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1、嘉禾博研 MBA 商学院 咨询热线:400-098-1616 转 2 1 嘉禾博研嘉禾博研 MBA 商学院商学院 英语英语密押阅读密押阅读 20 篇篇 【目标目标】 :36 分分 全国全国管理类管理类联考联考命题命题研究研究中心中心编写编写 周周远飞远飞师资师资团队团队领衔领衔 全国全国知名知名英语英语命题命题专家专家齐老师齐老师提供提供 【报名报名电话电话】:010-51727695;010-51727596 【微微 信信】 :zyfmaster(提供提供最佳最佳复习复习方案方案) 【内部内部资料资料 严禁严禁外泄外泄】 嘉禾博研 MBA 商学院 咨询热线:400-098-1616 转 2

2、2 嘉禾博研嘉禾博研 MBA 商学院英语密押阅读商学院英语密押阅读一一 【嘉禾博研商学院】【嘉禾博研商学院】 【文章来源文章来源】 :经济学家 【段落段落】 :六段 【字数字数】 :445 【内容内容】 :女性与工作 【要求要求】 :A. 做题 B. 找到出题处 C. 挑五个句子翻译 D. 将文中单词认真背完 Last month Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer at Facebook, published “Lean In”, a controversial manifesto on why women have not ascended t

3、o the most senior positions at companies. She concludes that it is partly womens own fault: they do not “lean in” and ask for promotions, pipe up at meetings and insist on taking a seat at the table. Three new books will not have the same impact as “Lean In”, but they offer some interesting new pers

4、pectives on how women are coping at work, and what is holding them back. Some of it is down to simple miscommunication. Barbara Annis and John Gray argue in “Work With Me” that men and women are biologically wired to think and react differently to situations, and have “gender blind spots” when it co

5、mes to understanding their co-workers behavior. Ms Annis, who leads workshops on gender for big companies and governments, and Mr Gray, author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” , a bestselling book in 1992 about relationship problems, have collaborated to produce an easy-to-read guide to

6、workplace communications. Women ask more questions, gather more peoples opinions and seek collaboration with co-workers more frequently than men. Men view these preferences as signs of weakness, and women, in turn, grow annoyed by how competitively men work, and how quickly and unilaterally they arr

7、ive at conclusions. If both female and male employees became more “gender intelligent” about how their work and behavioral preferences are hard-wired, it would contribute to a more harmonious workforce. Women have been choosing to leave companies at twice the rate of men, and more than half the wome

8、n whom the authors met in workshops were considering leaving their firms. Women often tell their bosses that they are quitting for personal reasons, but the majority actually leave because they feel excluded from teams and not valued for their contributions. Yet the reality is that women often have

9、trouble communicating with other women at work as well, though the authors do not explain in quite as much detail why this is so. Communication and gender equality are not just problems at large firms. Most people agree that more needs to change in the workplace. Men still occupy most top jobs, do n

10、ot feel comfortable mentoring younger women and judge young men differently from young women. However, after decades of women failing to gain equal representation in executive suites, it is notable how many books now focus on women altering their behavior, rather than 嘉禾博研 MBA 商学院 咨询热线:400-098-1616

11、转 2 3 men changing their way of doing things. Women cannot change their fate on their own. Isn t the responsibility for men to “lean in” to listen and advance women in the workforce? 1 The book “Lean In” in the beginning is used to A. explain the reasons of gender prejudice B. introduce the topic to

12、 be discussed C. describe a great and admirable woman D. depict surviving skills in workplace 2 According to Barbara Annis and John Gray, gender blind spots attribute to A. inherent distinctions B. different thinking patterns C. educational differences D. unique cognitions 3 A better relationship in

13、 working may come out of A. more intelligence B. better understanding of sexual impact C. better control of behavior D. good performance in working 4 All of the following aspects are the reasons why women leave companies Except A. their contributions are overlooked B. they find it hard to integrate

14、into working groups C. there are some problems in communication D. sexual discrimination is increasingly serious 5 The authors attitude towards males helping females in working can be described as A. indifferent B. biased C. supportive D. opposed 嘉禾博研 MBA 商学院 咨询热线:400-098-1616 转 2 4 【答案】 :BABDC Last

15、 month Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer at Facebook, published “Lean In”, a controversial manifesto on why women have not ascended to the most senior positions at companies. 第一题答案出处 She concludes that it is partly womens own fault: they do not “lean in” and ask for promotions, pipe up at mee

16、tings and insist on taking a seat at the table. Three new books will not have the same impact as “Lean In”, but they offer some interesting new perspectives on how women are coping at work, and what is holding them back. Some of it is down to simple miscommunication. Barbara Annis and John Gray argue in “Work With Me” that men and women are biologically wired to think and react differently to situations, and have “gender blind spots” when it comes to u


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