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1、Love is fallacy,bid v.投标 (for sth) eg. A french firm will be biding for the contract. 一家法国公司将投标争取这项合同. vt. 向某人问候 道别 eg. I bade farewell to all the friends. 我告别了所有的朋友. vt. 告诉 、吩咐 eg. He bade me come closer. 他让我靠近些. n. 投标 、努力争取(权力之争 a bid for power),Loom vi 隐隐呈现 eg. A dark shape loomed up ahead of us.

2、 一个黑糊糊的影子隐隐出现在我们面前. vi 显得突出、逼近 eg. Food shortages loom in some parts or Africa. 食物短缺在非洲一些地区迫在眉睫. vt. 用织布机织 n.隐约出现的巨大的影子、织布机 loom large 令人忧虑 eg. The prospect of war loomed large. 战争的阴影在逼近,令人忧虑. hand loom 手织样,dimensions n. 常用复数 规模、程度、范围 eg. That is a problem of considerable dimensions. 那是一个涉及面相当广的问题.

3、n. 方面、侧面 eg. Her job added a new dimension to her life. 她的工作为她的生活增添了新的内容. n. 量度、尺寸、面积 n.数学维(数)、维数度 n.物理学量纲,commit vt. 犯(罪或错) eg. Most crimes are committed by young men. 多数罪行都是青年人犯下的. vt. 承诺 、保证sb/oneself (to sth) eg. Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. 双方承诺和平解决争端. vt. 把

4、学好记牢 eg. She committed the constructions to memory. 她把指令记得很牢. vt.把托付给 eg. The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer . 老人把他的遗嘱委托律师保管 . suicide 自杀,confess vi.供认、坦白、承认(错误或罪行) to sthdoing sth eg. She confessed to the murder. 她供认犯了谋杀罪. vt that eg. He confessed that he had stolen the money.

5、 他承认他偷了那笔钱. vi.承认(自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事) eg. She was reluctant to confess her ignorance. 她不愿承认她的无知. vt.(向上帝)忏悔 eg. She confessed her sins. 她忏悔她的罪过. candidily confess供认不讳,phrase in the nature of 具有的性质 up to the standard 达到标准 go about 从事 go over to 朝走去 at ones finger tips 精通、掌握 take up 讨论,Dicto simplicter(绝对判断)

6、 This fallacy is commited by an argument that applies a general rule to a particular case in which some special circumistances makes the rule inapplicable. Eg. Exercise is good. Therefore everybody should exercise. Eg. Watching television is a waste of time. Eg. Eating meat will make people gain exc

7、ess weight.,understatement It is a statement which is not strong enough to express the full or true facts or feelings. In Chinese, “轻描淡写的陈述,不充分的陈述”,与Hyperbole(夸张)是相对的一种修辞格。 Understatement 常用的表现方法 反说代替正说(用no,not,none,never以及否定词缀等否定词与否定表达法来表述肯定的内容这种表达方式又叫曲言法litotes也称间接肯定法) 故意轻描淡写,从不同的角度强调事物的重要性. eg. T

8、he face wasnt a bad one; it had what they called charm. 也就是说The face was sweet; her charm conquered everybody. 采用低调渲染强调她的魅力. Eg. There is no doubt about that. 这件事情毫无疑问.,Metonymy A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated. 一个词或词组被另一个与

9、之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法. 借代的表现形式与修辞功能 1.以事物的特征代替事物本身. Eg. He stood still with his hands in his pockets and smiled at the sight of brass buttons. 铜纽扣是美国警察制服的一个明显特征,因此用来代替警察 2. 物体代替相关的人物 Eg. Grey hairs should be respected. 老人应受到尊重,3. 机构所在地代替机构本身 Eg.The Wall Street is in a panic. “借”华尔街“代”美国各金融机构,通过简练的语言传递着局势紧迫的信息 4. 地点代替已发事件 Eg. Lets not let Thailand become another Vietnam. 借越南之名代战争场所之意,无疑起到了触目惊心的警示作用 5. 抽象事物代替具体事物 Eg. The pen is mightier than the sword. 笔要比剑更锋利,Thank you!,


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