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1、Specialty English of Applied GeophysicsCui RoufeiCollege of Resource and Earth Sciences China University of Mining and Technology一、本课程的目的与任务结合应用地球物理专业的英文书刊,通过讲授和翻译练习,扩大学生的专业词汇量,使学生能够顺利阅读专业英语书刊。二、具体安排11次精读讲解4次翻译练习(每人准备一个联系本,全班要统一)1次考试(不完成翻译练习不能参加考试)1. Introduction1.1 Geophysics and GeologyWe designat

2、e the study of the earth using physical measurements at the surface as geophysics.While it is not always easy to establish an absolute border line between geology and geophysics, the difference lies primarily in the type of data. Geology involves the study of the Earth by direct observations on rock

3、s, either from surface exposure or boreholes, and the deduction of its structure, composition, or history by analysis of such observations. Geophysics, on the other hand, involves the study of those parts of the Earth hidden from the physical phenomena associated with it, for instance the geomagneti

4、c field, the heat flow, the propagation of seismic waves, the force of gravity, etc. The distinction between the two branches of Earth science is not clear-cut.designate asv. 把叫做、称呼(相当于callas)lie in在于exposuren. 嚗光、露头boreholen. 钻孔hidden 修饰 those parts of the Earthdistinction n. 区别、差别clear-cut a.清楚的、明

5、确的The domain of geophysics, strictly speaking, involves many fields of study; but in this monograph the word geophysics will be used in the more restricted sense, namely the physics of the body of the Earth. Moreover, the object of applied geophysics, with which this monograph is concerned, is to in

6、vestigate specific, relatively small-scale and shallow features which are presumed to exist within the Earths crust. Among such features may be mentioned synclines and anticlines, geological faults, salt domes, undulations of the crystalline bedrock under a cover of moraine, ore bodies, and clay dep

7、osits and so on.monographn. 专著in the more restricted sense 更加严格的意义上the body of the Earth 地球的主体specific a. 专门的、指定的presumev. 假定crust n. 地壳synclinen. 向斜anticlinen. 背斜salt dome盐丘undulationn. 起伏crystallinea. 结晶的bedrockn. 基岩morainen. 冰碛(音器)(碛是指水中沙堆)clayn. 粘土1.2 Review of Geophysical Prospecting MethodsThi

8、s review examines the various techniques of applied geophysics used by the coal industry to delineate the boundaries of geological and man-made structures in coal deposits.review n. 回顾delineatev. 圈定depositsn. 沉积物 Applied geophysical techniques have been used for several centuries in the exploration

9、for metallic minerals and since the beginning of this century in the exploration for oil and gas and were first applied to coal deposits in the 1920s and 1930s. In subsequent years, interest in further developing the techniques tended to decline with the advent of cheap oil and gas because effort wa

10、s concentrated on developing better exploration techniques for these resources. Although geophysical techniques continued to be used to some extent, examination of coal deposits in many areas continued until the early 1970s to be performed mainly by a combination of geological mapping and the drilli

11、ng of boreholes.metallica. 金属的mineraln. 矿物decline (with) v. 下降advent n. (事件、时期的)到来 Geophysical techniques are capable not only of delineating the edges of the coal seams more accurately than by using surface mapping but also of locating and characterising geologic and man-made structures in the depo

12、sit. The commonest geologic structures are faults, folds, channel sands and clay layers which may cause the coal seam being mined to decrease in thickness or even to disappear altogether. In addition, they may cause roof falls. The man-made structures which may be encountered include abandoned oil a

13、nd gas wells, mine shafts and tunnels. They may also cause roof falls, flooding or explosions. Features such as these can rarely be detected by drilling boreholes. Clearly if the coal industry could plan its operations to avoid such structures then it might be able to reduce losses of coal, disrupti

14、ons to production and accidents to a minimum.fold n. 褶皱channel sands 河道沙洲abandoneda. 废弃的disruption n. 崩裂、破坏In general it is usually cheaper and quicker to perform a survey of an area using geophysical techniques than to investigate it by drilling a close grid of boreholes, but it is not possible to

15、dispense with boreholes altogether since only they can positively confirm the existence of coal in the area. The cores from the boreholes can provide specific information about seam depths, thicknesses and coal qualities in the vicinity of the borehole. However it may be possible to reduce the numbe

16、r of boreholes required and hence the costs of the exploration programme by performing a geophysical survey: the most suitable locations for boreholes may be identified from the survey results and in this way fewer barren holes should be drilled.dispense withv. 免除barrena. 贫瘠的(这里是指没有打出油气的钻孔) Another use of geophysical techniques b



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