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1、原 创 承 诺 书我承诺所呈交的毕业论文是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。若本论文及资料与以上承诺内容不符,本人愿意承担一切责任。 毕业论文作者签名:_ _ 日期:2014年12月 28日目 录摘要 IAbstract 引言 1幼儿教师队伍建设的重要性 1 1.1幼儿的个性由幼儿教师塑造 1 1.2幼儿教师肩负了多种角色特性 12幼儿教师队伍的现状问题 22.1幼儿教师队伍的职业压力大 22.2幼儿教师队伍的平均待遇普遍较低 22.3幼儿教师队伍的社会认可度低职业成就感少 23幼儿教师队

2、伍的现状问题的原因分析 3 3.1幼儿教师队伍的职业压力大的原因分析 3 3.1.1校园幼儿安全责任压力大 4 3.1.2教学工作内容复杂 4 3.1.3比赛任务多学习任务多 4 3.2幼儿教师队伍的福利待遇普遍较低的原因分析 4 3.2.1缺编严重公办园非编制幼儿教师待遇较低 4 3.2.2特殊教育体制下民办幼儿园教师队伍待遇更低 53.3幼儿教师队伍社会认可度低成就感少的原因分析 5 3.3.1家长对幼儿教育的认识存在误区 5 3.3.2学前教育缺乏具体立法支撑应予重视 5 3.3.3社会却没有区分幼教的专业化与非专业化 64解决幼儿教师队伍的现状问题对策 64.1努力消除幼儿教师的职业压

3、力 6 4.1.1幼儿教师提高自我干预、自我调节能力 6 4.1.2幼儿园科学管理,营造轻松工作氛围 6 4.1.3加强社会支持,正确评价幼儿教师 64.2提高待遇最大限度调动幼儿教师工作潜能 64.3切实提高幼儿教师的社会声望 7 4.3.1落实提高幼儿教师队伍的专业化水平 7 4.3.2体制改革努力优化教师队伍 7 4.3.3加强教育法制 75结论 8 参考文献 9 致谢词 10 摘要随着中国社会的不断进步和中国经济的高速发展,幼儿教育事业越来越受到大家的关注。2010年颁布的国家中长期改革与发展规划纲要中明确提出了基本普及学前教育的目标,随后国务院又颁布了国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干


5、业压力;提高待遇最大限度调动幼儿教师工作潜能;通过切实落实提高幼儿教师队伍的专业化水平、体制改革努力优化教师队伍、加强教育法制建设等方法切实提高幼儿教师的社会声望。关键词:幼儿教师队伍 现状分析 职业压力 福利待遇 体制改革 IAbstractWith the high-speed development of the continuous progress of society andeconomy China China preschool education, more and more attention. 2010 promulgated the national long-term

6、 reform and development plan clearly put forward the basic goal of universal pre-school education, then the State Councilpromulgated the some opinions of the State Council on the development of pre-school education, the importance of the development of early childhood education strength in the futur

7、e development of beneficial to the peoples livelihood and National height. In support of the state, society, nearly twentyyears of preschool education in China has been rapid development. As teachersis the main force of the educational reform, the teacher quality will directly affectthe quality of e

8、ducation. The present situation of teachers of young children,found that the main existing problems, put forward the countermeasure and suggestion of effective, has the extremely important historical significance to improve the quality of early childhood education.The main causes of the problems are

9、: the occupation pressure of preschool teachers is large, the average salary of preschool teachers is generally low.Preschool teachers low social approval occupation accomplishment missing.Based on the above problems, put forward the development of preschool teachers suggestions: improve the self in

10、terference self adjustment ability,scientific management to create a relaxed working atmosphere in kindergarten,to strengthen social support the correct evaluation of teachers and othermethods by preschool teachers, efforts to eliminate the occupation pressure of preschool teachers; improve the trea

11、tment of maximum mobilization of preschool teachers work potential by effectively to raise the reform; professional level,system of preschool teachers strive to optimize teacher team, to strengthen the education of legal system construction method to improve preschool teachers social prestige.Key wo

12、rds:Preschool Tteachersteam Situation Analysis Occupational Stress Welfare Benefit StructuralReformII导言学前阶段是人类人格发展的关键期亦是学习的萌芽期,是整个教育学习工程体系的重要基石,世界各国续发表教育白皮书,一定要让教育脱离资源缺乏和贫穷的困境,用完善的教育制与政府的公权保障每一个小朋友应有的平等受教育权。环顾各经济发达技术先进国家的幼儿教育政策,无极力提倡“普及幼儿教育”和“及早就学”的观点,以奠定国家未人才的世界性竞争与创造力。经济合作与发展组织在学前教育方面,出版了比较12个国家的学

13、前教育报告Starting Strong: Early Childhood Education and Care指出:无论是经济发达国家或是发展中国家,都对幼儿接受高质量学前教育越来越放在重要地位来看待,并且给予幼儿在正式入学前免费的学前教育。幼儿教师是连接课程和幼儿之间的一座极其重要的桥梁,肩负着学前教育的重要任务。随着新的幼儿园教育指导纲要的实施和广大群众对幼儿教育的强烈重视,现代社会对幼儿教师提出了更高更新的要求。同时,幼儿教育领域的逐步改革让广大幼儿教师的职业安全感和稳定的物质待遇面临巨大的挑战。社会对幼儿教师的社会地位、经济待遇的忽视与其对幼儿教师越来越高的社会期望之间出现了越来越大的鸿沟。通过了解目前幼儿教师队伍的社会重要性、工作压力、待遇福利、社会认同感、职业成就感等几方面的现实状况,并在文献研究的基础上,从建构主义理论出发,研究和提出解决幼儿教师发展困境的对策。


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