【优化课堂】2012年高中英语 unit 4:section ⅰ warming up & reading课件 新人教版必修2

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1、Unit 4Section ,Wildlife protectionWarming Up & Reading,If their habitat is threatened or they cannot findenough food, their numbers may decrease.(Page 25, WarmingUp)如果它们的栖息地受到威胁或它们找不到足够的食物,它们的数量会减少。,1decrease,点拨 (1)vt.& vi.减少;(使)变小;或变少,The government will decrease education spending by 20%.政,府将减少 20

2、%的教育开支。,Car sales are decreasing.汽车销量正在减少。(2)n.减少;减小,There has been a decrease in our imports.我们的进口减少了。,拓展 increase v.& n.增加;增大,运用 用 decrease/increase 的适当形式填空,All people desire an _ in well-being (福利)The workmen want to _ the working hours and,to _ pay.,As populations _,the demand for water grows,ac

3、cordingly.,The flood resulted in a considerable _ in production.,increase,decrease,increase,increase,decrease,As a result these endangered animals may even dieout.(Page 25, Warming Up)结果,这些濒危的动物甚至可能会灭亡。2die out 灭亡;逐渐消失典例 Many old customs are dying out.很多古老的习俗正在消失。拓展 die from 因(受伤、意外事故等外部原因)而死亡die of

4、 因(疾病、饥饿、情感等内部原因)而死亡,die away,(声音等)逐渐减弱;渐渐消失,die off 相继死去,die down,(火焰、风暴等)逐渐变弱;逐渐平息;逐渐暗淡,运用 用适当的介词或副词填空,Now many wild plants and animals are in danger of dying,_.,The firefighters fought against the forest fire and it finally,died _.,The noise of the car died _ in the distance.The family members di

5、ed _ the war.,out,down,away,from,about 30 40 remain after being left in peace with nohunting (Page 25, Warming Up)停止猎杀和人类和睦相处之后只剩下 30 至 40 只。,3in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地(常作状语或补语)典例 The two communities live together in peace.这两个社区和平相处。,拓展 at peace 和平的(常作表语,与 at war 相对)at peace with 与和平相处make peace with 与讲和

6、,运用 完成句子,The villagers live _ (和平地)For centuries, the countries have been _,(与和平相处) each other.,He wants to _ (和解) his friend.,in peace,at peace with,make peace with,Why are they in danger of disappearing ? (Page 25,Pre-reading)为什么它们面临灭绝的危险?4in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危,典例,Many wild animals are in danger

7、and measures should,be taken immediately to protect them.很多野生动物处于危险中,必须立即采取措施保护它们。拓展 out of danger 脱离危险,运用 完成句子,The little girl is _ (有的危险),losing her life.,She has been _ (脱离危险) with the,help of the doctor.,in danger of,out of danger,Daisy responded immediately.(Page 26, Reading, Line,4)戴茜立即回答。,5re

8、spond vi.回答;响应;做出反应典例 He hasnt responded to my letter yet.他还没有回我的信。,拓展 respond to.对作出回答,respond to.with./by doing.以对做出反应/回答运用 完成句子,She _ my letter _,(以对做出回复) a phone call.,responded to,with,In relief Daisy burst into laughter.(Page 26, Reading,Line 16)戴茜如释重负,突然笑了起来。,6relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物典例

9、 The drug gives some relief from pain.这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。,拓展 in relief 如释重负;松了口气(much) to ones reliefto ones great relief使某人安心/宽慰的是,运用 完成句子,_ (使他父母很欣慰的是), he,passed the exam.,When his son came home at last, he was _,(松了口气),Much to his parents relief,in relief,7burst into 突然起来;闯入,典例 To my surprise, Ben sudd

10、enly burst into laughter.令我惊讶的是,本突然大笑了起来。,The police burst into the room and arrested him.警察突然闯进房间逮捕了他。,拓展 burst into laughter/tears/flames/cheers/songburst out laughing/crying/burning/cheering/singing突然笑起来/哭起来/燃烧起来/欢呼起来/唱起来,运用 完成句子,They were so moved that they _,(哭了起来),The crowd _ (一片欢呼),burst into

11、 tears/burst out crying,burst into cheers/burst out cheering,“Im protecting myself from mosquitoes,”it replied.(Page 26, Reading, Line 28)“ 我 正 在 保 护 自 己 免 受 蚊 虫 叮咬,”它回答。8protect.from (protect.against) 保护不受(危害),典例,A new law has been made to protect the animal from,being harmed.已制定一部新的法律保护这种动物免受伤害。,辨

12、析 protect.from/prevent.from/keep.from/stop.from(1)prevent/keep/stop.from 意为“阻止做”,动词所接的宾语是要被阻止的对象。而 protect.from 中动词所接的宾语是要被保护的对象。,(2)在主动语态中,prevent.from 和 stop.from 的 from 可以省略,在被动语中则不能省略;而 keep.from 的 from 在任何语态中都不可以省略。prevent.from, keep.from 与 stop.from中 from 后面的动词与 from 前面的名词构成动宾关系时,后面用动词-ing 形式的

13、被动形式。如:,The heavy rain kept us from/prevented/stopped us (with),coming on time.大雨阻止我们按时到达。,We should take measures to prevent/keep/stop the animals,from being killed.我们应该采取措施保护动物免受杀害。,运用 用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空,The warm clothes can _ us _,the cold.,We must _ the water running away.She _ herself from being

14、 affected by,the bad news.,protect,from,prevent/stop,kept/prevented/stopped,It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.,(Page 26, Reading, Line 29)它含有一种可以防止蚊虫叮咬的强效药物。,9contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍,典例 The bottle contains two glasses of beer.这瓶子可装两杯啤酒。,Try to contain your anger! 设法控制你的怒火!,辨析 contain/include,(1)contain 指某物包含比它范围更小的物体,常指“(作为容器、地理范围、空间等)含有某物;(在成分、性质等方面)包含了某种成分”。,(2)include 侧重于对比整体与部分,表示被包括者只是整体的一部分,常用于结构 including sth.(sth.included)。,运用 用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空,


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