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1、各种日常生活短语词汇#词汇#【各种“b”开头短语】back on track 改过自新;ball and chain 妻子;beat a dead horse 徒劳;big headed 傲慢自大;break the ice 打破僵局;brown nose 讨好,谄媚;bull in a china shop 鲁莽、容易闯祸的人;burst ones bubble 打破某人的幻想。【各种“自”开头的成语】自不量力 bite off more than one can chew;自讨苦吃 ask for trouble;自投罗网 run ones neck into the noose;自相矛盾

2、 self-contradictory;自知之明 self-awareness;自食其果 reap what one has sown;bury ones head in the sand 自欺欺人【各种candy】candy store 糖果店;candy bar 单独包装的块状糖;hard candy 硬糖;rock candy 冰糖;candy cane 柺杖糖,甘蔗;candy apple 涂太妃糖苹果;candy peel 蜜饯柑皮;cotton candy 棉花糖;candy floss 棉花糖。【各种糖I】molasses 糖蜜,黑蔗糖浆,甘蔗糖蜜;golden syrup 金黄

3、糖浆;maple syrup 枫糖浆,枫糖;corn syrup 玉米糖浆;glucose syrup 葡萄糖浆;malt syrup 麦芽糖浆;maltose/malt sugar 麦芽糖;caramel 焦糖;fructose 果糖;lactose 乳糖;invert sugar 转化糖。【各种糖II】rock sugar 冰糖; white sugar 白糖;palm sugar 棕榈糖,香椰糖;brown sugar 黄砂糖,红糖;dark brown sugar 红糖,黑糖;muscovado 生糖,黑砂糖;demerara sugar 德麦拉拉蔗糖;raw sugar 粗糖;cas

4、tor sugar 细砂糖;icing sugar 糖粉;aspartame 阿斯巴甜。【各类糖果名称】棒棒糖 lollipops 跳跳糖jump candies 夹心糖filled candies 口香糖chewing gum 泡泡糖bubble gum 太妃糖toffee 水果糖fruit candies 奶糖milk candies/cream candies【零食snack类词语】mint薄荷糖/cracker饼干/棒棒糖bonbon/茶tea (沏茶make the tea)/话梅prune candied plum/锅巴rice crust/瓜子melon seed/冰棒(冰果)i

5、ce(frozen)sucker/冰淇凌ice cream/防腐剂preservative/圣代冰淇淋sundae/巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley/布丁pudding【相关民间传统糕点说法】年糕 rice cake, new year cake 绿豆糕 bean paste cake 糯米糕 glutinous rice cake 芋头糕 taro cake 马蹄糕 water chestnut cake 杏仁饼 almond biscuit桃酥 walnut cake春卷 spring roll煎堆 sesame seed ball【roll】crusty roll

6、 硬皮面包;soft roll 软面包;sweet roll 甜面包;sweet omelet roll 鱼末鸡蛋卷;baked meat roll 局酿肉粉卷;cheese roll 干酪面包;egg roll 炸蛋卷;jelly roll 果冻蛋卷蛋糕;ham roll 火腿面包。【corn】玉米糖浆 corn syrup;玉米淀粉 corn starch;甜玉米 sweet corn;糯玉米 waxy corn;玉米面 corn flour;玉米油 corn oil;玉米浓汤 corn soup;玉米饼 corn cake;玉米色拉 corn salad;爆米花 popcorn。【办公室

7、常用设备】attendance & access system 门禁系统;printer 打印机;copier 复印机;paper shredder 碎纸机;fax machine 传真机;laptop 笔记本电脑;desktop 台式电脑;PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) 掌上电脑;projector 投影仪;scanner 扫描仪;router 路由器。【办公室常用四字短语】Back in a moment!/Ill be right back! 马上回来;Come to the point! 说重点;Dont let me down! 别让我失望;Great

8、 minds think alike! 英雄所见略同;Ill check it out! 我来看看;Ill see to it! 我会留意的;Its worth a try! 值得一试。【公司的多种说法】enterprise企业;associated enterprises 联合企业 ;conglomerate 联合大企业;small and medium-sized enterprise(SME) 中小企业;joint venture 合资企业;group 集团;multicompany 跨业公司;multinational corporation 跨国集团【带薪假期 paid holida

