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1、新概念英语第三册 Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark New words and expression 生词和短语 impressive adj.给人深刻印象的 impress v. 留下印象impression n.印象 an impressive ceremony / speech 给人以印象深刻的典礼/演 说 Eg. The Statue of Liberty still remains so impressive standing on a small island in New York Harbor. make a (lasting) impression to sb

2、. 给人以不可磨灭的印象 have a false impression of sb. 对某人有错误的看法 give sb. impression that 给某人的印象 Sb. gives the impression of sth.某人给人以的印象 She gives the impression of being very busy. impressed adj. 留下印象的 be impressed with / by 对有深刻印象的 (sb. / sth. impress sb. with 用给人以深刻印象) Eg. We were quite impressed with the

3、immense size of the longest suspension bridge in the world. impress sth. on / upon sb. 使印象深刻,使意识到 (的重要性) Mother impressed the value of hard work on me. steamship 蒸汽轮船 vessel 轮船,大木船 dinghy 救生筏(两三人) lifeboat 救生船 warship 战船 destroyer 驱逐舰 submarine 潜水艇 aircraft carrier航母 motor ship 摩托艇 liner 大型班轮 cruise

4、r 巡洋舰 canoe独木舟 era n.时期, 时代, 纪元 (常指一段完整 的、从某个时间点或某个重大事件开始算 起的历史时代或纪元,也指地质时代。) - the beginning of a new era 新时代的开始 - The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ. 公元(基督教时代)是从耶稣诞生起算。 - We are now in a great new era of information. 我们现在正处于一个新的伟大的信息时代。 mark / bring in / create a new era 标志着/带来/开 创一

5、个新时代 the glacial era / epoch 冰河时期 times n.时代, 时期(指历史上或某个特定的历史 时期,时代,常用复数,常比era时间短) in Roman times 在罗马时代 in ancient times 在古代 age n.时代,时期(特定的历史阶段, 和其它词构 成专有名词,也可指个人成长中的不同时期) the Stone Age 石器时代 / the Iron Age 铁器时代 prehistorical age 史前时期 / Middle Ages 中世纪 tender / adult / middle / advanced age 幼年/成年/中年

6、/老 年 epoch 时代,纪元;(地质)期;(历史上有特殊事件或 特征的时期) the Elizabethan epoch 伊丽莎白时代 The invention of dynamite marks an epoch in the history of civilization.炸药的发明标志着文明史上的一个新纪元 。 Java n.爪哇(印度尼西亚一岛,印尼政府雅加 达所在地,人口众多) rudder n.(船、飞机的)舵 bow船头 stern 船尾 screw 螺 旋桨 anchor 锚 deck 甲板 hull 船身 helm 舵柄,舵轮mast 船桅 helmsman / ste

7、ersman 舵手 roll v. 颠簸,摇摆 steer v.掌握方向(驾驶交通工具); 使 开往某处 - He steered the boat suddenly. 他突然改变了这艘船 的方向。 Steer your car slowly into the garage. 将车慢慢开进车 库。 steer for 驶向 We turned the car round and steered for home. steer sth. through 引导(企业)走出(困境) The boss steered the company through the hard years of rece

8、ssion. temporary adj.临时的, 暂时的 permanent 永久的 - temporary jobs / temporary houses This arrangement is only temporary. permanent adj.永久的, 持久的 - I have a permanent job here. 我在这里有一个永久的工 作。 for the time being / for the time / for the present / for now 目前,眼下,暂时 For the time being you will have to share th

9、e room with another person. plank n. 大块木板 a plank bed 木板床 walk the plank 1). To be forced to walk along a board laid over the side of the ship until he / she fall off the sea. (17世纪海盗处 死俘虏的一种办法)让人蒙上眼睛走在突出舷外的板上 使其落海 2)to be dismissed from your job 被迫放弃职务 The CEO ( the Chief Executive Officer) who fai

10、led to steer his company through the recession had to walk the plank. fit (fit, fit) (fitted, fitted) 安装,配上 They fitted the rudder with great difficulty. I want you to fit this shelf onto that wall. fit adj. be fitted with 配备有 Each drawer is fitted with a lock. 每个抽屉配有一把 锁。 Is the car fitted with a r

11、adio? 这辆车配有收音机吗? be fit for / to do sth. 胜任,适合于 Dick is believed to be fit for the position. 人们相信Dick适合这个职务。 equator n.赤道 (an imaginary line drawn around the middle of the Earth is exactly the same distance from the North Pole and South Pole ) delay v. n. 延期;耽搁 The train had been delayed by an accid

12、ent. Sorry I delayed in answering your letter. We decided to delay ( = put off / postpone ) our holiday until next month. without delay 立即;毫不迟延地 I want to thank the members of congress whove worked so hard to move this plan forward, but I also want to urge all members of congress to act without dela

13、y in the coming week to resolve their differences and pass this plan. 我要感谢各位努力推动这个计划通过的国会议员,但我更要敦促全 体议员们立即行动起来,在未来一周中把彼此的分歧解决并通过这 项计划。 mark v. 标志,表现出 The founding of the Peoples Republic of China marked the beginning of the historical period of socialism in our country. 中华人民共和国的成立标志着我 国社会主义历史时期的开始。

14、tear v. 撕扯;猛地夺走,猛地刮走 ( tore, torn ; tearing) The strong wild tore the flag off the pole. The purse snatcher tore the bag from the womans hand. tear away 使勉强离开;忍痛舍去 The TV programme was really attractive, I could not tear myself away from it. tear n. 眼泪 A tear rolled down his face. Text 课文 Part Two L

15、anguage Points She stands on dry land and is visited by thousands of people each year. 1)Stand =stay /rest /lie The city stands in the west of China. Dry land 陆地 Each year = every year = per year 2)Thousands of There were thousands of students standing in front of the gate. She serves as an impressi

16、ve reminder of the great ships of the past. Serve as=use as The room served as our classroom. It served as a lesson for hime. impressive reminder of 给人留下深刻的 印象, 并使人回忆起 Before they were replaced by steamships, sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia. Replace=in place of/take the place of Use to do 用来做某事 used to do 过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 Use as 被当作什么来用


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