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1、“文档中国”搜集整理 2004年英语学习资料-阅读精解23Passage 23 战术在世界第一次大战中的作用Although much has been written about World War I , the strategic lessons of that conflict forwarfare have not been fully comprehended. Never was the dependence of strategy on statecraft moreclearly demonstrated. As political circumstances of the

2、 war changed, strategy changed. The CentralPowers, led by Germany and Austria-Hungary, never had a common plan of campaign or effective uni-ty of command. The Allied side achieved unity only under necessity. Along with the military factors,economic and psychological considerations proved important i

3、n conducting the war and gaining victory.Although the aim of annihilating the enemy was paramount with both sides-especially in the openingcampaigns-the desire to exhaust him also influenced strategy.Military leaders in World War I had to master three basic factors in strategic calculations: masseso

4、f men, technological advances, and wide areas. The movement of huge masses became an art in it-self, for armies had taken on unprecedented dimensions. Millions of men were in action. Railroads andmotor transport became important not only for concentrations but also for establishing new strategicpoin

5、ts on the fronts themselves. The arena of war embraced whole continents. Battles lasted for daysand weeks, and the fighting continued even after the great battles were over.New weapons came into play. New means of communication-telephone, radio telegraphy, theautomobile, and the airplane-promoted fa

6、ster execution of orders and unified command over widely scattered forces. The overwhelming firepower of modem weapons checked the effectiveness of the at- tack, long considered the ideal path to victory. The tank, however, offered fresh possibilities in re-dressing the balance between the defensive

7、 and the offensive. Tactics became more than ever a prelude and conditioning factor of strategy, since without freedom of movement, strategy was only an academ- ic exercise. Tactics came to mark the beginningrather than the conclusion of an operation.There were also larger strategic influences at wo

8、rk. War was becoming increasingly total and cut deeper into the life of the nation. Some of the foremost leaders and students of World War I -notably Winston Churchill-recognized that military strategy had become but a part of a greater national strat- egy. It was widely quoted that war was too-impo

9、rtant a business to be left to soldiers. More than ever strategy and politics would have to be correlated. The increasing totality of modem war would have to be matched by a broader national strategy.阅读理解1. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The analysis of WW I B. The leaders in WW IC. The imp

10、ortance of strategy in WW I D. Fighting in WW I2. The word unprecedented in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_.A. unexpected B. unpredictableC. extraordinary D. unthinkable3. In W-gq I , leaders of the army should consider all the following factors except_.A. quantity of soldiers B. technological

11、 advancesC. wide battle field D. quality of soldiers4.What does the sentence war was too important a business to be left to soldiers in the last para-graph mean?A. War is so important a business, soldiers should be careful.B. War is so important a business, army leaders should not only depend on sol

12、diers.C. War is not so important as to be left to soldiers.D. War is a business and should be done by businessmen.词汇注释1. strategic 战略的,战略上的 2. comprehend 领会,理解,包括(包含), 由.组成3. statecraft 管理国家的本领 4. Austria-Hungary 奥匈帝国5. military 军事的,军用的 6. psychological 心理(上)7. consideration 体谅,考虑,需要考虑的事项,报酬8. annih

13、ilate 消灭,歼灭 9. paramount 极为重要的10. campaign 战役,(政治或商业性)活动,竞选运动Il.mass 5块,大多数,质量,群众,大量 12. unprecedented 空前的13 concentration 集中,集合,专心,浓缩,浓度 14. arena 竞技场15. embrace 包含 16. telegraphy 电信技术17. scatter 分散,散开,撒开,驱散 18. overwhelming 压倒性的,无法抵抗19. redress 赔偿,救济,矫正 20. prelude 先驱,前奏,序幕21. Churchill 邱吉尔(Winsto

14、n L.S., 1874- 1965, 英国政治家及作家, 1940 - 1945,1951 - 1955两度任首相,1953 年诺贝尔文学奖得主)难句翻译1,Although much has been written about World War I,the strategic lessons Of that conflict for warfare have not been fully comprehended虽然人们已经写许多关于第一次世界大战的书籍,但是那次战争中总结出来的战略教训尚未被完全理解。2Military leaders in World War l had tO ma

15、ster three basic factors in strategic calculations:massesOfmen,technological advances,andwideareas第一次世界大战中的军事将领在战略中要考虑三大基本因素:军队人数;科技的进步;广阔的战区。3,The movement Of huge masses became an art in itself,for armies had taken On unprecedented dimensions因为军队的规模空前壮大,所以无比庞大队伍的指挥本身就是一门艺术。4,It Was widely quoted t

16、hat war was too important a business tO be left tO soldiers有一句话,被人们广为引用,那就是战争如此重要,不能仅仅靠土兵。答案详解1(C) 文章主要是在讨论什么?战略在第一次世界大战中的作用。 该题是主旨大意题。综观全文,作者谈论战略在第一次世界大战中的重要性。所以C正确。答案A,第次世界大战分析;答案B,第一次世界大战中的领导者;答案D,在第一次世界大战中参战。根据全文内容,这三个答案都是不正确的。 2(C) 在第二段中unprecedented和_词义最为接近。非比寻常的。该题是词汇题。A,意外的;B,不可预知的;C,非比寻常的;D,想象不到的。见该


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