9、y】【带薪年假 paid annual leave (The holiday will last from May 1 to 7, 3 days of which are legal national holidays followed by a 2-day weekend and a 2-day paid annual leave. 5月1日至7日放假,其中3天为国家法定节日,2天为周末,2天为带薪年假。)】【与cat相关的短语I】bell the cat 为大家的利益承担危险;old cat 脾气很坏的老太婆;fat cat 有钱有势的人;cat-and-dog life 经常争吵的生活(

10、常与lead连用);dead cat 猛烈的攻击;like a scalded cat 拼命逃走,到处乱窜;copy cat 盲目的模仿者;cat burglar 飞贼。【可以谈谈吗?】1) Can I talk to you right now? 可以谈谈吗?2) You got a minute? 有空吗?3) Can I have a word with you? 可以跟你谈谈吗? 4) Can I bend your ears for a minute? 可以给我一分钟吗?我有事要说 5)Can we sit down and talk it over?我们可以坐下来谈一谈吗?6) C

11、an we talk? 可以谈一下吗【“旅行”ing】: 1)Get going!赶快动身吧 2)Weve got to hit the road.我们要赶快了 3)Im exhausted.筋疲力尽 4)Ive got my second wind.短暂休息后精力得以恢复 5) Lets grab a bite to eat.赶紧吃点东西吧(时间很紧) 6)Its a short-cut.近路 7)Be back in 30 minutes!三十分钟内回来【发牢骚】1)He is the pain in the neck.他真让人讨厌 2)He has an axe to grind.他另有

12、企 图 3)He is a fast talker.他是个吹牛大王 4)Im bored to death.无聊死了 5)Dont push me.别逼 我 6)Dont play possum!别裝蒜 7)Cheap skate!小气鬼 8)I cant make both ends meet.我入不敷出了【三个单词说地道口语】1. 气死我了! Tick me off! 2. 太过分了! Thats too much! 3. 你开玩笑呢吧? Are you kidding? 4. 我不知道。Ive no idea. 5. 别逼我! Dont push me! 6. 一言为定! Its a d

13、eal! 7. 我也是这么认为的。You said it.【形容味道】 taste 味道; tasty 美味的; delicious 味道好的; sweet 甜的; sour 酸的; bitter 苦的; hot 辣的; salty 咸的; spiced 加香料的; fragrant 香的; seasoned 加作料的; tasteless 无味的; flat 淡而无味的(如走了气的啤酒); greasy 油腻的; bland 清淡的【各种”hat”短语】1)talk through ones hat胡说八道 2)keep it under your hat保密 3)old hat老手,专家

14、4)take my hat off to sb;hat off to sb(BE);tip my hat to sb(AE)敬佩某人 5)at the drop of a hat脾气一触即发 6)hat in hand不得已求人又感到难堪 7)wear two hats at a time同时任两个职务【有关“动物”的表达】1)I can smell a rat.事有蹊跷 2)You are a rat.行事不光明磊落 3)I am so hungry. I can eat a horse.我好饿, 能吃下一匹马 4)You chicken.你这胆小鬼 5)This is a dog-eat-

15、dog world.人吃人的世界 6)Lets pig out.大吃一顿 7)Smoking is monkey on my back.吸烟成了我的负担【赞美】This is really a nice place.这真是个好地方。You two make a lovely couple.你们真是天生一对!You have a good taste.你很有品位。You look very smart.你看起来真棒。I must take my hat off to you.我得向你致敬。I must say it really tastes good.我得说这真的很好吃。【买单怎么说】1. I

16、ts on me. 我请客/算我账上。 2. Its my treat. 我请客。 3. Im buying. 我来买单。 4. Let me get this. 我来做东/付钱吧(口语化表达)。 5. This is my round. 轮到我付钱了。 6. Ill pick up the check. 我来结账。 7. Shall we split the check? 我们大家平摊?【关于Hot的俚语】1. hot button 敏感问题;2. hot potato 烫手山芋,比喻棘手的事情;3. feel/go hot and cold 身体忽冷忽热(因为害怕或震惊);4. go/sell like hot cakes 非常抢手;5. hot on ones heels 紧跟某人;6. Hot damn! 妙哉!(表示惊喜)。【你hold住了么】hold o


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