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1、Ruskin:John Ruskin(18191900),English critic and social theorist,was the virtual dictator of artistic opinion in England during the mid-19th century. Ruskin attended Oxford from 1836 to 1840 and won the Newdigate Prize for poetry. In 1843 appeared the first volume of Modern Painters. This work elabor

2、ates the principles that art is based on national and individual integrity and morality and also that art is a universal language. The Seven Lamps of Architecture applied these same theories to architecture. About 1857, Ruskins art criticism became more broadly social and political. In his works he

3、attacked bourgeois England and charged that modern art reflected the ugliness and waste of modern industry. Ruskin r s positive program for social reform appeared in Sesame and Lilies (1865), The Crown of Wild Olive (1866), Time and Tide (1867), and Fors Clavigera (8 vols. , 1871- 1884). Many of his

4、 suggested programs-old age pensions, nationalization of education, organization of labor-have become accepted doctrine. . 1. The writer humorously uses words like limp, flaccid and spongy to describe his essay . Nationally he doesnt believe his essay to be bad, or else he would not have written nor

5、 would it have been published. Max Shulman is well-known for his humor.2. The purpose of this essay, according to the writer, is to demonstrate that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic subject, is a living, breathing :thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma. Logic may be an interesting subject,

6、 but it is definitely not a living, breathing, full of beauty, passion and trauma. The writer is exaggerating for the sake of humor.3. The narrator considers Petey Burch dumb as an ox because he thinks Petey to be unintelligent, an emotional and impressionable type of person. However, Peteyr s worst

7、 fault is that he is a faddist, he is swept up in every new craze that comes along.4. He decided to teach Polly Espy logic because he wanted not only a beautiful wife but also an intelligent one. The narrator wanted a wife who would help to further his career as a lawyer. He found Polly had all the

8、necessary qualities except intelligence. This he decided to remedy by teaching her logic. He succeeded only too well for in the end Polly refused to go steady with him and employed all the logical fallacies she had been taught to reject his offer.5. (1) The fallacy of accident is committed by an arg

9、ument that applies a general rule to a particular case in which some special circumstances (accident) makes the rule inapplicable. This is the Dicto Simpliciter fallacy in the text.(2) The converse fallacy of accident argues improperly from a special case to a general rule. The fact that a certain d

10、rug is beneficial to some sick persons does not imply that it is beneficial to all men. This is the fallacy of Hasty Generalization in the text.(3) The fallacy of irrelevant conclusion is committed when the conclusion changes the point that is at issue in the premises. Special cases of irrelevant co

11、nclusion are presented by the so- called fallacies of relevance. These include: (a) the argu- ment Ad Hominem (speaking against the man rather than to the issue, or the fallacy of *Poisoning the Well mentioned in the text) in which the premises may only make a personal attack on a person who holds s

12、ome thesis, instead of offering grounds showing why what he says is false; (b) the argument Ad Miserieordiam (an appeal to pity), as when a trial lawyer, rather than arguing for his clients innocence, tries to move the jury to sympathy for him. (4)The fallacy of circular argument or begging the ques

13、tion occurs when the premises presume, openly or covertly, the very conclusion that is to be demonstrated (example :Gregory always votes wisely. But how do you know? Because he always votes Libertarian. ). (5)The fallacy of false cause mislocates the cause of one phenomenon in another that is only s

14、eemingly related. The most common version of this fallacy, called post hoc, ergo propter hoc, mistakes temporal sequence for causal connection-as when a misfortune is attributed to a malign event, like the dropping of a mirror. (6)The fallacy of many questions consists in demanding or giving a singl

15、e answer to a question when this answer could either be divided (example: Do you like the twins?Neither yes nor no; but Ann yes and Mary no. )or refused altogether, because a mistaken presupposition is involved (example-Have you stopped beating your wife?). (7)The fallacy of non Sequitur (it does no

16、t follow), still more drastic than the preceding, occurs when there is not even a deceptively plau- sible appearance of valid reasoning, because there is a virtually complete lack of connection between the given premises and the conclusion drawn from them.1. The title of the story is humorous and well chosen. It has two meanings. When fallacy is taken in its ordinary sense, the title means: There is a deceptive or d


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