【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)

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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)_第1页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)_第2页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)_第3页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)_第4页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)_第5页
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《【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 跳出陷阱训练 2-2-2补全省略成分 牛津版(江苏专用)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、用心 爱心 专心 1第二章补全省略成分点拨省略句很容易影响学生对句子结构的准确把握。典型的省略句有:不定式的省略、状语从句的省略、句子谓语的省略、主谓语的省略及强调句型的省略等。解答此类题的较好方法是“补全法” 。句子结构补充完整后,干扰因素也就随之消失,答案也就容易判断了。训练每小题 0.5 分,共 30 小题;满分 15 分得分:_1.Four? A little _, say, a quarter to four, OK?All right.Aless Bmore Clater Dearlier答案Dsay 是“例如”的意思,由 a quarter to four 可知,空白处应填“更早

2、一点” ,故选 D。2The Smiths are rich and they have three cars, one a Toyota, _ Land Rover of the latest.Aanother BotherCthe other Dthe others答案Dthe others 表示其它的两辆车,相当于 the other two cars。the other 表示两辆车中的另一辆;another 表示三者或三者以上的一辆。3I will spend as much as I _ the lessons.Acan go over Bcan to go overCcan goi

3、ng over Dgo答案C把这句话写完整就是:I will spend as much as I can spend in going over the lessons.。4The young student did what he could _ the examinations.Apass Bto pass Cpassing Dpassed答案Bcould 后省略了 do,不定式表目的。5Now foreigners are looking forward as much to coming to China as some Chinese are to _ abroad.Ago Bha

4、ve goneChaving gone Dgoing答案D这是一个省略句,补全为.some Chinese are looking forward to going abroad。用心 爱心 专心 26The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.Abegins Bhaving begunCbeginning Dbegun答案Donce 后省略了 it is,故选 D。7When first _ to the market, these products enjoyed great succes

5、s.Aintroducing BintroducedCintroduce Dbeing introduced答案Bwhen 后省略了 they were,故选 B。8_ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.ACompare BWhen comparingCComparing DWhen compared答案Dwhen 后面省略了 it is,故选 D。9Be careful when _ the TV set.Ato check BcheckingCchecked Dcheck

6、答案Bwhen 后省略了 you are,故选 B。10Children must be taught to act with good manners when _.Aspeaking to Bspoken toCare speaking Dspoken of答案Bwhen 后省略了 they are,选 B 是表示“别人对他们说话时” 。11Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university.Alacked Blacking ofClacking Dlacked in答案Cthough 后省略了 they are,故选

7、 C。过去分词一般不跟宾语,便可排除 A;名词 lack 后才可接 of,所以排除 B;D 项中的 lacked 改为 lacking 就可选了。12Cold chicken is delicious when _ with salad.Ato eat BeatenCto be eaten Deating答案Bwhen 后省略了 it is,故选 B。13He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him.Aif never Bif ever用心 爱心 专心 3Cif not D

8、if any答案Bif ever 表示“就算曾经 (拒绝)过” ,if not 表示“如果没有的话” ,if any 表示“如果有的话” 。14Her pronunciation is as good as, if _ than, her teachers.Ano better Bnot betterCno good Dnot good答案Bnot better than 相当于 her pronunciation isnt better than,意为“不好于” 。15If carefully _, the experiment will be successful.Ado Bdoes Cd

9、one Ddoing答案Cif 后省略了 it is,故选 C。16In the month, he earned as much as, if _ than,$40,000.Ano more Bnot moreCno much Dnot much答案Bnot more than 相当于 he didnt earn more than。意为“不多于” 。17Ill be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?Not at all._.AIve no time BId rather notCId like it D

10、Id be happy to答案DId be happy to 后省略了 look after your cat。18The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction.Aseeing Bhaving seenCto have seen Dto see答案D不定式表目的或将来。19My brother, who is a middle school student, although _ from smoking, has fallen into

11、the bad habit of drinking.(2011江西吉安一中高三上学期开学模拟)Astopping BstoppedChas stopped Dto be stopped答案Balthough 后省略了 he was,故选 B。20Why did you take a taxi?I _.I was late.Ahave to Bhave to do用心 爱心 专心 4Chad to Dhad to be done答案Chad to 后省略了 take a taxi。21The students, if well _, will be able to pass the drivin

12、g test without much difficulties.Apreparing Bto prepareCprepared Dprepare答案Cif 后省略了 they are,若选 A,well 应放在 preparing 后才行。22Although _ in the city, _ he knows a lot about farming.Alived;but Bbrought up;butCworks;不填 Dborn;yet答案Dalthough 后省略了 he was。although 一般不与 but 连用,故排除 A、B;若选C,works 前加 he 或者将 work

13、s 改为 working 才正确。23He is taller than he _.Aused Bused to beCused to Dused to do答案B有时为了避免重复,可以保留 to 而将 to 后面的动词省掉,但其后是 be 或have 时一般不省。24Why didnt you attend the meeting yesterday? You were _.Atold Btold toCtelling to Dto tell答案B为了避免重复,to 后面的动词短语 attend the meeting 可以省略,但 to 要保留。25I would mend your ra

14、dio, but I dont know _.Ahow to do Bhow toCwhat Dwhat to答案Bhow to 后省略了 mend your radio。若选 A,do 后加 it 才正确。26We should like Jane to get a good degree, but we dont really expect _.Ato Bher to Cto her Dher答案Bto 后省略了 get a good degree。27You should have said goodbye to her before you left.I meant _, but when the meeting was over I couldnt find her anywhere.Ato do Bto haveCdoing Ddoing so用心 爱心 专心 5答案Bto have 后省略了 said goodbye to her,表示“我本打算跟她道别的,但” 。28Did you help her out?I _, but I didnt.Aought Bought toC


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