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1、2011最新java考题测验第一部分:选择题question no: 11、public class testpublic static void mainplease write the output result :question no:21. public class test6. public static void main13. 考试用书14. what is the result?a. abdcbdcbb. abcdabcdc. compilation fails.d. an exception is thrown at runtime。question no: 7which

2、of the following statements regarding the lifecycle of a session bean are correct?1. java.lang.illegalstateexception is thrown if sessioncontext.getejbobject is invoked when a stateful session bean instance is passivated.2. sessioncontext.getrollbackonly does not throw an exception when a session be

3、an with bean-managed transaction demarcation is activated.3. an exception is not thrown when sessioncontext.getusertransaction is called in the afterbegin method of a bean with container-managed transactions.4. jndi access to java:comp/env is permitted in all the sessionsynchronization methods of a

4、stateful session bean with container-managed transaction demarcation.5. accessing resource managers in the sessionsynchronization.afterbegin method of a stateful session bean with bean-managed transaction does not throw an exception.第二部分:概念题1. 描述struts体系结构?对应各个部分的开发工作主要包括哪些?2. xml包括哪些解释技术,区别是什么?3. j

5、sp有哪些内置对象和动作?它们的作用分别是什么?4、sql问答题0select * from table和0select * from tablewhere name like % and addr like %and的检索结果为何不同?5、sql问答题表结构:1、 表名:g_cardapply字段: 源:中华考试网g_applyno varchar 8;/申请单号(关键字)g_applydate bigint 8;/申请日期g_state varchar 2;/申请状态2、 表名:g_cardapplydetail字段:g_applyno varchar 8;/申请单号(关键字)g_name varchar 30;/申请人姓名g_idcard varchar 18;/申请人身份证号g_state varchar 2;/申请状态其中,两个表的关联字段为申请单号。题目:1、 查询身份证号码为440401430103082的申请日期2、 查询同一个身份证号码有两条以上记录的身份证号码及记录个数3、 将身份证号码为440401430103082的记录在两个表中的申请状态均改为074、 删除g_cardapplydetail表中所有姓李的记录


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