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1、学而优教育牛津英语3B英语1-2单元练习一、单词、短语过关练习.1. 窗户 _ 2.door_3.跑步_ 4.blackboard_5.pen_ 6.吃_7.sleep_ 8.谈话_9.坐下 _ 10. stand up _11.open _ 12.喝_13.ruler _ 14.eat_15.书包 _ 16.rubber_17.my pencil _ 18. open the door _19.关窗 _2、 选择正确的序号填入括号中。( ) 1. -Look at the blackboard.-_. A. Im sorry. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. Its nice.(

2、) 2. Whats this?.-_. A. Its a parrot. B. Its parrot. C. No, its a parrot.( ) 3. Hello, class.-_. A. Hello, Mike. B.Hello, Miss Li. C. Hello, Helen.( ) 4. I like to _ juice. A. eat B. drink C. run( ) 5. Its too cold(冷). _ the window, please. A. Dont open B. Open C. talk三、根据所给情境,选择正确的答案。( ) 1. 格林老师请你开

3、门,他说: A. Open the door,please. B. Close the door, please. C. Close the window, please.( ) 2. 你做错了事,应该对别人说: A. OK. B. Thank you. C. Im sorry.( ) 3. 上课了,同学们起立,老师对大家说: A. Stand up. B. Sit down. C. Yes, please. ( ) 4. 外面刮风了,妈妈对你说: A. Please open the window. B. Please open the door. C. Please close the w

4、indow. ( ) 5.下午老师上课时,不可以说:A. Hello , class. B. Good morning,class. C. Good afternoon,class. 4、 选择正确的中文意思。( )1、Dont sleep ,LiuTao.A.不要讲话,刘涛。 B.不要睡觉,刘涛。( )2、Im sorry.A.对不起。 B.谢谢。( )3、Dont drink my water.A.不要喝我的牛奶。 B.不要喝我的水。( )4、Thats my English book.A.那是我的英语书。 B.它是你的英语书。( )5、Dont shout here.A.不要在这儿喊叫。

5、 B.不要在那儿喊叫。五、选用方框内适当的句子,完成对话。A.Look at the blackboard. B.What colour?C.Would you like a hot dog?D.Whats this? E.Im sorry1、-Dont drink here. 2、-_-_ -Its an English book.3、-_ 4、-_-Yes,Mr Green. -No,thank you.5、-_-Its blue.六、将下列句子排列成完整的对话。1. A.Its a cake. B.Whats this?C.No,thank you.D.Would you like a

6、cake?2. A.Dont shout. B.Hi,Helen.Would you like a sweet? C.Shh. D.Im sorry.七、判断下列对话前后搭配是否一致,一致的打“”,不一致的打“”.1. Would you like a cake? Come in, Helen. ( )2. Liu Tao, please open the window. ( ) Yes, Miss Green.3. Dont sleep ,LiuTao. Im sorry. ( )4. Im sorry. Thank you. ( )八、连词成句。1. A. isnt B my C This D school_2.A in B library C Dont Dthe E shout_3. A Is B your C that D pencil case_4. A please B Dont C open D door E the_5. A Mr Zhou B Good C morning_6. A Dont B in C class D eat _7. A like B would C a D pie E you_8. A am B sorry C LiuTao D I _ 9. A down B please C sit _


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