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1、College English IIIUnit 4 Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word in the word list. College English IIIUnit 4 The e-mail was in some respects _1_ to other nasty letters I receive. It _2_ me to task for my _3_ on the Los Angeles Dodgers and _4_ that I had got everything wrong. However, the note w

2、as _5_ from the others in at least two ways. A. sent E. written I. contained M. signed B. took F. similar J. conclusion N. sealed C. made G. received K. different O. statistics D. argued H. thought L. comments College English IIIUnit 4 This note _6_ more details than the usual “Youre an idiot.” It i

3、ncluded vital _7_ on the teams performance. It was _8_ by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as I _9_ I did. And this note was _10_. The writers name was Sarah Moris. A. sent E. written I. contained M. signed B. took F. similar J. conclusion N. sealed C. made G. received K. different O

4、. statistics D. argued H. thought L. comments College English IIIUnit 4 Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese College English IIIUnit 4 The e-mail was in some respects similar to other nasty letters I receive. It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I

5、had got everything wrong. 这封邮件在某些方 面与我收到的其他 刻薄的信件相似。 它痛斥我对洛杉矶 道奇队的评论,并 争辩说我把一切全 都搞错了。 College English IIIUnit 4 However, the note was different from the others in at least two ways. This note contained more details than the usual “Youre an idiot.” It included vital statistics on the teams performanc

6、e. 然而这个评论与 其他的评论至少 有两个方面的不 同。 与通常那些“你是 个白痴”的评论不 同的是,这一评 论含有更多的细 节。它包含了该 队比赛表现的关 键数据。 College English IIIUnit 4 It was written by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as I thought I did. And this note was signed. The writers name was Sarah Moris. 写这篇评论的人对 对洛杉矶道奇队的 了解绝不亚于我自 认为对它的了解。 而且这一评论

7、是署 名的。作者的名字 叫萨拉 莫里斯。 College English IIIUnit 5 Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word in the word list. College English IIIUnit 5 The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. It is a memento, but _1_ it recalls for me is not _2_ what it recalled for Mother. _3_ Im having trouble

8、with a _4_ and think about giving up or when I start to feel _5_ for myself and think things should be _6_ for me. A. story E. After I. type M. When B. easier F. what J. write N. ahead C. sorry G. did K. made O. quite D. difficult H. away L. gave College English IIIUnit 5 I roll a pierce of paper in

9、to that cranky old machine and _7_ , word by painful word, just the way Mother _8_ . What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go _9_ . Its the best memento anyone ever _10_ me. A. story E. After I. type M. When B. easier F. what J. write N. ahead C. sorry G. did K. ma

10、de O. quite D. difficult H. away L. gave College English IIIUnit 5 Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese College English IIIUnit 5 The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. It is a memento, but what it recalls for me is not quite what it recalled for Mother. 那台绿色旧打字机 现在放在

11、我的办公 室里,至今没有修 理。它是一件纪念 品,但它所勾起的 我的回忆与妈的回 忆不尽相同。 College English IIIUnit 5 When Im having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me, I roll a pierce of paper into that cranky old machine and type, word by painful w

12、ord, just the way Mother did. 每当我写文章遇到 困难或想打退堂鼓 时,或是自叹不走 运、心想事情本该 是较容易时,我就 往那台破旧的打字 机里卷进一张纸, 像妈当年一样,一 个字一个字地吃力 地打着。 College English IIIUnit 5 What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead. Its the best memento anyone ever gave me. 这时,我回忆起的不 是妈妈的失败,而是 她的勇气,她那一往 无前的

13、勇气。 这台打字机是我 所得到的最好的纪念 品。 College English IIIUnit 6 Cloze Fill in each blank with a proper word in the word list. College English IIIUnit 6 I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded and after _1_ him the prescribed capsules at eleven oclock I went out _2_ a while. It was a bright, cold day, the g

14、round _3_ with a sleet that had frozen so that it _4_ as if all the bare trees, A. after E. seemed I. down M. giving B. for F. slipped J. by N. stand C. once G. covered K. over O. bare D. along H. stopped L. look College English IIIUnit 6 the bushes, the cut brush and all the grass and the _5_ groun

15、d had been varnished with ice. I took the young Irish setter for walk up the road and _6_ a frozen creek, but it was difficult to _7_ or walk on the glassy surface and the red dog _8_ and slithered and I fell twice, hard, _9_ dropping my gun and having it slide away _10_ the ice. A. after E. seemed I. down M. giving B. for F. slipped J. by N. stand C. once G. covered K. over O. bare D. along H. stopped L. look College English


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