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1、 谨以此论文献给母校、导师、父母、以及所有 帮助过我的人们。 -于清娇 构建当代大学生和谐宿舍研究 摘 要 宿舍作为大学生每天生活不可或缺的场所,是大学生生活、娱乐、学习的重 要平台。随着高校学分制、选课制的实施,大学班级的地位日益弱化,大学生宿 舍的重要性日益凸显,宿舍对大学生成长成才发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是, 随着高校后勤社会化改革日益推行, 大学生宿舍作为大学生思想政治教育的重要 阵地却逐渐被忽视,因此,构建大学生和谐宿舍迫在眉睫。构建和谐宿舍对推进 大学生思想政治教育工作起到了至关重要的作用。大学生从中学跨入大学,远离 了能给予他们情感满足的父母,在和谐的宿舍氛围当中他们可以获得“

2、家人”的 尊重、理解与帮助,获得归属感。大学生和谐宿舍的构建一方面可以营造积极向 上、 和谐的宿舍氛围, 帮助大学生成长成才; 另一方面也将进一步推动和谐校园、 和谐社会的构建,将思想政治教育真正深入到学生的实际生活中。 本文主要分为四个部分阐述: 第一部分,主要介绍构建大学生和谐宿舍的研究背景和选题意义,分析了当 前学者对大学生和谐宿舍的研究现状,以及本文的研究思路和主要研究方法。 第二部分是对大学生和谐宿舍的概述, 首先笔者提出了自己对大学生和谐宿 舍的定义,并且在此基础上界定了大学生和谐宿舍的内涵。大学生和谐宿舍包括 住宿大学生自身的身心和谐、宿舍人际关系的和谐以及和谐宿舍氛围的全面和

3、谐;追求的是“和而不同、大同小异”的内在和谐;最终达到“整体大于部分之 和”的深度和谐。通过对大学生和谐宿舍内涵的分析,揭示了当前构建大学生和 谐宿舍的必要性和重要性。 第三部分是通过对中国海洋大学不同专业、不同年级的大学生宿舍进行实 际调查,对当前大学生宿舍的现状做了基本了解。在此基础上,根据调查现状以 及数据,重点分析当前大学生宿舍中所存在的不和谐问题以及问题出现的原因。 第四部分是关于如何构建大学生和谐宿舍,笔者从学校、宿舍管理者以及大 学生自身提出几点建议。学校要以促进学生发展为核心,建立统筹教育、管理和 服务职能为一体的宿舍管理机制,要与时俱进的完善相关制度。宿舍管理者要以 生为本,

4、转变管理观念,增强服务意识,切实解决大学生的实际困难。辅导员切 实贴近大学生宿舍生活,加强对学生骨干的培养,加强对宿舍成员的思想政治教 育。此外,可以动员优秀的大学生参与到宿舍管理中,实现学校管理和大学生自 我管理的有效结合。同时,大学生自身也需要不断提高自我管理的能力,培养自 己良好的行为习惯;逐渐塑造正确的认知自我的能力,实现自我身心和谐;培养 自己化解宿舍矛盾的能力。 本文在研究过程中,总的方法论原则是坚持理论和实践相结合。笔者将自身 在研究生阶段所学习的心理学、管理学、教育学、社会学等理论知识和作为兼职 辅导员的实践经历相结合,通过对中国海洋大学的大学生宿舍进行实践调研,发 现问题并提

5、出解决问题的对策,希望可以更好的构建大学生和谐宿舍。 关键词:关键词:和谐和谐;大学生宿舍大学生宿舍;对策对策 Study Study of contemporary college students harmonious of contemporary college students harmonious dormitory buildingdormitory building AbstractAbstract As a indispensable place to college students, dormitory has become the important platform

6、for students to live, play and study. With the implementation of credit system and course selection, the status of class in universities has been lowered while the importance of dormitory gradually becomes more and more obvious. It plays an important part in students life. However, since the logisti

7、cs is carrying out socializing reform, dormitorys role as an ideological and political education site is gradually ignored. So it is both urgent and necessary to construct harmonious college students apartments. For one thing, a harmonious dormitory can produce active and positive atmosphere which h

8、elps the students to grow and become elites. For another, it can further more promote the establishment of harmonious campus and society, at the same time, practice students ideological and political education in real live. This paper is mainly divided into four parts: The first part, mainly introdu

9、ces research background and significance of college students harmonious dormitory,analyses the current scholars present research on college students harmonious dormitory , as well as the research approaches and the main research methods. The second part is the general summary of the college students

10、 Harmonious Dormitory, and the author also put forward the definition of college students harmonious dormitory, and then defines the connotation of college students harmonious dormitory. College students harmonious dormitory includes their own psychological harmony, the harmonious interpersonal rela

11、tionship in dormitory as well as positive atmosphere of harmonious dormitory. It pursuits both on higher harmony of “ harmony but not sameness, same in essentials while differing in tiny” and finally achieves higher harmony of “whole is greater than the sum of its parts“. Through the analysis of the

12、 connotation of college students harmonious dormitory, the author reveals the importance and necessity of the current construction of college students harmonious dormitory. The third part is to make a basic understanding of status quo of contemporary college students dorm in Ocean University of Chin

13、a based on the actual investigation of different majors and different grades. And the author takes the key focus on the analysis of the problems and the causes of the current college students harmonious dormitory construction. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions on how to build college stu

14、dents harmonious dormitory from the school, dormitory management and college students based on the analysis of problems and reasons. The school needs to promote students development as the core, establish the education-management-service dormitory management mechanism, and keep pace with the times t

15、o perfect the related system. Dormitory management should take students-oriented concepts, change management ideas, enhance service consciousness, cogent solve their practical difficulties. Instructors need to close to the college students dorm life, to highlight the training the backbone student of

16、 the dormitory, strengthen ideological and political education. In addition,mobilize the outstanding college students to participate in the dormitory management to combine the school management and students self-management effectively. Meanwhile, students need to constantly improve the self-management ability, cultivate good habits, build correct self-cognition ability gradually and realize own psychological harmony, develop their ability to dissolve the contradict



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