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1、of capacity is an important reason, grasp of the policies through, not deep grasp of the basic facts, I do not know how to deal with the problem. To this end, the leading cadres at all levels should strengthen study, pay attention to their capacity-building, constantly improve their professional ski

2、lls and the ability to solve problems, develop a real ability, only in this way can dare to play the premise, so good at play.(D) the practice of three Suns, requires us to pay close attention to the implementation in order to nail the spirit of doing good. Business is done by, not loud. Grab will r

3、eally work, hard work can be a performance. Government work to be effective, the key to implementation. Our comrades now exist to varying degrees in the implementation of not strictly untrue phenomenon, some comrades do redeploy light implementation, and some even play for a long time, setter role,

4、accept the task was straightforward, but then dumped down the tasks, not concerned with implementation, to do shuaishouzhanggui. Used in some departments during the task of attracting the motions, false contracts, signed false about, numbers exaggerated false phenomena such as repeated, which runs c

5、ounter to our objective in launching the investment battle, not only failed to produce any practical effects, resulting in tremendous waste of human resources and corporate expenses. Local agency does not fall, attaches importance to bringing enterprise does not help enterprises bigger and stronger,

6、 leading businesses want to come in but not enter, but development is not good. Slow project approval here, too, the Chief of the environment top reasons, if they do not quickly improve, the enterprise is bound to disappoint us and will vote with their feet and leave us alone, bad reputation out, th

7、ink of investment just harder. For example, we often to economic operation of dispatching in economic work, so as to pass a series of statistics to analyze economic situations, timely detection of problems properly and keep the economy healthy development within a reasonable range. However, in some

8、sectors to act solely for dispatch data scheduled by any means to do data, modify data, and is working out effective and bright. Fraud, deign to implement more dangerous can lead to policy cannot take root, seriously damaging the effectiveness of policies. I recently to public understanding of the c

9、urrent operation of the key enterprises of the whole city, in General, difficult issues more, so city workers Commission inventory classification of enterprises and sent to relevant units and pushing out solutions as soon as possible, the Municipal Government will convene in early July the enterpris

10、e site, centralized coordination. I have said many timesTold had, in current economic down of big environment Xia, around are faced various of difficult, levels leaders are cannot because economic down and stranded, and waiting for wait-and-see, more cannot to new normal for excuses inaction, and fo

11、r officer not for, and lazy political idle political, must to to perseverance of spirit State and caught iron has marks, and stepped stone left printing of perseverance, sustained, continued punches, a any then a any dry, to first-class of implementation force, and operation force and efficiency, ma

12、de first-class of performance. (E) the practice of three Suns, requires us to establish a correct Outlook on power, making good use of his power. Power is a double-edged sword. Fair use rights, can benefit the people; the abuse would be disastrous, but also-最新精品资料推荐-提供全程指导服务- 2007五一活动No.2:探密香格里拉,徒步虎

13、跳峡 007五一活动No.2:探密香格里拉,徒步虎跳峡 五一活动 007五一活动No.2:探密香格里拉,徒步虎跳峡(报名)香格里拉 “有一个美丽的地方人们都把它向往有一个美丽的地方人们都把它向往有一个美丽的地方人们都把它向往那里四季常青那里鸟语花香那里没有痛苦那里没有忧伤它的名字叫香巴拉传说是神仙居住的地方” 澄碧的蓝天下,神秘幽静的藏传佛教寺院嘎丹松赞林寺,壮丽多姿的梅里雪山,奇异瑰丽的明永冰川,纳帕海的草甸会在不经意中变成湖泊,高山上的碧塔海、属都湖像是躺在地球表面的两滴眼泪,还有在那旷世桃源般的秘境村庄里生活的人们,他们生下来就会唱歌,站起来就会跳舞,张开口就能喝酒. 丽江 这里生活着俊

14、朗的民族,这里有着最纯粹的生灵和最纯美的风光,这里保存着大地最古老的记忆!雪山、草原、牧场,美丽的喇嘛庙,圣洁的神山圣湖,宁静闲适的古城生活,让我们背弃烦嚣的都市,去感受一片安详的世外之境! 初步计划 【行程安排】 DAY1晚上16:45到达武林门航空大巴处,17:00坐车前往萧山国际机场。飞机前往香格里拉。晚上入住香格里拉县城; DAY2:晨起,参观松赞林寺后返回香格里拉坐车前往德钦,路经尼西集市,中午在奔子栏用餐,下午抵达德钦县城,租车前往飞来寺,这里是观赏梅里雪山的理想地点。晚上入住飞来寺; DAY3:早起打个呵欠,拉开窗帘,卡瓦格博向我们露出他真实的面容。早餐毕,坐车前往西当温泉,接下

15、来的路全靠骡马和徒步了。从西当温泉到“世外桃源”雨崩有18公里,中途要翻越海拔3900米的那宗拉垭口,温泉海拔2600米,雨崩海拔约3100米,连上休息的时间,徒步需6个小时左右,晚上住在下雨崩村民家; DAY4(5月3日):今天也会很辛苦。我们需要早起轻装徒步前往神瀑,来回需要45个小时。回到雨崩村,开始徒步返回西当温泉,体力不支的这时可以骑马,需时5小时到达温泉,晚上住在西当温泉,泡澡、浴足; DAY5(5月4日):包车从西当温泉经德钦县返回香格里拉,然后包车游玩碧塔海,晚上返回香格里拉住宿; DAY6 :早起坐班车从香格里拉到丽江,途中在虎跳峡镇下车,需时3小时。从上虎跳开始徒步,走40分钟小路到纳西雅阁,经过28道拐,茶马客栈,到达halfway住宿; DAY7:继续徒步虎跳峡。halfwaytinas张老师家张老师栈道中虎跳天梯栈道核桃园新渡口过江停车场坐车回丽江,顺道去玉龙雪山的牦牛坪或云杉坪。晚上入住古镇青年旅舍,吃丽江糍粑,听纳西古乐,泡吧,醉酒,浴足,享乐。



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