【优化课堂】2012高中英语 Unit4 period ⅰ warming up & reading课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 4Period ,Making the newsWarming Up & Reading,默读文章两次并完成下列任务。,Task 1 : 快 速 浏 览 课 文 “My First Work AssignmentUnforgettable, Says New Journalist”并回答下列问题。,1What is the passage about?,_,2Whats Hu Xins attitude towards Zhou Yangs coming?,_,The passage is about Zhou Yangs first assignment at the office

2、 of a popular English newspaper.,He welcomes Zhou Yang and tells him something about being a journalist.,Task 2 : 仔 细 阅 读 课 文 “My First Work AssignmentUnforgettable, Says New Journalist”并完成下列表格。,journalist,Hu Xin,experienced,nose,deadline,rude,talking,listening,recorder,【探究一】阅读课文“My First Work Assig

3、nmentUnforgettable,Says New Journalist”并完成下面的 “T” or“F”练习。,1Zhou took a notebook and a camera with himself.(,),2While having an interview with people, the reporter would,just ask the questions prepared before hand.(,),3The footballer admitted he took the money.(,),4Zhou took a course of photography

4、at middle school.(,),T,F,F,F,5It is not necessary for Zhou to concentrate on photography,if he goes out to cover a story right now.(,),【探究二】How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work?_,T,He felt excited, curious and eager to go out on a story.,Task 1 : 快 速 阅 读 课 文 “My First Work AssignmentUnfor

5、gettable,Says New Journalist”,以约 30 词概括文章的大意。,提示:本文讲述了主人公第一次在一个知名英文报社的办公室接受任务的情况。他的非常有经验的新上司告诉了他出去报道新闻时要怎样做。,_,The main idea of this passage is about Zhou Yangs first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.His new boss, Hu Xin, an experienced journalist told Zhou Yang something abou

6、t what to do when a journalist goes out to cover a story.,Task 2 : 仔 细 阅 读 课 文 “My First Work AssignmentUnforgettable, Says New Journalist”,选择正确答案。1The word “cover” in the 7th line refers to _.,Ahide,Breport,Cclose,Dprotect,2When a journalist goes out on a story, which is NOT true?_AHe neednt take a

7、 camera.BHe should ask different questions.CHe neednt keep the deadline in mind.DHe should listen for detailed facts.,B,C,3A good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.The,underlined part means _.,Ahaving a sense about what is going to happen,Bbeing able to assess when somebody is trying to

8、 hide the,truth and try to discover it,C being able to ask the truth from the one who is,interviewed,Dbeing able to write a story quickly,B,4The footballer was guilty because _.Ahe usually told lies,Bhe stopped the journalist publishing an article,Che took money for deliberately not scoring goals in

9、 order to,let the other team win,Dhe bribed another football team,C,5It is necessary for a journalist to use a recorder while going,out to cover a story.Which is NOT true?_,AIt can help the journalist listen to the interviewee carefully.B A journalist can use the recorder even if the interviewee,doe

10、snt agree.,CIt can help the journalist get detailed facts.,DIt can serve as the evidence to support a report if someone,wants to challenge the journalist.,B,Task 3:段落大意匹配。,Part_1Line 115_2Line 1626_3Line 2741,Main IdeaASometimes using a recorder to getthe facts is very helpful.BHow to work as a new

11、journalist.CHow to get a good story.,B,C,A,Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。,Zhou Yang was a newcomer and this was his (1)_assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.Hewondered whether he would go out to cover a story immediately,but at the first time Hu Xin, his new boss, put him as an(2)_ to

12、an experienced journalist.Hu Xin told him not totake a camera when going out as he would have a professional(3)_ with him and his colleagues would be very(4)_ to assist him.Before going out to work, he told him tobe (5)_ and that he must have a “nose” for the story and,first,assistant,photographer,e

13、ager,curious,listen to the spea-kers carefully for(6)_ facts.Whilecovering a story, he also advised him to prepare the (7)_,question,depending,on(8)_,the,person,said.If the,(9)_ agreed, he could use a small recorder to make surehe got the facts straight and had the (10)_ to support hisstory if a person wanted to challenge him.,detailed,next,what,interviewee,evidence,Task 5:课文佳句背诵。,1 _ Zhou Yang forget his firstassignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英语报纸的第一项工作任务。2 _you have to prepare the nextquestion _ the person says.同时, 你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。,


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