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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 中美警告言语行为对比研究 姓名:裴少华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:蔡马兰 20080401 iv 中美警告言语行为对比研究中美警告言语行为对比研究 研究生:裴少华 指导教师:蔡马兰 副教授 学科专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 研究方向:应用语言学 年级:2005 级 中中 文文 摘摘 要要 近年来,人们沿着言语行为理论的创始人 Austin (1962) 和 Searle (1969, 1979)奠定的理 论基础, 对言语行为中的 “请求” 与 “道歉” (Blum-Kulka, 2003)、 “抱怨” (Tan Xiaocui, 2

2、005)、 “恭维”(Ye Lei, 1995)、 “拒绝”(Chen Xing, Ye Lei speech act; culture; strategy iii Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Associate Prof. Cai Malan, my supervisor, for her illuminating and timely guidance all the way through my research. Without her enco

3、uragement, this dissertation could not have been in its present shape. I thank her for being very demanding and yet very caring and supportive. I am grateful to Carl Slaughter for helping me modify the English version of the questionnaire and David Meyer (Supervisor of International Operations in SI

4、AS University in Zhengzhou) for his help with my data collection. My gratitude also goes to those anonymous Chinese and American teachers and students for their willingness and cooperativeness in participating in this study. I am greatly indebted to other professors and teachers, especially to Prof.

5、 Liu Shaozhong, Prof. Xu Jiwang, Prof. Weihan, Prof. Tang Gaoyuan, Prof. Qin Xiugui, Prof. Guan Yongping, Prof. Bai Jingze, and Associate Prof. Li Dongmei for their marvelous and inspiring lectures during the past three years. Thanks also go to my postgraduate classmates, from whom I gained both kno

6、wledge and friendship. They are Sun Wenjuan, Zhonghui, Guanxin, Gao Jinlin and Wang Dandan. Last but not least, I want to express my loving gratitude to my family members for their continuous encouragement and support during the three years of my graduate study. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction This study i

7、s concerned with the speech act of warning. More specifically, it focuses on the realization of warning performed by Chinese and Americans. This chapter introduces the background of this study, sets the research objectives, explains the significance of the study and ends with the organization of the

8、 thesis. 1.1 Research Background of the Study Research on speech acts has been an important aspect of the study of human beings communicative competence and a significant facet of the study of language use. Many studies on speech acts including requests and apologies (Blum-Kulka, 2003), complaints (

9、Tan Xiaocui, 2005), compliments (Ye Lei, 1995) and refusals (Chen Xing, Ye Lei directive verbs are: advise, demand, request, order, warn, etc.; commissive verbs are: promise, refuse, offer, etc.; expressive verbs are apologize, compliment, thank, congratulate, greet etc.; declarative verbs are resig

10、n, appoint, name, etc. Leech (1983: 104) classifies illocutionary acts into “competitive, convivial, collaborative and conflictive”. The thesis adopts Searles classification, according to which warning belongs to directives. 2.1.2 Indirect Speech Act Theory Searle (1969) has enriched Austins speech

11、act theory and he first proposes the notion of indirect speech acts, to which he explains as acts performed to mean more than what people say literally. For example, one may say “Can you pass the salt?” at a dinner table to ask others pass him/her the salt. Literally it is a question about the speak

12、ers ability to pass the salt, but it is actually meant as a request for the hearer to pass the salt, therefore, a request made by means of 4 questioning. In such case, one illocutionary act is performed indirectly by way of performing another. Searle (1969) also distinguishes conventional from non-c

13、onventional indirect speech acts. Of which the former are “those illocutionary acts customarily used to make indirect speech acts, for the speaker and the hearer may not be conscious of the literal illocutionary force in those illocutionary acts” (qtd. in He Ziran, 2003: 134). Non-conventional indir

14、ect speech acts are more indeterminable than the conventional ones since they depend much more on the mutually shared background information and the context of situation. According to Searle, politeness for the hearer is the chief motivation of indirectness in such cases. 2.2 Politeness Theories In

15、the view of He Ziran (2003), politeness is one of the major social constraints on human interaction, which regulates participants communicative behavior by constantly reminding them of taking into consideration of others feelings. Speakers of different languages and members of different cultures all

16、 try to observe and maintain politeness. Politeness has been actually conceptualized as a social phenomenon, a communicative strategy and a prescriptive norm imposed by particular social conventions. While it is admitted that politeness is a universal notion that exists in all languages, the expressions of it in different societies or communities vary considerably, for politeness is a socio-cultural phenomenon. The realization of a speech act is perceived as involving the emp


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