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1、Listening,Zhou Rui has decided to do a project on a living British inventor called James Dyson. So he telephoned Dysons company in England to interview one of its engineers about the great mans ideas.,Situation,1. Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear., washing machine drum refrigerator cou

2、rt carpet cleaner bicycle,Washing machines at that time do not clean the clothes as well as by hand.,He invented a machine using two half drums which move in opposite directions.,2. Listen again and make notes on James Dysons invention.,Listening on Page 62,Read these questions before listening and

3、discuss them in pairs.,1. What functions are already included on a mobile phone? 2. Which ones do you find useful? 3. What else do you expect a mobile phone to do for you?, a mobile that “think” a mobile that spends your money a mobile that can teach you English a mobile that chooses your holiday,Li

4、sten to the tape and tick the descriptions you have heard., a mobile that makes tea a mobile that is a computer a mobile that wakes you up a mobile that orders your food,Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.,Which mobile does Mary think she will buy and why? Mary wants to buy the mobi

5、le that _ when it receives _. She missed _ yesterday when her mobile was _.,turns itself on,important calls,three,switched/ turned off,2. What extra applications do mobiles have now? Mobiles can _ and act as _ now.,take photographs,a computer,3. What extra applications will they have with the 3-G mo

6、biles? They will be able to _ how you use your phone. They will _, choose _, _ and an appropriate place to stay. They will authorize _ them too.,monitor,book holidays,the airline,hotel,paying for,4. Why is Mary worried? Mary is worried because it might _.,spend her money,5. What advantages do the 3G

7、 mobiles offer? The advantages are that it helps people who are busy _ to order _ at the _ or book holidays, air tickets, etc.,at work,goods,cheapest price,6. What do you think might go wrong? The mobile may spend money _ or spend more than a person can _. You may forget _ and not include it in your accounts of your _.,unwisely,afford,the spending,personal income,悉尼自助游 悉尼自助游 fwaetyn5,再见,


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