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1、介词,1.害怕 2.对惊讶 3.生气 4.对兴奋 5.对满意 6.以著名 7.充满了 8.擅长 9.对感兴趣 10.迟到 11.与不同,be afraid of,be amazed at,be angry with,be excited about,be pleased with,be famous for,be filled with,be good at,be interested in,介词短语,be late for,be different from,Remember and translate:,hear from ring up hold on send up hurry up

2、stop sb. from doing sth. knock at/on take down/out/off laugh at take part in listen to think about look after/at/for/up/out try on take care of turn on/off make friends with wait for pay for wake up put on/up write down put sth. down worry about,看谁译得又快又好.,介词的考点,一.表示时间介词,三.表示方位介词,二.表示地点介词,四.表示方法、手段,五

3、.常见介词的搭配,2010,March,spring,the morning,the future,7.30,night,the age of 19,first/last,the moment,Monday,March 5,March 5th,2010,Monday morning,holiday,Childrens Day,in,on,at,Prepositions of time 时间介词,Conclusion: 总结,表示较长时间如:世纪、年代 、年份、月份、季节、上午/下午/晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词in。,the 19th century; 2010; March; spring

4、; the morning; the future,表示某一时间点如:钟点、节日、年龄、中午/夜晚/子夜、就餐时间或其它的习惯用法中要用at。,7.30; the age of 19; noon/ night/ midnight; lunchtime; first/ last; at Christmas,Monday; March 5th; March 5th, 2010; Childrens Day; a cold morning; holiday,表示某一天或者特定的时间如:星期、某月某日、某年某月某日、含Day的节日、有修饰上午/下午/晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词 on。,1. Mar

5、y is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9. A. on B. in C. at 2. The twins were born _ a Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at 3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning. A. on, in B. at, in C. at, in 4. We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then

6、 have a rest _ noon. A. in , in B. at ,at C. in, at,2. 1. Mr Brown has gone to Canada. He will be back _ two weeks. A. for B. after C. in 2. Our manager came back _ an hour. A. in B. after C. at 3. They have been here _ an hour. A. for B. after C. in,在之后(内)用于将来时,in + 时间段,在之后 用于过去时,after +时间段,3. for

7、+ 时段 since + 时段 + ago since + 时间点 since + 一般过去时句子,常用于现在完成时,1.He came here _ 1992, and he has lived here _ 1992. A. in, for B. in , since C. since, since 2.I have known Li Lei _ over five years. A. in B. since C. for,3. It has been three years since he _ here. A. come B. came C. comes 4. The old man

8、has been away _ two years ago. A. in B. since C. for D from,5.They havent seen Alice _ last year. 6. Alice has been in Wonderland _ one month.,since,for,4. before 在之前 by 到时为止,不迟于 1.He wont come back _ five . A. before B. after C. by 3.We had three meetings _ last Friday. A. in B. before C. by,表示持续一段

9、时间用介词for: for段时间,表示“自以来”,从过去某一时刻到现在,用介词since,用于现在完成时。,表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用介词from to 。,表示“在的期间”要用介词during, during表示在特定的时间里。,表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止,用介词till / until。until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首, 不可延续的则用 not until,Conclusion:,1.Alice _ go to bed_11 p.m. last night 2. Wait here _ the rain stops. 3._get off the bus

10、 _ it stops.,until,until,didnt,until,Dont,1.They often have parties _ Christmas. 2.They plan to go to Hainan _ vacation. 3._the morning _ March 31,she made an important decision in her life.,Fill in the blanks:,at,on,On,4._ the lifetime, Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations. 5.It has rained _

11、the day before yesterday. 6.It was a very long day for Jack. He didnt get home from school _ six oclock.,since,During,until,of,二.地点介词,1.on 在的上面,与表面接触 over 在的正上方,不接触表面 under 在下面(是on, over的反义词) 1.Look!There is a bridge _the river. A. on B. over C. above 2.Can you see the egg _ the plate? A. on B. in C

12、. over 3.The light_ us is very bright. A. over B. under C. on,2. above 在上方 below 在下方,是above的反义词 1. The temperature will fall_ zero at night. A. below B. above C. over 3.There is a clock on the wall. Its _ the blackboard. A. on B. in C. above,4.A road is _our city and there is much traffic _it. A. on

13、, over B. above, on C. over, on 5.The sun rose _the horizon(地平线). A. on B. above C. over 注意: on 接触平面 over 在平面的正上方 above 在上方,3. in + 大地方 at + 小地方 on +门牌,某层楼 1.My uncle live _ F12 _the fifth floor. A. at, on B. in, on C. on, at 2.They arrived _Beijing at 12:00 and waited for a bus _ the station to the

14、 hotel. A. at, in B. in, on C. in, at,4.,1.We are _Team One. I sit _the front of the classroom. Li Ping is _my left. A. on, in , at B. in ,in ,at C. in, at, on 2.I have a good seat. I sit _the bus. A. in the front of B. in front of 3.The teacher is standing _ our class and give a talk. A. in the front of B. in front of,in front of 是在物体外部的前面 例如: 教室前有个花园。 e.g. There is a garden in front of the classroom.,in the front of 是在物体内部的前面 例如: 教室前有张桌子。 e.g. There is a desk in the front of the classroom.,There are some apples _ the desk. There is a bridge _ the river.,Sandy lives _the groun


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