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1、Chinglish 中式英语 He Wenzhao April,2014 I. What is Chinglish? A: “Hello.” B: “Hi.” A: “You have what thing?” B: “Can you speak English?” A: “If I not speak English, I am speaking what ” B: “Can anybody else speak English? I. What is Chinglish? A: “You yourself look. All people are playing, no people ha

2、ve time, you can wait, you wait, you not wait, you go! B; “Good heavens. Anybody here can speak English?” A: “Shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing ?” B: “I want to speak to your head.” A: “Head not zai. You tomorrow come! Q: Does A speak English? Both no and yes. I. What is

3、 Chinglish? I. What is Chinglish? Definition The English word Chinglish refers to the mixture of Chinese and English words, or the word for word translation from Chinese. The Chinese equivalent is Zhngsh Yngy (simplified Chinese: 中式 英语; traditional Chinese: literally “Chinese style English“). II. Hi

4、story English first arrived in China in 1637, when British traders reached Macao and Guangzhou. In the 17th century, Chinese Pidgin English originated as a lingua franca(通用语) for trade between British people and mostly Cantonese-speaking Chinese people. “Pidgin“, the proto-Chinglish emerged as a Chi

5、nese mispronunciation of the English word “business“. II. History In pidgin English, some similar Chinese sounds are used to substitute for the equivalent English, either because of lacking such sounds or because of influencing by the dialects. For example, we have ragged verse like:爷是发它 (father),娘是

6、妈它(mother),来是卡姆(come), 去是狗(go),明天就吃兔猫肉(tomorrow).马 铃薯就是胖打素(potato). II. History Following the First and Second Opium War between 18391842, Pidgin English spread north to Shanghai and other treaty ports. However, pidgin usage began to decline in the late 19th century when Chinese and missionary schoo

7、ls(教会学校) began teaching Standard English. II. History Turning point In 1982, the Chinese government made English the main foreign language in education. Current estimates for the number English learners in China range from 300 to 500 million. Insufficient resources: quality English teacher and Engli

8、sh native speakers. Much more influence than ever on modern English. II. History II. History 2. 欢迎你到. x welcome you to . welcome to 3. 祝你有个. x wish you have a . I wish you a . 1. 怎么拼? X how to spell? how do you spell? 4 .用英语怎么说? X How to say? How do you say this in English? 5. 我想我不行。 X I think I can

9、t. I dont think I can. 12. 这个春节你回家吗? 是的,我回去。 -Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival? x-Of course! -Sure. / Certainly. III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish Unnecessary Words 1. 他的名字叫约翰。 A: His name is called John. B: His name is John 2. 加快经济改革的步伐 A: to accelerate the pace of economic

10、reform B: to accelerate economic reform III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish Unnecessary noun 那时东北的形势仍然是敌强我弱。 A: at that time the situation in northeast China was still one where the enemy was stronger than the peoples forces B: at that time the enemy was still stronger than the peoples forces in

11、northeast China “situation” 特别啰嗦,而且还将其它的词“one where”牵进来了. Unnecessary modifier 1. 在将来的30到50年间,我们在经济上将达到经 济发达国家的水平。 A: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the economically developed countries B: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries (通

12、常情况下,“发达国家”已经意味着是经济上发 达的国家,因此,没有必要再加上修饰语。) III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish 2. 许多跨国公司已经在中国开始了各种商业活动 。 A: Hundreds of transnational firms have started various businesses in China B: Hundreds of transnational firms have started businesses in China various这个词是中式英语的又一典型多余修饰语 。 类似的名词词组(“a series of

13、” “all sorts of”, and “various kinds of”) 在翻译中通常不必译出。 在汉语中需要它们来表明复数,然而在英语中, 只需以名词的复数形式出现。 III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish 3. 今年从外国进口的汽车急剧地下降。 A: imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year B: imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year (进口不是从外国难道还是从本国进口吗 ?) III.

14、Some Characteristics of Chinglish 4. 该理论也是党在意识形态方面的宝贵财富 A: that the theory too is a valuable ideological treasure of the Party B: that the theory too is an ideological treasure of the Party (A treasure本身就宝贵的,无需加修饰语) III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish Saying the same thing twice: 暂时性 temporary in

15、 nature 新发明 new innovation. 互相合作 mutual cooperation III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish Unnecessary Category Words 1. 促进和平统一事业 A: promoting the cause of peaceful reunification B: promoting peaceful reunification 2. 中国经济现在还处在落后状态。 A: Chinas economy is still in a state of backwardness. B: Chinas economy is still backward. III. Some Characteristics of Chinglish Unacceptable Collocation 1.参加考试试 take part in an examination take/sit for an exam 2.拥挤拥挤 的交通crowded traffic busy/heavy traffic 3.他们的思想还年轻 A: Their brain is sti



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