工业生物催化技术(industrial biocatalysis technology )

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《工业生物催化技术(industrial biocatalysis technology )》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《工业生物催化技术(industrial biocatalysis technology )(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、工业生物催化技术80423(Industrial biocatalysis technology 80423)And page 1-May2003 intestinal processing first volume first phase12 ChineseJournalofBioprocessEngineering May 2003Industrial biocatalysis technologyLin Lin, Cao Zhuan, Xing Xinhui, Liu Zheng(Institute of biochemical engineering, Department of ch

2、emical engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)Abstract: industrial biocatalysis technology in engineering application of protein enzyme as the core, is considered to be following the bio pharmaceutical and biotechnology for plant after the turn outsThe third wave. Its development an

3、d application will bring about fundamental changes in the industrial chemistry of mankind. The rise of industrial biocatalysis and the following two concernsThere is a close relationship between the technological factors: (1) the development of protein directed evolution, (2) the development of geno

4、mics and proteomics. Discussion on industrial starchThe present situation and development trend of catalytic technology, and some suggestions on how to develop the base and application of this city are put forward.Guan Jians word: Industrial biocatalysis;Biotransformation; directed evolution; genomi

5、cs; ProteomicsCLC number: 814.2 document identification code: A article number: 1672, 3678 (2003) 01, one 0012, one 05IndustrialbiocatalysisLINZhang-lin, CAOZhu-an, XINGXin-hui, LIJZheng(DepartmentofChemicalEngineering, T onyhuaUniversity, Beijing100084, China)Abstract:Biocatalysis, theuseofenzymesi

6、nindustrialprocesses, is ideredthethudwaveofbiotechnol-RevolOgy (afterbiomedicineandtransgenicplants).Ithasthepotentialto utionizethetraditionalchemistry 1Relatedindustries.Therapidadvanceinbiocatalysissincehate19906hasbeendriven field twocriticalfactors:(1) newtoolsforenzymeengineeringsuchasdirecte

7、devolution, whichmakeitpossibletotailorenzymesforIndustrialuses;and (2) thegerromicsandproteomicsresearch, whichhasprovideahugerepertoireofen -currentstatusanddevelopmenttrendsinbiocatalysisarereviewedin zymesaswellasnewbiosyntheticroutes.thisreport, alongwithseveralstrategicrecommendationsforthisim

8、portantareaofr & dinchina.keywords: biocatalysis; enzymeengineering; directedevolution; genomics; proteomics无论是发达国家还是我国, 与化学相关的工业 高, 这对国民经济结构的改良与社会发展有重要的(广义的化学工业) 都是国民经济的基础支柱产业之 战略意义.一.当前, 化学工业的发展面临着两个巨大的挑战: (2) 传统的化学工业过程的低效与污染问题急(1) 现代的化工很大程度上是以石油的加工为 需解决.自然界的化学过程的核心是 蛋白质酶 的主, 随着石油等不可再生资源的日趋紧张, 应及时

9、开 催化, 其过程高效温和, 与环境兼容.而人类开发的展替代原料的研究.生物可再生原料将可能是一个 工业化学过程则基本依靠人工的化学催化剂来实必然的选择.同时.Europe, the United States and Japan have worked out different degrees in the next few decades. But there are not many examples of success. The reason lies in long-term unsolved problemsStrategic plan to replace chemical

10、process with green biological process. Its state and bottleneck problems: enzymes in nature are in specific organismsIn the twenty-first Century plan of the United States, it was proposed to evolve under the 2024 conditions. When these enzymes are used, conditions are very differentIn 2013, through

11、the biocatalysis technology, the chemical industry raw material consumption, water resources in the industrial process, often stability, activity, or solution compatibilityThe source consumption and energy consumption are reduced by 30%, and the emission of pollutants is reduced. This makes the drea

12、m of industrial applications of enzymes hard to achieve. But,And pollution diffusion 30%. People are already talking about whether biotechnology is not destined to be fragile. Just in the usual mild biological environment,It will be in medicine (biology, medicine, 80s) and agriculture (plant transge

13、nic enzymes need not evolve to have stronger adaptability. In recent years, in strictAfter the transformation, 90s, all kinds of bacteria and eggs were isolated from the industrial chemical processes, such as deep-sea or high temperatureThe third revolution of enzyme engineering application as the c

14、ore. Either the timing of the enzyme or the enzyme fully indicates that the enzyme can become very strong, under harsh conditionsIt is still the technological base, and our research base in this field still maintains stability and activity. Proteins emerging in the mid 90sAt the same running point,

15、we actively developed the research in this field, and provided an effective method for directed evolution technology (iectedevolution) in ChinaTo seize the commanding heights of disciplines and to the economic and social development of our country, the protein enzymes in nature are re evolved according to the wishes of mankindIt has profound significance. There are more and more signs that industrial technology (enablingtechnology) is adapting to industrial conditions.Biocatalysis is a frontier science and technology field, and the engineering application of protein enzymes



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