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1、Unit 2,七年级英语 主备人:陈大超 授课人:翁美丽 议课时间:2014年9月21日 授课时间:第4周第4课时,Topic 1 I have a small nose.,Section A (1),1. Learn some words about parts of the body: nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck 2 . Learn the simple present tense with “have/has” and adjectives of description. (1)I have a small nose. (2

2、)They have round faces. (3)She has long hair. (4)It has big ears.,ges 猜 hv 有 sml 小的 nz 鼻子 hz 有 bg 大的 a 眼睛 n 知道,认识 rat 正确的,右边的 i 耳朵,he 头发 hed 头 fes 脸 nek 脖子 ma 嘴巴 rand 圆形的 l 长的 wad 宽的,Task1 New words Learning Guide1 read and memorize.,Check Say out the English with the Chinese.,guess have small nose

3、has big eye know right ear,hair head face neck mouth round long wide,eyes,nose,mouth,ears,face,hair,neck,head,Guide 2 Master the parts of the body.,Check: Complete 2a P28,I have a big _.,We have small _.,They have round _.,nose,mouths,faces,She has long _.,He has a wide _.,It has big _.,hair,mouth,e

4、ars,( )1. kangkang has big eyes. ( )2. Michael has a small nose. ( )3. Kangkang has a big nose. ( )4. A is Michael.,Task 2 Complete 1a P27 Guide1 Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False).,T,F,F,F,Check,Guide2 Read freely and understand.,5,A:Who am I ? Can you guess? B: Yes. Are you Michael? A:No,

5、 Im not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one. B: Do you have big eyes? A:Yes , I do. B: Oh, I know. You are KangKang. A: Yes, you are right.,知道,了解,对的,正确的,Check 按要求完成下列句子。,1. Can you open the door? (作肯定回答),2. Do you have an English book? (作否定回答),3. I dont _ a ruler, but Jane _ one.,have,has,Yes

6、, I can.,No, I dont.,Task 3 Language point Guide Manage the usage of “have / has“,he she it,has,I we you they,have,Check Complete 2b P28,have has,You _ a round face.,I _ a wide mouth.,He/Kangkang _ a big head.,She/Jane _ long hair.,We _ big ears.,They _ small eyes.,It _ a long neck.,have,have,has,ha

7、s,have,have,has,Exercise in class 一、根据提示,完成句子:(必做题) Can you guess, who am I?( 猜猜我是谁?) Guess, _who is he_? (猜他是谁?) -Do you have big eyes?(你有一双大眼睛吗?) -Yes, I do. 4. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.(我有个小鼻子,但他有个大的。 ) 5. Yes, youre right.(你是对的。) 二、读写人体部位的名称。(必做题) 1、脸 face 2、鼻子 nose 3、头发 hair,4、

8、眼睛 eye 5、嘴巴 mouth 6、耳朵 ear 7、脖子 neck 8、头 head 三、Choose the best answer.(必做题) ( A )1. This is Bruce. He_ a big head. A has B. have C. is D. are ( C )2. Mr. Lee has _short hair, _small nose and_ wide mouth. Aa; a; a B. a; the; / C./; a; a D. a; /; / ( D )3. I have a small mouth, but she has a wide _. A. mouth B. ones C. face D. one,a big nose,a small mouth,a round face raund,long hair big eyes,a wide mouth waid,big ears,Can you tell the adjectives (形容词)?,知识回顾Knowledge Review,


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