民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)

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民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)_第1页
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民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)_第2页
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民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)_第3页
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民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)_第4页
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《民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(civil and commercial law, economic law, legal english, vocabulary)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、民商法学、经济法学法律英语专业词汇(Civil and commercial law, economic law, legal English, vocabulary)Civil and commercial law, economic law, legal English, vocabularyCivil and Commercial Law: Civil LawsEconomic Law: Commercial, Laws, and, Economic, LawsIn accordance with the proportion of investment: in, proportion,

2、 to, one, s, respective, contributions, to, the, investmentFor cancellation of registration: cancel the registrationAgent: the principalInfringer: the infringedMy name: in one s nameTarget: subject matterCompensation system: compensation systemReal estate registration system: Lot, and, Block, System

3、Property Law: Property LawProperty accession: accretion of property; property accessionProperty mortgage: property mortgageProperty inheritance: the, right, of, inheritanceProperty relations and personal relationships: property, relationships, and, personal, relationshipsProperty Manager: property a

4、dministrator; custodian of propertyProperty pooling: confusion; hotchpotProperty lien: encumbranceWritten form: in writingWarehouse receipt: warehouse voucherInitial a contract: draft contracts; sign a referendum contract; ad referendum contractLong term contract: long-term contractSolvency: solvenc

5、y, capability, of, reimbursementBeyond agency: beyond, the, scope, of, one, s, power, agency, ofCancellation of contract: cancellation of contractCancelling contracts: cancel, a, contract; rescind, a, contract; avoid a contractRight of revocation: right, of, rescission, right, of, revocationRevocati

6、on of offer: revocation, of, offer, revoke, an, offerRevocation of bequest: cancellation, O, will; revocationi of willCarrier: actual, fault, of, the, carrierThe carriers lien: carrier s lienGood faith principle: principle, of, good, faithGood faith principle: principle, honesty, and, credibility, p

7、rinciple, of, honestry, and, good, faith, good, faith, principle, bona, fide, principleCharterer: chartererShip mortgage: right, of, mortgage, with, respect, to, a, ship, mortage, of, the, ship, ship, mortgageThe setting of ship mortgage: establishment, of, mortgage, of, the, shipExtinction of ship

8、mortgage: extinguishments, of, the, mortgage, of, the, shipRegistration of ship mortgage: gistration, of, ship, mortgagePossessory lien on vessel: possessory lien; lien of shipVillage committee: the, village, committeePunitive damages; punitive damagesTake: advantage of ones s unfavorable positionDi

9、sposal of property: dispose, of, propertiesDisposition: Act, of, disposition处分原则:处分原则代理民事活动:代理民事活动代理权终止:一个代理权终止单独承担的责任:不承担责任单方法律行为:单方义务单方行政行为:单方行政行为等价有偿:等价有偿对等原则:互惠原则对价:考虑对抗措施:对策对人权:债权;人身权对世权:物权;物权恶意串通:恶意串通恶意行为:恶意行为法人:法人;法人法人的权利能力:法人的权利能力法人的责任能力:法人的责任能力法人权限:公司权力法人人格:法人人格法人身份:一个法人地位法人团体:公司法人资格:企业能力法人






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