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1、郑州航空工业管理学院毕 业 论 文(设 计)2012 届 计算机科学与技术 专业 0810063 班级题 目基于网络的蛋糕销售系统的设计与实现姓 名 张 xx 学号 32 指导教师 邵 xx 职称 讲 师 2012 年 5 月 20 日I基于网络的蛋糕销售系统的设计与实现081006332 张xx 指导教师 邵xx 讲师内 容 提 要二十一世纪是一个集数字化,网络化,信息化的,以网络为核心的社会。中国的网民充分领略到“畅游天地间,网络无极限” 所带来的畅快。随着 Internet 的飞速发展,使得网络的应用日益的广泛。如电子商务,电子政务,网上医疗,网上娱乐,网络游戏,网络教学等。本论文就毕业

2、设计的内容,系统地阐述了整个蛋糕销售信息网站的功能及实现。实现了从蛋糕管理,蛋糕分类和查询,到购物车实现,用户订单处理,再到系统管理。基本上实现了网上蛋糕销售的功能流程,能够实现用户与商家在网上进行蛋糕交易。本系统界面简单直观,易于操作和使用,交互性强,完全基于 Internet 网络。经过分析,我们使用 SUN 公司的 JSP 开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成满意的可行系统。关键词蛋糕销售;系统;jsp;信息时代创新点本文的创新点在于运

3、用网络平台,实现在家就能买到自己心仪的蛋II糕,方便快捷。IIINetwork based Cake Sales System Design and ImplementationZHANG-Na SHAO Xiao-YanAbstractThe 21st century is a collection of digital network and, the information, take the network as the core of society. Chinas Internet users fully enjoy travel between earth and heaven,

4、 the network without limit brings the carefree. With the rapid development of Internet, enabling the network are applied widely. Such as e-commerce, e-government, online medical, online entertainment, network game, the network teaching, etc. The graduation design topic is cake sales information webs

5、ite. This thesis will graduate design content, systematically elaborated the whole cake sales information websites function and implementation. Realizes from commodities management, commodity classification and inquires into cakes, car sales, users order processing, realize again to system managemen

6、t. Basically realized the function of online cake sales process, can realize the user online merchants with commodity trading. This system interface is simple, intuitive, and easy to operate and use, interactivity is strong, completely based on Internet network. Through analysis, we use from the JSP

7、 development tools, USES its offer all IVkinds of object-oriented development tools, especially data window this one can conveniently and concise manipulation of intelligent object, the first database in a short time, and then build system application of initial prototype system, demand iteration, r

8、evising and improving, until satisfactory feasible system formed. Key wordsCake sales; System; JSP; The information ageInnovationThe innovation point of this paper is using the network platform, to achieve at home can buy their favorite cake, convenient and quick.V目 录第 1 章 系统开发背景 .1第 2 章 可行性研究 .32.1 引言 .32.2 可行性研究 .4第 3 章 项目开发计划 .63.1 引言 .63.2 存在的主要问题 .63.3 项目概述 .63.4 产品 .63.5 实施计划 .73.6 关键技术问题 .7第 4 章 需求分析 .84.1 项目概述 .84.2 主要功能模块 .84.3 开发关键问题 .114.4 支持条件 .11第 5 章 概要设计 .125.1 引言 .


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