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1、仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit-Topic-Section-A教学设计 作者: 日期:8 Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square? Section A课时教案 第( 1 )课时课题Unit6 Topic2 sectionA第( 1)教时课型新课教学目标Knowledge aims:1. words: receive, postcard, vacation, explore, look forward to 2.sentences: while you were enjoying your trip

2、to Mount Tai,I was busy preparing for my exams would you like to come to China for your vacation?How about exploring Tiananmen Square? 3.Ss can make up new sentences using“when/while”Skill aims:1. Ss can understand the conversation about invition and request2. Ss can use express how to talk with sb.

3、 about vacation.Emotional aims:Through learning SectionA ,Ss are able to教学重难点Key points:1. 谈论度假和旅游的话题。 2. 初步掌握时间状语从句的用法。Difficult points:掌握when 和while 引导的时间状语从句的用法。课前准备Computer multimedia projector教法与学法Teaching Method: Situational-Teaching Method Task-based Teaching MethodLearning Strategy:Group-coo

4、perative learning scanning教学过程设计设计意图Stage1 Getting students ready for learningStep 1 Greetings T:Good morning, boys and girls, how are you feeling today?Ss :Im feeling happy/excited/disappointedStep 2: Show some pictures to introduce the trip to BeijingStage 2 Pre-listeningStep 1. Teach the word “po

5、stcard, receive, explore”T: Please look at the picture. Whats this?Ss: Its T:Yes, Its a postcard. My friend in England sent me the postcard last week. And I received this postcard today. Last year when I was in England, we went to a lot of places in London. That means we explored London.Step 2 .Let

6、the students think about what we should do before our friends comes here. Have a group discussion and make a list of suggestions.Step 3 .Make the students predict the content about what they were talking. Look at 1b, and then finish it.Stage 3 While-listening Step 1.Play 1a, the student and his/her

7、partner listen carefully, and finish 1b together.Step2 . Let the Ss read 1a quickly and number the sentences.Step3.Listen the third time, and check the answers of 1b and 1c.Step 4. Let student read the text by themselves, three students make one group who practice the dialogue.Step5 . Let the Ss rea

8、d 1a again, find out adverbial clause of time and other key points, and then make a report in groups.Stage 4 Post-listening Step 1. Look at the example sentences of 3, try to summary the using of “when /while”Step 2. Finish the exercise of 3 ,make another four new sentences with “when/while”Step 3.

9、Check the answer and practice.to prepare for the exam.Stage 5 Assigning homeworkStep 1. Encourage the Ss to summarize the important points together.Step 2.Homework1. Review the key points in Section A. 2. Master the use of “when” and “while”, and make more sentences with them.3. Search the Internet

10、to find some information about Tiananmen Square. 4. Preview Section B. 通过师生互相问候,吸引学生注意力学习听力材料中的核心生词、词组以及重难句。在于训练学生从听力材料中获取相关信息的能力,同时能将听力文字信息与图片相互转换,完成判断,以及根据关键词把握文章事件先后顺序,据此重构文章内容的能力。把学生从1a中找出来的重要的短语,时间状语从句要展示出来,以便分析学习。归纳总结本课重点知识,反馈学生的掌握情况。在于引导学生总结本课所学知识,并布置家庭作业。板书板图设计Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 2

11、How about exploring Tiananmen Square?Section A 1. receive the postcard2. be busy doing sth.3. (be) on vacation4. Darren was having a class while Michael was climbing a mountain. 本课时教学评价与反思The students like Beijing very much. They are interested in exploring Beijing. They can grasp the sentences about invitation, suggestion, agreement and request well. And they understand the usage of adverbial clause of time easily.


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