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1、1. Chinese to English “To live is to change the world!” Those words by Steve Jobs have become well-known throughout the world since 2011 and he himself has also been regarded as the embodiment of innovation and imagination. Besides the most magical Apple products, what he has been highly appraised a

2、bout also includes his unique, unarguable charm “Reality Distortion Field”. This is how Andy Heitzfeld, the Macintosh software engineer, defined this powerful field of Steve Jobs:,“The reality distortion field was a confounding melange of a charismatic rhetorical style, an indomitable will, and an e

3、agerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand.” Bud Tribble, an Apple engineer, said, “The term Reality Distortion Field is both a compliment and a warning. Being stuck in Steves reality distortion field is dangerous, but it is this field that really has empowered him to change reality.”,2. E

4、nglish to Chinese 或许,关于乔布斯最让人惊异的事实是,他认为市场调研和小组座谈会只会限制人的创新能力。当被问到苹果公司推出iPad之前进行了多少市场研究时,乔布斯的著名回答是:“完全没做过。消费者们没义务知道他们想要什么。如果消费者从来没有见过哪怕有一点点近似的东西,很难(让他们)告诉你他们到底想要什么。” 事实上,真正让苹果公司如此与众不同的是乔布斯的直觉,他有着雷达一样敏锐的感觉,能够感知新兴科技及其结合有望产生的“伟大至极”产品。对于去年于56岁英年早逝的乔布斯而言,直觉绝非本能。它是“连接生命中的点点滴滴”,正如他在斯坦福大学(Stanford)毕业典礼演讲中所,述,

5、这段经常被人引用的话闪现了互异的人生经历和科技变革之间的关系。 完全可以想见,如果乔布斯高度依赖消费者研究,就不会有苹果公司后来的热卖产品,从麦金塔电脑(Macintosh)到iPod,再到iTunes。 凑巧的是,乔布斯推出麦金塔电脑当天,大众科学(Popular Science)的一位记者曾经问他,苹果公司进行了怎样的市场研究、确保这款电脑有市场。乔布斯以近乎生气的语调反问:“亚历山大格雷汉姆贝尔发明电话机前做过市场调研吗?”,Unit 2,Director Davis Guggenheim ingeniously knits all varieties of the natural ph

6、enomena of global warming with Mr. Gores personal history, as well as his long-standing actions he has committed to improving the global warming warnings, which constitutes a strong shocking documentary. As a veteran environmentalist, Mr. Gore, from a thought-provoking and attention-appealing perspe

7、ctive, shows a great deal of the disastrous and undisputed facts and information that the global warming has brought to human beings. In the film Mr. Gore has completely detached himself from the clichs of the political speeches, instead fully,displayed his personal charm. With a sense of humor and

8、objective attitude, he lists all the facts to the audience, leaving them to reaching a conclusion alone. “An Inconvenient Truth” is not a film of despair, neither is it just shouting a slogan to protect the Earth . .,Translation “难以忽视的真相”,戴维斯古根海姆有关气候变化所引发的危险的一部新纪录片,是一部永远都不该拍摄的电影。防止未来可能出现的灾害,对科学的发现有所

9、反应,并说服公众必须采取行动以保护大家共同的利益,这毕竟是政治领导人和决策者们的工作。 与外观正相反,古根海姆先生的电影并不是真的有关阿尔戈尔。它主要包括一项戈尔先生已在过去几年里多次做过的一个关于气候变化的多媒体演讲,中间穿插采访及戈尔先生对他的人生政界生涯里里外外的所思所想。,从某种角度讲,他的演讲无法吸引观众的注意力,因为它保证: “难以忽视的真相”将成为愤世嫉俗、思想形态肤浅者的狙击内容,而这些东西近来常常被视作为政治演讲。二氧化碳排放量对世界气候的影响所产生的一些担忧会使你成为一个自由开放的蠢人的这种想法如同戈尔先生生硬且毫无幽默感的形象一样令人厌恶,他只是一个人们取笑的演讲家,而不

10、会去认认真真对待之。,3,Translate the following into English. Since World War II the world has seen unprecedented migration of people. The United States has had an increasing number of immigrants from India, Arabic countries, China and Southeast Asia. European countries recently have had to cope with an influx

11、 of people from Russia and Poland. Many of these people come in hopes of a better economic future. Even Japan, which prides itself on having a homogeneous population, faces a growing foreign workforce, though it is very small by American and European standards. Oil-rich Arabic countries employ a num

12、ber of foreigners as well.,Translate the following into Chinese. 所有工业国的公司正面临着越来越多有不同背景的员工他们必须每天处理与不通报过文化和语言相关的问题。跨文化的沟通对国际公司和国内公司来说都是同等重要的话题问题关键是公司怎样才能组建一支有着共同目标的团队,这个任务并不轻松。 如果员工队伍文化和语言背景多样化,公司须确保不同背景的员工能够彼此相处;与此同时,管理层也应从上至下给所有的员工提供培训,以促进为同一目标更好工作。,5,Translation The rapid growth in the rich world b

13、efore the 1970s was encouraged by public spending on infrastructure (including in sewage systems) and basic research: the computer, the internet and the green revolution in food technology all sprang out of science, where there was no immediate commercial aim. Wars provide the sharpest example of th

14、e innovative power of government spending: astounding new developments in drone and prosthetic technology let alone the jet engine are a bittersweet testament to that. Even in these straightened times, money should still be found for basic research into areas such as carbon capture and storage.,For

15、governments that do these things well get out of the way of entrepreneurs, reform their public sectors and invest wisely the rewards could be huge. The risk that innovation may slow is a real one, but can be avoided. Whether it happens or not is, like most aspects of mankinds fate, up to him.,2. 由于技

16、术进步令人目不暇接,我们倾向于把这个时代当做是有史以来最具创新性的时代。我们生产出智能手机和超级计算机,拥有海量的数据和纳米技术,掌握了基因疗法和干细胞移植。政府、大学和公司每年用于研究与开发的支出加起来约为1.4万亿美元,比之前任何时候都多。 然而,人们最近见识的发明的用途都只有本期封面所示发明的一半。这种大众式的厕所有简洁的线条和直观的使用界面,它改变了数亿人的生活。它不仅仅是传承自19世纪晚期和20世纪早期发明家的现代卫生设备:他们发明了汽车、飞机、电话、收音机和抗生素。,当代科技没能带来同等影响力的发明,同时这也是越来越多的思想家宣称创新速度已经放慢的原因(见另文)。有趣的是,悲观论者中不仅学术界人士,如发起非发明性厕所大赛的美国经济学家罗伯特戈登;也包括像脸谱背后 的风险投资人皮特泰尔那样的企业家。,6,Where theres money, theres risk. Events in America show that no asset is copper-bottomed. A GOVERNMENT wit


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