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1、课时Period1教学内容TeachingContentsProject2 Our friendsThe first period教学目标Teaching Aims1、复习单元五至八的语言知识。2、利用单元五至八的语言知识,和同学进行问答活动,了解同学的朋友的基本信息。教学重点Teaching Key Points1、复习单元五至八的语言知识;2、熟练运用各单元的语言知识来谈论职业、爱好、学科及活动等话题。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points1、复习单元五至八的语言知识;2、熟练运用各单元的语言知识来谈论职业、爱好、学科及活动等话题。教学准备Teaching Prepar

2、ation学情分析Students Analysis熟练运用单元五至八的语言知识;教具准备Teaching Aids1、课件2、书上101页的card .课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 试着读一读书上内容,圈出自己不懂的单词、词组和句子。2. 试着回答书上的问题教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep 1 Warm upGreetings and free talk.Step 2 Learning aimsStep 3 Lets have a party1. New

3、Years Day is coming. Lets have a party!There are four game rooms at the party. They are the Hobby Room, the Job Room , the Weekend Room and the Friend Room. 2.First, lets go to the Hobby Room.(Ss: Hobby, hobby, Hobby Room!) T: These are some hobbies. Can you say them ? (S1:play table tennis S2:dance

4、 S3:swim S4:read books S5:play basketball S6:sing S7:watch films S8:play football)T:XX. What do you like doing?(4-8 Ss answer)T: Lets play a game. Ill give you ten seconds to remember their hobbies.(10秒)T: Can you ask your desk mate what are their hobbies? (同桌练习,4组起来展示)T: Can you talk about hobbies

5、now? (Yes, I can.) Tick .3.T: We know a lot of hobbies. Next, lets go to the Job Room. How to go to the Job Room? Lets say the jobs under the stones.(teacher,writer, doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, policeman, nurse)T: Ah, we are in the Job Room now! (Ss: Job, job, Job Room!)You know a lot of j

6、obs. Lets say a job chant.(节奏)Can make a new one?T: Different jobs do different things. How about their parents? Do you remember? You can ask your partner.(两人一组问答,4组表演)T: Can you talk about jobs?(Yes , I can.) Tick. 4.Then, lets go to the Weekend Room. (Ss: Weekend, weekend, Weekend Room!) T: Now ,

7、lets colour the weekend. My weekend is red. Because I can have a picnic at the weekends. What about you?(多人回答) So, weekend is colourful! T: Amys weekends are colourful too. Lets listen! (播放) Do you know about Amys weekends? Ask your classmates what Amy does at weekends?How to ask?(出示) What does Amy

8、do at weekends? (小组练习,三组表演) Can you talk about weekend activities? (Yes, I can. ) Tick. 5. We know Amy will have a party at Christmas. Guess the other things Amy does at Christmas.(四人一组讨论,两组上台表演,大家齐问:What does Amy do at Christmas?) Can you talk about Christmas?(Yes, I can.)Tick. 6. Finally, lets go

9、to the Friend Room! (Ss: Friend, friend, Friend Room!) Take out your card, you can write down your information.(背景音乐) Exchange your cards with your friends. Ask the questions about your deskmates friends.Ask and write down your deskmates friends information on page 88.Can you ask the classmates frie

10、nds information?(Tick)7.小结(分层)作业设计HomeworkA. 1. Ask more classmates friends information.2. Finish the cards on page101.B:Write a message about your classmates friend.板书设计Blackboard WritingProject 2 Our friendsLets have a party!HobbyJobWeekend Friend 课时Period2教学内容TeachingContentsProject 2 Our friends

11、(The second period)教学目标Teaching Aims1. 能正确熟练地运用五至八单元的交际用语进行交流。2. 能根据所了解到的同学的朋友的信息,制作任务信息卡,内容包括姓名、年龄、父母工作、最喜欢的学科、周末活动和圣诞活动等内容。3. 能借助信息卡片,描述人物,介绍朋友信息,结识更多的朋友。教学重点Teaching Key Points1. 学生能较熟练掌握一般现在时第三人称单数变化;2. 学生能较流利的运用一般现在时描述周末经常做的事情。3. 学生能制作任务信息卡。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points1. 能综合运用四个单元学到的单词和句型进行交流;

12、2. 能借助信息卡片,描述人物,介绍朋友信息。教学准备Teaching Preparation学情分析Students Analysis学生能较熟练掌握一般现在时第三人称单数变化。教具准备Teaching Aids1. Make an information card about you. (做一张自己的信息卡)2. Put the cards in a box.3. Choose one card. (选择一张同学的信息卡)课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 尝试着读一读本课语法部分的句子,试着自己总结一些规律。2尝试用已学句型描述同学。教 学

13、过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep 1. Free talk and warm up1. Sing a song: We wish you a Merry Christmas2. Free talkStep 2 Weekend activities1. Read and find读单词,总结出动词三单形式的变化规则2. Lets say 根据总结的动词三单形式的变化规则说出下列词的“三单”形式:grow(种植)- snow(下雪)- copy(抄写)- catch(捉)dress(打扮)- touch(触摸)- mil

14、k(挤牛奶)- 3. Collect eggs先快速并响亮地读出单词,再大声说出各类s的发音,把鸡蛋捡进正确的篮子。比一比谁的反应更快小结发音规则:1./s/(清)2./z/(浊)3./iz/(/t/,/,/s/,/z/结尾) 4./ts/(t结尾)5./dz/(d结尾)4. Do the puzzle (每幅图说六个周末活动,说出一个得一颗星,直接说对拼图内容,得两颗星)学生说周末活动,依次猜拼图内容描述的是哪项活动,并用句子描述。Picture 1: draw picturesLucy _ pictures with her dog at weekends. Picture 2: chat

15、 on the InternetTim often _ with his e-friends on the Internet.Picture 3: have a picnicLucy sometimes _ a picnic with her friend.5. Look and say Whos that girl/boy?How old is she/he?What does she/he do at weekends?What does she/he like doing?What subject does she/he like?1) Make a model.2) Choose one picture, the


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