高中英语 Unit 3 Under the

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《高中英语 Unit 3 Under the》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 3 Under the(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Under the sea-Section(1).根据首字母和汉语提示写出单词1The old captain told us an a_ how he survived after he fell into the cold water.2The travelling students found the a_ available in the hotel.3In my hometown,swallows are m_ while sparrows are not.4Mr.Watsons a_ income is US $20 000,which supports the wh

2、ole family expenses.5He was the only w_ of the accident,who would give important information.6It is their _(协作) that has led to the success of the programme.7I _(催促)my students to look through their lessons ahead of my explanation.8Hunger forced people to _(逃离)their hometown to the Northeast for a l

3、ife.9A heavy truck was being _(拖)to the garage after the accident.10Five _(遗弃)babies are being dragged up by ten old women in that beadhouse.单句改错1Because he is a skill hunter,he is still very careful with the fish._2My stolen car was found abandon by the riverside._3The soldiers tried to help the vi

4、llagers in of the snow._4We havent reached the deep before we find enough water._5I was to go shopping when an unexpected visitor came to see me._.用下列词组或单词的正确形式完成句子1John _ a house,saying that was his home.2The fire broke out suddenly so that no one could _ the police.3There _ a 100meter race when it

5、 began to rain.4_it rains,the footballers are still going to play the game.5If you want to _others,you must work harder.6Ten mountain climbers _of the valley with the help of helicopter.7The war _and in the meantime,an economic crisis took place in that country.8He got the first prize;_,he broke the

6、 records.9We saw the ship was sailing _but the lady was still watching it.10The man suddenly fell over,and his suitcase was _ the board.单项填空1Im dead tired.I cant walk any farther,Jenny. _,Tommy.You can do it!ANo problemBNo hurry CCome on DThats OK2I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonigh

7、t?_.Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCYes,indeed DI dont care3They are demanded to finish their task _.Abefore time Bahead of timeCget out of time Din front of time4I shall prove to you that _ is not speaking the truth.Athe rich Bthe police Cthe witness Dthe family5He _a shower when

8、 the doorbell rang.Awas having Bwere about to haveChave had Dhad.阅读理解A“The noise made by boats of whale watching tourists may be causing communication problems for the animals,” British researchers said last week.Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in places where groups of killer whales (虎

9、鲸) live.Every day,dozens of boats filled with tourists go to watch the beautiful animals.Unfortunately,the engines of the boats make a lot of noise,and that may be causing problems for the whales,according to a report in the US science magazine Nature.The whales travel in groups,and communicate with

10、 each other through sonic (声波的) calls that some scientists refer to as singing.The sounds of the boat engines may be creating too much background noise for the whales to be able to hear each other.The researchers listened to recordings of whale calls made between 15 and 25 years ago,before whale wat

11、ching became popular.These were compared to more recent recordings.They found that the animals have started to sing for longer than they used to,like a person shouting to a friend across a noisy room.It is believed that the whales are trying to communicate hunting or breeding(繁殖) information.Scienti

12、sts said that,if this is prevented,the future of the worlds whale population could be in danger.“Animals become slow in mind and repeat themselves in noisy areas,” said Volker Deecke,a Canadian biologist.“They have to say things twice or three times in order to be understood.”The killer whales studi

13、ed were living off the coast of northwestern America.The number of killer whales in this area has been falling for several years,but scientists are not sure why.1The passage mainly tells us _.Athe problems of whale watchingBhow killer whales communicate with each otherCthe reduced population of killer whales caused by whale watchingDhearing problems of the killer whales caused by whale watching 2Now in a noisy background,the killer whales have to _.Asing in a louder voiceBsing longerCtravel in smaller groupsDget ne


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