研究范围和对象介绍先贤及时贤对方位词的研究概况 提出我们要研究的问题同时说明本文所用的理论方法及语料来源 一里内中外的空间性质 这部分通过分析考察容器方位词的来源及发展 归纳其空间性质在对其进行下位分类内向型里内中和外向型外的 基础上揭示出各自的方位意义里偏重于表示其附带的 满全义内偏重 于表示界限义中偏重于表示大空间大范围及游移活动义外表示外部空间 具有辐射义 二内外组配关系 这部分考察内向词里内中与外向词外的组 配关系在内外配关系上和容器方位词组合的主要是名词性成分名词性成分构成的异 同显示了内外方位词结构的匹配关系其要点是大范围名词群体性名词抽象名词 和人体

3、器官类名词机构单位名词等类别只能与内向型的容器方位词组合不能与外向型 的外组合这主要是因为这些名词本身具有的认知特点与外的空间性质不相符 大部分情况下名词性成分加里内中与名词性成分加外是匹配的这种不匹 配的情况是少数的 三内内组配关系 这部分考察内向词里中内部之间的组配关系在内内 配关系上和容器方位词组合的主要是谓词性成分谓词性成分构成的异同显示了内内 方位词结构的匹配关系其要点是谓词性成分不能与内外组合但部分可与里 中组合只是由于中自身的特点谓词性成分与中的组合更多一些能与中 组合的动词大部分不与里组合二者匹配的情况不多而能与中组合的表示境况 氛围心理神志状态光线色觉等类别的形容词它们不与里

4、组合这部分AP 中 不与AP 里匹配 四结论及余论 这部分对全文的主要观点进行总结并顺带分析了容器方位词里 I 内中外与由里内中外构成的复合方位词的差异 本文的主要创新之处从容器隐喻的角度深入探讨了单纯方位词里内中外 的空间性质及方位意义详细考察了它们组成方位结构时的构成情况分析解释了容器方 位结构之间的匹配关系这些研究进一步探明了这四个方位词的意义及用法的事实规律 关键词里内中外 方位意义组配关系容器认知 II The Locative Meaning of Li Nei Zhong Wai and Their Collocation Relationship Name Yang Hui T

5、utor Fan Xian- gang Field Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Direction Grammar And RhetoricGrade 2004 Abstract In the fourteen single locative words of Chinese Li Nei Zhong Wai are special They have the obvious nature of container The correspondent Li Nei Zhong and Wai can be called locative words

6、of container The thesis especially analyzes the spatial nature of Li Nei Zhong and Wai and displays their locative meanings Based on this the collocation of Li Nei Zhong and Wai with other words has been investigated In other words we analyze what words can collocate with containor locative words We

7、 are trying to explain the collo cation from the perspective of cognitive psychologyThe whole thesis can be divided into five parts Introduction This part is mainly about the study scope and object It introduces the present research on locative words in the past and nowadays Meanwhile it gives a bri

8、ef introduction of some theories and methods which is used in writing the thesis Finally it introduces the source of corpus Chapter One The Spatial Nature of Li Nei Zhong and Wai This part illustrates the origin and development of container locative words By analyzing the nature of container locativ

9、e words we classify them into two categories namely endocentric Li Nei Zhong and exocentric Wai which have been examined preliminarily in this part Li emphasizes fullness and wholenessNei limitationZhong big space and range as well as mobilityWai outer spaceembodying the rendition of reflection Chap

10、ter Two The Collocation of Endocentric and Exocentric words This part observes the collocation between the nominal components and endocentric or exocentric words Endocentric container words can only be collocated with nouns indicating big range massive groups abstracenesshuman organorganization This

11、 is mainly because those nouns themselves embody cognitive characteristic and incompatible with spatical one of WaiIn most accasions those noun elements attached with Li Nei Zhong matches with the special characteristic of Wai Not having the match is quite rare Chapter Three The Collocation of Endoc

12、entric WordsAs for the collocation of endocentric words the part combining with container locative words are mainly predicative element Difference and similarity formed by predicative element indicate corresponding compatibility of indocentric words Charecteristics are as follows predicative element cannot match with Neiand Waipartlycan combine with Liand ZhongBecause of the nature



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