牛津英语7A unit2 period 9,10 PPT课件

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1、Unit 2 main task,1.单词 1.world 2. difficult 3. part 2.词组 1. be good for sb 2. help sb do 3.get ready for sth 4. learn more about sth 3句子 1. It is good for us 2.It is hard for me 3.They help us get ready for the day 4. It is too difficult and we have too much,翻译短语 1.因-而感谢某人 2.愿意干 3.做早操 4.上课 5.你最喜欢的功课

2、6.期待,盼望 7.每位学生的票价 8.关着的,thank sb for doing sth,would like to do sth,do morning exercises,have lessons,your favourite lessson,look forward to,the price for each student,be closed,Ask the students some questions,1.Do you like doing morning exercises ?,2.What time do you have lessons in the morning ?,3

3、.What do you do at lunchtime ?,4.Do you often play basketball after school ?,5.Do you like doing your homework ?,6.Do you like drawing ?,7.Do you like reading books ?,Today we will talk about our favourite activities, first ,lets have a look at Millies happiness chart as a model. It shows you how to

4、 say the reason for your favourite activities,Answer some questions according to what you read.,1.What does Millie love ? Why ?,2.What does Millie like ? Why ?,3. What does Millie dislike ? Why ?,Read the sentences and learn new phrases and sentences,1.be good for 2.help sb do 3.get ready for 4.chat

5、 with sb 5.learn more about,对-有好处,帮助某人干某事,为-作好准备,与某人聊天,了解更多的关于-,6.They help us get ready for the day.,7. Its hard for me,8.It is too difficult and we have too much,Please finish your happiness chart ,add more activities,Ask the students to read their chart : I love- I like - I dislike -,Can you writ

6、e down the reasons ?ask the students to write down the reasons,Can you read your chart to us ? Ask some students to read theirs,Write e-mails to your e-friends about your school life,Unit 2 Checkout,Ask them some questions. 1.When do you get up in the morning ?,2.What time do you go to school ?,3 .D

7、o you do morning exercises ?,4. What do you do at lunchtime ?,5. Do you play basketball after school ?,6.Do you listen to music at home ?,7.Do you watch TV at home ?,8. Do you do your homework at home ?,9. Do you write letters at home ?,1. According to the words and phrases say something about your

8、day get up at school day starts at morning exercises at lunch time after school play. at home(watch listen to homework read write),2. Ask them to say something about Millies day (Each student says one sentence first ),3.Ask them to say something about Millies school life ( one student ,one sentence

9、),4.Finish part A on p37 Check the answer ,then read the dialogue Act it out,5. Finish Part B on p37 ,then check the answer,6. Finish some more exercises,翻译词组 1.相互聊天 2.我最喜欢的功课 3.某人花时间干 4.玩的开心 6. 发邮件给 7.放学后 8. 制作模型飞机 9.听音乐,chat with each other,my favourite lesson,Spenddoing sth,have a good/great/nice

10、 time,send an email to sb,after school,make model planes,listen to music,10.一周两次 11.偶然遇见 12.我最好的朋友 13.对很友好 14.得到有关的信息 15.盼望,期待. 16. 每个学生付的价格 17.对有益 18的答案,twice a week,meet up with sb,my best friend,be nice to sb,get some information about,look forward to,the price for each student,be good for,the an

11、swer to,用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Sometimes Lucy _ TV on Friday evening ( watch ) 2. _ Limei _ English every day ? (read) 3.Tom _ a member of the Reading Club.(not,be ) 4.The boy likes _ in the river in Summer. ( swim ) 5.Every student wants _a good student in my class. ( be ),watches,Does read,isnt,swimming,t

12、o be,6. Lucy _ ( spend ) two hours a day _ her homework.( do ) 7._Millie _ about the news ? (know) 8. Sandy _volleyball every Tuesday (play) 9.His name _ (be ) Bob 10 He _ ( live ) in Nanjing , He_( not know )something about Wuxi,spends,doing,Does know,plays,is,lives,doesnt know,用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Bill a

13、nd Tom_to school every day (go) 2._they usually_basketball ? (play ) 3.We _to school on sundays.(not,go) 4.She often_lunch at home. (have ) 5._your father often_at home on Sundays ? ( stay ) 6.Miss Li teaches _English.(we) _ is a good teacher . ( her ) 7._ are your books ,take _away. (they),go,Do play,dont go,has,Does stay,us,she,They,them,Thank you!,Goodbye!,



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