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1、Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3.1 Introduction 老 板 工 头 雷达 激光 甭 卷心菜 boss light water mountain worker workshop,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3.2 Motivation and Non-motivation of words 1)The principle of modern linguistics: non-motivation / tri: / 共时性 历时性 泛时性 树 / arbr / (arbre) 2)Form-meaning connect

2、ion Stephen Ullmann: opaque word (含糊的,不透明的) transparent word,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3.3 Types of motivation Stephen Ullmann: 1) phonological(语音体系的) 相同或相似 英语 汉语 猫叫声 miao /mew 喵 撞击声 bang 砰 纸、干叶声 rustle 沙沙 不同 英语 汉语 水滴声 drip-drop 滴滴答答 水流声 murmur /bubble 涓涓,潺潺 青蛙叫声 croak 呱呱 马嘶声 neigh 潇潇,Chapter 3

3、 Motivation for Words,2) morphological (形态学的) 德语 英语 法语 汉语 Schillschuh(雪橇-鞋) skate patin 冰鞋 Schnittlaunch(劈开的-葱) chive cive 细香葱 Fingerhut(手指-帽) thimble de 顶针 Handschuh(手-鞋) glove gant 手套 Erdteil(土地-部分) continent continent 大陆 Scheidung(“离别“的分词) divorce divorce 离婚 Ehelosigheit婚姻+否定后缀+名词后缀 celibacy celi

4、bacy 独身 Ursache(起源的) cause cause 原因 anfangen(着手于) begin commencer 开始 one free morpheme(词素,形态素) - one word one free morpheme + affix - derivation(派生) two free morphemes - compound,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3)semantic a gleam of hope - 一线希望 storm of grief the notes of a distant song 鹅卵石 冰糖 木耳 蜂拥

5、毛毛雨 月牙 (metaphorical) 千里眼 千层饼 (hypoberbole) 3.4 Difference in motivation of Chinese & English words neoclassical compounds 德语 英语 法语 汉语 sprachwissenschaft (语言+科学) linguistics linguistique 语言学 lautlehre (声音+知识) phonetics phonetique 语音学 formenlehre(形式+知识) morphology morphologie 形态学 bedeutungslehre(意义+知

6、识) semantics semantique 语义学,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,王力:“汉字是属于表意体系的文字,字型和意义有密切的关系,分析字型有助于对本义的了解。” 财 货 贿 资 赠 赏 赐 贷 债 赊 贪 贵 贱 语 谈 请 许 诺 讽 谋访 读 训 诲 论 议 诽 谤 谏 诬 谗 谨 谦 诚 谅 1) English : core extension - affixation Chinese : plane extension 2) attitude towards foreign words schlock chutzpah coup deta

7、t /ku det:/ 苦迭打 德律风 狄克推多 德谟克拉西 伯理玺天德 普罗列塔利亚 政变 电话 专政 民主 总统 无产阶级,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3. 1 Affixation internationalization internationalize internationalist internationality international internationalism internationally internationally international nation nationhood nationwide nationally

8、national nationalize nationalizer nationality nationalization nationalism nationalist nationalistic nationalistically,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3.5 Types of differences in motivation 1) Naming Some white meat, please. And just a sliver of dark. 2) Word image 3.6 Cause of motivation difference 1

9、) Natural environment 2) Economic factor,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,3.7 Language and reality (王寅 p327) arbitrary, conventional - nominalism (唯名论) motivted - naturalism (唯实论) 1)phonological level gr- -ish sl- rising tone and falling tone p336 2) lexical level T-shirt V-belt Hedge 3) structural le

10、vel distance iconicity,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,If the meaning of form A affects the meaning of form B, then, the CLOSER form A is to form B, the STRONGER will be the effect of the meaning of A on the menaing of B. Only I want to two apples. I only want two apples. I want only two apples. He i

11、s not right. I think he is not right. I dont think he is right. He is not pleased. He is displeased.,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,hear sb. / sth. hear of sb. / sth. know sb. / sth/ know of sb. / sth. I poured him a drink. I poured a drink to him. I geve him a book. I gave a book to him. She talked

12、 to Tom, then to John, then to Geoge. She talked to Tom, John and Geoge. I found that the chair was comfortable. I found the chair comfortable. They saw the cottage which iwas under the trees. They saw the cottage, which was under the trees.,Chapter 3 Motivation for Words,The lovely fat new American girl friend p345 Sequence iconicity p361 他笑着 走进 来 对 我 说了声谢谢。 他走 进来 笑着 对 我 说了声谢谢。 他走 进来 对我 笑着 说了声谢谢,


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