【优化课堂】2012高中英语 Unit1 period ⅱ grammar课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Period ,Grammar,过去分词用法(I):作定语和表语So many thousands of terrified people died every time therewas an outbreak.He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirtywater from London.,But he became inspired when he thought about helping,ordinary people.,He became interested in two theories that.,分词是

2、动词的一种非谓语形式,主要起形容词和副词的作用,可以作定语、表语、状语等。分词有两种,一种是现在分词,一种是过去分词。这两种分词在句子中担当的成分大体相同,主要是在“意思”上有主动和被动之分。过去分词一般有被动和完成两大含义。,一、过去分词作定语,1.单个过去分词作定语时,一般放在被修饰词之前,如句,;也可后置,用以强调动作。如:,boiled water 开水, fallen leaves 落叶, selected apples 精,选苹果, cooked food 熟食,Could you provide me the information analysed?你能给我那些分析过的信息吗?

3、,2.过去分词短语作定语时,要放在被修饰词之后,相当于一个定语从句 , 如句 中的 polluted by the dirty water fromLondonthat is polluted by the dirty water from London。又如:Near the window there is a bookshelf filled with books ( ,which is filled with books),靠近窗户有一个装满书的书架。,Her daughter, brought up by me ( who was brought up by,me), has begu

4、n to work now.,由我带大的她的女儿现在已经参加工作了。,二、过去分词作表语,1.过去分词作表语,表示主语的性质、特征或状态。用作表语的过去分词,主要表示动作的完成和事物的状态。此时的过去分词相当于一个形容词,其后常不跟 by 短语。如:,The book is broken.书破了。,The house is crowded.这房子很拥挤。,2.当“人”作主语时用过去分词作表语,表示主语的状态,或思想感情等,如句。又如:,When we heard of it, we were deeply moved.当我们听到这件事,我们被深深地感动了。,He seemed quite sa

5、tisfied with the idea.他似乎对这个想法很满意。,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空,1This is the severely _ (pollute) lake I mentioned,to you the other day.,2The manager was very _ (satisfy) with the project,already _ (complete) by Wang Fei.,3Huang Lin _ (educate) in Germany has the ability,to deal with such a situation well.,4We we

6、re _ (inspire) to have seen the inspiring,leader.,polluted,satisfied,completed,educated,inspired,5All of us were _ (puzzle) by the puzzling question,_ (raise) by a little girl.,6There was an _ (excite) look on his face when the,actress appeared.,7Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ (know),only

7、 to people with specific knowledge.,8When I came in, they were _ (absorb) in a heated,discussion.,puzzled,raised,excited,known,absorbed,二、完成句子,1在会议上提出的问题对我们来说很严重。,The problem _ at the meeting is serious to us.,2为了把英语学好,你应该提高你的口头和书面英语。,In order to learn English well, you should improve your,_.,3不要担心。

8、在结冰的湖上滑冰是相当安全的。,Dont worry.Its quite safe skating on the _.,4被邀请来音乐会的老师到了。,The teachers _ the concert arrived.,put forward,spoken and written English,frozen lake,invited to,5我在王老师的课堂上感觉乏味,想睡觉,因为她总是用,着一样的嗓音。,I _ and sleepy in Miss Wangs lessons, since,she is always using the same voice.,6被损坏的自行车送到了修理

9、工那里。,_ was sent to the repairman.,7那个叫汤姆的男孩在车祸中受伤了。,_ was hurt in the car accident.,8他在八岁的时候就对科学研究感兴趣。,He _ scientific research at the age of eight.,feel bored,The damaged bike,The boy named/called Tom,was interested in,三、翻译句子,1大城市的清洁女工通常是按钟点付报酬。(pay),_,2. 这个演讲是如此的鼓舞人心,以致他们都很兴奋。(inspire,excite),_,3当

10、他想到要长时间暴晒在太阳下,他异常沮丧。(expose,depress),_,4昨晚被邀请去舞会的大部分艺术家给我留下了深刻的印,象。(invite),_,Cleaning women in big cities are usually paid by the hour.,The speech was so inspiring that they were all very excited.,He felt extremely depressed when he thought he had to be exposed to the sunlight for a long time.,Most artists invited to the party last night left me a deep impression.,


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