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1、学校代码分 类 号10530F253.9学密号 200602080183级硕 士 学 位 论 文基于 FCE-DEA 的第三方逆向物流供应商评价学 位 申 请 人崔 玉 静指学学研导院科究教名专方师称业向李树丞教授、付畅俭副教授商 学 院管理科学与工程项目管理二九年五月二十日Evaluation of the Third Party ReverseLogistics Supplier Based on FCE-DEACandidateSupervisorCollegeProgramCui YujingProfessor Li Shucheng Associate Professor Fu Ch

2、angjianBusiness SchoolManagement Science and EngineeringSpecializationDegreeUniversityDateProject ManagementMaster of the ManagementXiangtan UniversityMay fourth, 2009湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意


4、们对所生产的产品的整个生命周期负责,对产品报废后的去向埋单。2009 年 1 月 1 日循环经济促进法开始正式实施,我国政府已经正式把循环经济列为实现可持续发展战略的重要途径和实现形式。在环境法律法规的压力和经济利益的驱动下,逆向物流作为循环经济的关键环节也成为企业管理和相关学术领域研究者关注的重要问题。逆向物流是一种与传统物流反向的物流模式,旨在以尽可能少的资源消耗获得尽可能多的社会福利。当前市场环境发生巨大变化,企业面临着缩短交货期、节约物流成本、提高顾客服务水平等多重压力,企业要取得竞争优势,必须将有限的资源集中用于核心竞争力的培育和发展上,把自己不擅长的逆向物流运作外包给第三方物流供应


6、法难以同时兼顾定性指标和定量指标,提出了模糊评价与精确评价相结合的 FCE-DEA 集成评价模型。该模型对模糊指标运用 DEA 计算权重,对精确指标应用专家打分法确定权重,根据这两部分得到的权重得出综合权重,再对得到的综合权重用 FCE 进行模糊综合评价。所以该模型能更好地处理包含模糊指标和精确指标的复杂指标体系。最后用案例印证了该指标体系及模型的可行性,以期对逆向物流的理论研究和实践探索有所启示。关键词:循环经济;第三方逆向物流;战略地图;模糊综合评价(FCE);数据包络(DEA)IAbstractWith the further appearance of environment poll

7、ution, resources lack and ecologydestruction, in this age the environmental concern is growing and the interest in reuseof products and materials is increasing. As a part of the global economy China shouldtake our responsibility so our enterprises need response for the whole life cycle oftheir produ

8、cts and check for the scrap materials. The “law to promote circulareconomy” was implemented on January 1, 2009. Circular economy has been taken asa strategy and an important way to the process of sustainable development by ourgovernment. Under the pressure of environment laws and rules and the drivi

9、ng ofeconomy benefit reverse logistics has become a very important question concerned byenterprise managers and researchers in related academic areas.Reverse logistics is a kind of logistics mode which is opposite to the traditionalsupply chain direction. The ultimate aim of it is to gain more socia

10、l welfare andconsume less nature resources. Nowadaysthe market competition environmentchange hugely, our enterprises face large pressure in shortening the time of delivery,cutting down logistics cost, and raising customer service level, business enterprisesconcentrate limited resources on the cultiv

11、ation and development of core competitiveadvantage, therefore outsource logistics is converted to the third party logistics servicecompany. How to select the right third party logistics service supplier is veryimportant to establish the outsource strategy for enterprises.Under the background of circ

12、ular economy, the supplier evaluation question isdiscussed in the paper. By reviewing the achievements in relevant fields made byscholars at home and abroad, it analyzes the concept, principle, essential feature andtheoretical foundation of it, the characteristic of reverse logistics and the impleme

13、ntdriver. Considering the experiences the developed countries have made as well asChinas real condition, it constructs a Strategy Map, and according that it creates anevaluation index system for selecting a third party logistics service provider. It hasqualitative and quantitative indexes which synthetically considering the factorsinvolved financial and non-financial i



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