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1、Contracts and Agreements,Part Two: Aims and Requirements:,To learn about what the Contract is and what the Agreement is; To learn about the Types and Structure of the Contract; To learn about the Language Characteristics of the Contract; To practice reading, translating and writing the Contract,Part

2、 Three: Teaching Contents,I. What is the Contract and what is the Agreement? II. The Types of the Business Contract III. The Structure of the Business Contract IV. The Language Characteristics of the Contract V. The Handling Procedure of S/C and P/C VI. What are to be noted when we draft the Contrac

3、t? VII. How to fill a Contract?,Part Four: Study of the Contract and the Agreement,I. What is the Contract and what is the Agreement? 它们很相似,但仍然是有区别的,简单来说, contract 要比 agreement更加正式,更具有法律效力。 A Contract is a formal written agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the parties concerned. It is

4、enforceable by law. Once a contract is signed, any party concerned should fulfill his obligations, otherwise, he will be sued and has to make a compensation. A Contract is formed on agreement (协商) and agreement arises from offer (要约) and acceptance(承诺). Once one party makes an offer and another part

5、y accepts it, a contract is formed.,An Agreement is: 1.an official document that businessmen sign to show that they have agreed to something 2.an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies, organizations, etc. A simple “agreement” is an arrangement between the part

6、ies which may or may not contain the necessary elements to be enforceable before a court of law such as “offer” and “acceptance”. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Quite often the word “contract“ can mean the document containing the agreement, but “agreement“ can be used in that sense to

7、o. Contract also tends to be used to mean a binding or formal agreement. Law students study the law of contract, rather than the law of agreements.,协议是合同的一种概念,即所有的合同都是协议,但并非所有的协议都是合同,所以说合同是具有特定内容的协议。 协议的定义:机关、企事业单位、社会团体或个人,相互之间为了某个经济问题,或者合作办理某项事情,经过共同协商后,订立的共同遵守和执行的条文。 协议与合同的区别: 1、合同有违约责任的规定,协议书没有。

8、2、经济合同有“合用法”作为依据,协议书暂时没有具体法规规定。 3、协议书比合同应用范围广,项目往往比合同项目要大,内容不如合同具体。因此,协议书签订以后,往往还要分项签订一些专门合同。,II. The Types of the Business Contract,The business contract can be divided into the following five types according to their degree of simplicity: 1. Contract (正式合同), 2. Agreement (协议书), 3. Confirmation (确认

9、书), 4. Memorandum (备忘录), 5. Order/Indent (订单), etc. The first three are more commonly used in Chinese foreign trade enterprises which generally have their own printed set format of contract or confirmation.,III. The Structure of the Business Contract,就外经贸合同的整体结构而言,首先要求合同的内容必须完整;其次要求合同条款中双方的责任要明确;再者合

10、同条款的整体结构必须严谨(指章、条、款之间既条理清晰、又结构紧凑;内容的逻辑思维无懈可击,并且表达严密);最后要求条款的语言应简明扼要、通俗易懂。 As a complete and effective business contract, it is, in most cases, comprised of the three principal parts: 1. The Head (约首) (the effect part) 2. The Body (本文) (the rights and obligations part) 3. The Tail (约尾) (the effect pa

11、rt),1. The Head (约首),1) Title of the Contract 合同名称 2) Preamble: 前文/序言 a. Date of Signing订约日期 b. Place of Signing订约地点 c. Contract Number合同号 d. Signing Parties and their Addresses 订约当事人及其地址 e. Recitals or WHEREAS clause订约缘由 约首又被称为效力部分。其中,前言中载明当事人的名称及其法定地址、缔约目的和原则。订约当事人及其地址(有些研究者称为当事人的合法依据)应以详细名称写出,不能用

12、缩写形式。订约缘由将在“语言特点”当中的“用语方面”第7点作介绍。,2. The Body(本文),1)Definition Clause 定义条款 2)Basic Conditions 基本条款 3)General Terms and Conditions 一般条款 a. Duration合同有效期限 b. Termination合同的终止 c. Force Majeure不可抗力 d. Assignment合同的让与 e. Arbitration仲裁 f. Governing Law适用的法律 g. Jurisdiction 诉讼管辖 h. Notice通知手续 i. “Entire Ag

13、reement” Clause完整条款 j. Amendment合同的修改 k. Others其它 本文又被称作权利与义务部分,是合同的中心内容,在整个合同中所占的篇幅最长。它明确规定双方当事人的具体权利和义务、违约赔偿、不可抗力、争议解决、适用法律等条款。其中,完整条款即表明与涉及的现行契约条款的关系。,3. The Tail (约尾),1) Number of Originals 合同份数 2) The Effectiveness of the Language (in which the Contract is written) 合同文字的效力 3) The Effectiveness

14、of the Contract Annexes 合同附件的效力 4) Signature 签名 5) Seal 盖印 约尾同约首一样,也被称为效力部分。对于东方国家来说除签署外还需要盖印,而西方国家则无此项规定:一般在合同上进行了签署,该合同便具有了法律效力。在国际经贸活动中,签名的字体与写法必须统一、固定,而且是他人难以模仿的。尤其是在合同文本的页数很多(如技术贸易合同)时,更要注意,因为每一页都需要签署。,关于对外经贸合同的格式,目前流行的一般有三种:1、条款式(或称条文式),2、条款、表格混合式,3、表格式。 条款式合同格式在涉外经贸合同当中使用最为普遍,几乎各种类型的合同均采用这种格式

15、(如商品买卖合同,机械设备贸易合同、国际工程项目合同等),即合同当中的所有条款均用横式条文分项列出。 条款、表格混合式多用于商品买卖合同及加工贸易合同。在商品买卖合同中,商品名称、规格、包装、数量、单价、总值等项目均用表格列出;在加工贸易合同中,由委托方向被委托方提供的原辅料、零部件以及后者向前者送交的成品的品名、数量、规格、包装、单价、总值等项目也用表格列出,其它条款则全部采用条文式。 表格式合同格式一般用于商品买卖合同。如果交易商品数量不多,品种性能比较单一,交易金额数字不大,可全部采用表格式,如“售货确认书”、“购货确认书”、“订单”等。,IV. The Language Charact

16、eristics of the Contract,(1). Wording 用词方面 1、常使用正式或法律上的用词。例如: 1)The authorities approved (the) said application of 3rd November,2003. 主管机关已批准2003年11月3日的上述申请。 (“the said”或“said”是公文体,意为“该”、“上述的”。) 2)This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同应受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。 (“construe”为法律用词,较“explain”、“interpret”正式。) 由于合同是法律性的正式书面文件,所以使用法律的、正式的用词是必要的。合同的草拟者应加强学习并正确使用这些诃语,以便草拟出来的合同能达到订约的目的和要求。,2、常在副词“here”,“there”,“where”之后加一个或两个介词,构成



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