突破口语(breakthrough oral english)

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《突破口语(breakthrough oral english)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《突破口语(breakthrough oral english)(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、突破口语(Breakthrough oral English)After you., you first.Allow me., let me do it.Any day will do., any day will doAny messages for me? Is there any message for me?Any thing else? Anything else?Any urgent thing? Is there something urgent?Are you kidding? Are you kidding?!Are you sure? Are you sure?As soo

2、n as possible! The sooner the better!Be careful! Attention!Be quiet! Be quiet!Believe it or not! Believe it or not!Between us., you know, I know.Big mouth big mouth!Blast! *!Bless you! Bless you!Bottle it! Shut up!Bottoms up! Cheers!Bottoms up! Cheers (bottom)!Boy! (surprise, excitement, etc.) WOW!

3、Good heavens!Break the rules. #; anti rules?.Break the rules. violates the rules.Can I have this. can you give this to me?Can I help you? Can I help you?Can you dig it? Can you dig it?Cando.Cheap skate! Stingy!Cheer up! Cheer up!Chin up., cheer up.Closeup. close-up.Clothes make the man. man.Come on!

4、 Come on, cheer up!Come on, be reasonable. hey, why dont you make sense?.Come on. Come onCome seat here., sit down here.Congratulations! Congratulations!Control yourself! Restrain yourself!Count me on, count me on.Daring! Dear!Dead end. dead end.December heartbeat. twilight love.Did you miss the bus

5、? Did you miss the bus?Dinner is on me. dinner, please.Do l have to must be done?Do me a favor? Do me a favor, OK?Do you have any money on you? Do you have any money on you?Do you have straw? Do you have a straw?Does it serve your purpose? Does it serve your purpose?Doggy bag. packing bag.Dont be so

6、 childish. dont be so childish.Dont be so modest. dont be modest.Dont count on me., dont count on me.Dont fall for it! Dont fall for it!Dont flatter me. award.Dont get high hat. dont put on airs.Dont get loaded., dont get drunk.Dont get me wrong. dont get me wrong.Dont give me that! Dont come with t

7、his set!Dont let me down. dont let me down.Dont let me down. dont let me down.Dont lose your head. Dont panic.Dont make up a story. dont invent facts.Dont mention it. doesnt matter. Dont mention it.Dont move! Dont move!Dont over do it. dont go too far.Dont play possum come on!Dont push me., dont pus

8、h me.Dont take ill of me. dont get angry with me.Dont trust to chance! Dont take any chances.Dont worry., dont worry.Drop it! Stop!Easy come easy go. comes easy, goes fast.Easy does it., come on.Enjoy yourself! Have a good time!Excuse me, Mr. Sir., Im sorry.Fasten your seat belt. fasten your seat be

9、lt.Feel better? Is that better?Follow me., come with me.Follow my nose. does something intuitively.Forget it! Forget it! (forget it!)Fresh paint! Wet paint!Get an eyeful. see enough.Get cold feet. is afraid to do something.Get out of here! Get out of here!Gild the lily. is superfluous.帮我一把!帮帮我!前进.继续






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