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1、 教科版英语四上第八单元教科版小学英语四年级上册第八单元测试卷 姓名 日期 一、用线把下面的学科和相应的功能连接起来。 maths to sing songs art to use numbers music draw pictures PE to learn English science to play sports English to understand the world二、选择填空 ( )1. These girls have eight _ now. A.subject B. the subject C.subjects ( )2. I like Chinese. What _

2、 you? A.about B. is C.are ( )3. M y favourite fruit is the apple. I like apple _. A.good B. fine C.best ( )4. There are ten _ in that bedroom. A.babies B.babys C.baby ( )5. My favourite subject is _. A.math B.sciences C. science三、判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。 ( ) 1. I like to watch TV. ( ) 2. The

3、dog is under the chair. ( ) 3. I have meals in the kitchen. ( ) 4. There is a bed in the bedroom. ( ) 5. I read books in the study. 四、认真阅读Unit8 的课文,判断下列句子与课文内容是否一致,如一致,在括号内写“T”, 否则写“F”。 ( ) 1. Jiamin has eleven subjects. ( )2. Jiamins favourite subject is maths. ( ) 3. Xiaolings favourite subject is

4、 Engish. ( ) 4. Xiaoling likes reading (喜欢读)English book. ( ) 5. Ben doesnt like (不喜欢) English or Chinese.五、阅读理解。 Its eight oclock in the morning. The Webb family are busy. Mr Webb is cooking in the kitchen. Mrs Web is taking a shower in the bathroom. In the bedroom, John is getting up. Hes putting

5、on his socks. Johns sister Ann is in the living room. Shes looking for her maths book. It is not on the sofa. Its not on the table. Its not near the TV. “ Mum, where is my maths book?” she is asking her mum. “ Look under the sofa,” mum is answering. Yes, the book is under the sofa. ( )1. is cooking

6、in the kitchen. A. Mr Webb B. Mrs Webb C. John Webb( )2. Mrs Webb is . A. washing her face B.cleaning the bathroom C. taking a shower( )3. John is in . A. the living room B. the bathroom C. his bedroom( )4. “look for” means . A.寻找 B.打量 C. 阅读( )5. Anns maths book is . A. on the sofa B. near the TV C. under the sofa. 3让我们一起快乐学习吧!


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