新概念第二册 Lesson 1.

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《新概念第二册 Lesson 1.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念第二册 Lesson 1.(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 1 A private conversation,New words and expressions,private adj.私人的 its my private letter/house ;private school:私立学校 public:公众的,公开的 public school ; public letter 公开信 ;public place :公共场所 privacy:隐私 its a privacy. adj. private soldier:大兵 private citizen 普通公民 private life:私生活,conversation n.谈话 su

2、bject of conversation:话题 talk.可以正式,也可以私人的 conversation. 比较正式一些 lets have a talk They are having a conversation. conversation 用的时候比talk正式,意思上往往不非常正式. talk: 可正式可不正式 dialogue:对话 China and Korea are having a dialogue. 正式 chat: 闲聊 gossip:嚼舌头 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词,seat n.座位

3、 have a good seat (place) take a seat : 坐下来,就座 take your seat/take a seat Is the seat taken? 这个座位有人吗? sit sit down ,please seat take your seat, please be seated, please 更为礼貌 seat是及物动词,后面有宾语 sit是不及物动词,后面不加宾语 seat后面会加人; seat sb; seat him; seat:让某人就座 sit he is sitting there. you seat him;,theatre n.剧场,

4、戏剧 cinema: 电影院 play n.戏 loudly adv. 大声的 rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地 rude adj.,angry adj. 生气的 cross=angry ; I was angry. He was cross. annoyed: 恼火的; I was annoyed. I was angry/cross. I was very angry. be blue in the face; I am blue in the face. angrily adv. 生气地,副词修饰动词,attention n. 注意 Attention ,please. 请注意 p

5、ay attention : 注意 pay attention to : 对什么注意 You must pay attention to that girl. pay a little attention : 稍加注意 pay much attention : 多加注意 pay more attention : 更多注意 pay no attention: 不用注意,bear (bore, borne) v. 容忍 bear, stand I cant bear/stand you endure :忍受,容忍 put up with :忍受 I got divorced. I could no

6、t put up with him bear/stand/endure 忍受的极限在加大 put up with=bear=stand bear n.熊 white bear bear hog :热情(热烈)的拥抱 give sb. a bear hug,business n. 事 business man :生意人 do business: 做生意 go to some place on business:因公出差 I went to Tianjin on business. thing 可以指事情,也可以指东西 Its my business 私人事情 its none of your b

7、usiness,go to the theatre see a film, go to the cinema go to the +地点 表示去某地干嘛 go to the doctors 去看病 go to the dairy 去牛奶店 go to the + 人 + s 表示去这个人开的店 go to the butchers 买肉 go to school: 去上学 go to church: 去做礼拜 go to hospital(医院):去看病 go to the Great Wall go home; 跟Home相连一定表示没有事情可做,回家休息 I am at Home,enjo

8、y, enjoy oneself: 玩得开心 enjoy+ sth : 喜欢,从当中得到一种享受 I like something very much./I love something. I enjoy the class. I enjoy the music. I enjoy the book. enjoy the dinner/film/program/game,were sitting :当时正 坐在 过去进行时态 :过去的某个时间正在发生的动作 一个故事的背景往往用进行时态描述 I+ be+ v(ing) The girl was reading a book in the gard

9、en. A boy came to her.,got :变得,表示一种变化, got angry I am/was angry 是一个事实 I got angry:强调变化过程 It is hot. It got hot. got取代be动词,got是一个半联系动词,可以直接加形容词,hear:听见 hear+人:听见某人的话 I could not hear you. Beg your pardon? I couldnt hear you./I couldnt hear a word./I couldnt catch your word. I couldnt hear you clearly

10、./I couldnt catch your words. Beg your pardon? /I couldnt catch your words. turn round:转头 pay any attention 表示注意,pay attention; 对什么加以注意,pay attention to sth,not any=no I could not bear it./you./the noise. I cant hear a word. 美音:肯定 .I can,否定,I cant,只能根据上下文来定 hear a word, a word 等于一句话 He didnt say a w

11、ord. May I speak to Jim?/May I have a word with Jim? Its none of your business./None of your business/Its my Business. I couldnt bear you. This is private conversation! private :私人的,不想与别人共享 I cant hear a word. hear a word of sb (actors),Summary writing,1. last weekwenttheatre 2. didnt enjoy 3. young

12、 manwomanbehind me 4. talking loudly 5. could notactors 6. I turnedand lookedangrily 7. cant hearwordsaid 8. nonebusinessman-private,Key to exercises A,I (1) got (2) very angry (3) . I(1) could not hear (2) the actors (3). I (1) turned round(2). I (1) looked at(2) the man and the woman(3) angrily(4)

13、. They(1) did not pay(2) any attention(3). In the end(6), I (1) could not bear(2) it(3). I (1) turned round(2) again(6).,I(1) cant hear(2) a word(3). I (1) said (2) angrily(4). It (1) is(2) none of your business(3), The young man(1) said(2) rudely(4). This (1) is (2) a private conversation(3)!,Key t

14、o exercises A,1. I enjoyed the film yesterday. 2. I listened to the news carefully. 3. The man played the piano well. 4. The children played games quietly in their room yesterday. 5. He opened the door quietly. 6. He left immediately. 7. He planted a tree in the corner of the garden.,Key to exercise

15、s B,Key to exercises B,8. He read the letter quickly in his office before lunch. 9. I borrowed a book from the library this morning. 10. The cook spoilt the soup. 11. We stay at home on Sunday. 12. There are a lot of people at the bus stop.,Key to exercises B,13. The little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning. 14. She draws beautifully. 15. I like music very much. 16. They built a new school in our village last year. 17. The match ended at four oclock. 18. She received a letter from her brother last week.,


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