【优化课堂】2012年高中英语 unit 4:section ⅱ learning about language课件 新人教版必修2

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《【优化课堂】2012年高中英语 unit 4:section ⅱ learning about language课件 新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优化课堂】2012年高中英语 unit 4:section ⅱ learning about language课件 新人教版必修2(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section ,Learning about Language,现在进行时的被动语态一、结构am/is/arebeing done二、用法1表示此刻正在进行的被动动作。如:She is being examined by a doctor.她正在接受医生的检查。,2表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作,但此动作在此时此刻,不一定发生。如:,A new station is being built.一个新的车站正在建设中。3表示经常性的被动行为,常和 always, constantly 等词连,用。如:,He is always being praised by the teacher.他总是被老师

2、表扬。,4与部分情态动词连用,表示对正在发生的动作的推测。,如:,He may be being scolded by his father at the very moment.他此刻也许正被他父亲责骂。,三、易错之处,因为被动语态的基本构成为 be done,因此,不少学生误将现在进行时的被动语态结构“am/is/are being done” 写成“am/is/arebeendone”,造成被动语态结构错误。如:,Dont touch the machine when it is been operated.()Dont touch the machine when it is bein

3、g operated.()机器运转时不要用手触摸。,四、特别注意,1现在进行时的被动语态可表示根据计划或安排,主语将要承受谓语动词的动作,仅限于 bring, take, send, hold, sing, play等少数及物动词。如:,Folk song is being sung next.下面将唱一首民歌。,2一些表示状态、心理活动、拥有、存在等的动词,一般不用于现在进行时的被动语态,而用一般现在时的被动语态表示此时此刻或目前主语正承受谓语动词的动作。如:Wang Li, come here.Youre being wanted on the phone.()Wang Li, come

4、here.Youre wanted on the phone.()王丽,过来,有你的电话。,3“介词 in/on/under 等名词”构成的介词短语常含有被动意义,可代替现在进行时的被动语态,此时名词前一般不用冠词。如:,The bridge is under repair/construction,(is being repaired/constructed)大桥正在建设中。,The picture is on display,(is being displayed) these days.这张照片这些天一直在展示。,五、句型变换,现在进行时的被动语态与现在分词的被动式 being done

5、 均可表示此刻正在进行的被动动作,因此它们之间可以进行句型转换。如:,Please tell me something about the meeting which is being,held now.Please tell me something about the meeting being heldnow.(being held 作后置定语),请告诉我此刻正在举行的会议的有关情况。,注意:非谓语动词的被动形式表达不同时态的被动意义:(1)to be done 是不定式的被动,表示将来和被动;,(2)to have been done 是不定式完成式的被动,表示完成和被,动;,(3)b

6、eing done 是现在分词的被动,表示进行和被动;(4)having been done 是现在分词完成式的被动,表示完成和,被动,不作定语和补足语;,(5)done 是过去分词,表示完成和被动,作定语、状语、补,足语。,一、用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,1The camera that _ (use) by him now,belongs to me.,2 With the development of science, more new technologies,_ (apply) in the field of IT.,3A new library _ (build) and wi

7、ll be,completed next month.,4 While the machine _ (examine), a,lot of defects are found.,is being used,are being applied,is being built,is being examined,5Look, the baby _ (look after) by the,volunteer.,6The experiment which _ (carry) out,at the moment will be a success.,7The news _ (talk) everywher

8、e.8A party is _ (hold) tonight.,9Football is becoming more and more popular.In other words,it _ (love) by more and more people.,10Much progress _ (make) in China,with the help of the peoples hard work.,is being looked after,is being carried,is being talked,being held,is loved,is being made,二、同义句转换,1

9、The teacher is grading the students schoolwork now.The students schoolwork _ now.2Whats the small house that Uncle Wang is building for?Whats the small house that _ by,Uncle Wang for?,3There is a good news of the sports meeting which is being,held in the city stadium these days.,There is a good news

10、 of the sports meeting _,in the city stadium these days.,is being graded,is being built,being held,4 The police have arrested a young man and they are,questioning him now.,A young man has been arrested and _ now.5The building is being constructed.,The building is _.,6 We have to take another road because this road is being,repaired.,We have to take another road because this road _.,is being questioned,under construction,is under repair,


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