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1、 Module 5 Unit 15 Lesson 1 Life-long Learning Teaching Plan教材分析本课是北师大版英语教材第15单元的第1课,主课文通过介绍三个不同年龄段的人的学习情况,强调终身学习的重要性。本课的教学以一个小调查开始引出话题,激发学生兴趣,使学生产生阅读的动机。引导学生学会预测,通过听力和快速阅读归纳文章的主要信息,再逐段阅读提取细节信息,并在整理信息的过程中,锻炼学生分析并解决问题的能力,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行输出性活动。Teaching Objectives:By the end of this period, the Ss will be

2、 able to:1. Grasp the structure of the passage.2. Retell the learning experiences of the three life-long learners, using the information and vocabulary acquired from the texts.3. Realize the importance of life-long learning and make their own plans for continuous study.Teaching Important Points:1. T

3、o get familiar with some words and phrases related to the life-long learning.2. To understand the main idea of the passage and more detailed information as well.3. To improve Ss listening and reading strategies.Teaching Difficulties:1. How to help Ss achieve a better understanding of the importance

4、of life-long learning and encourage them to make their own plans for continuous study.2. Guide Ss to use the information and vocabulary acquired from the texts. Teaching Methods:1. Task-based learning method 2. Discovering learning method 3. Student-centered method (individual work; pair work and gr

5、oup work)Teaching Aids:Computer,cassetteTeaching Procedures:Step Lead-in1. T (teacher) invites Ss to do a mini survey and fill in some blanks to make Ss think about the age which they think is no longer suitable for learning.2. T introduces some proverbs about life-long learning and takes Yao Ming a

6、s an example.3. T presents several pictures representing people of different ages and backgrounds to lead in the topic: life-long learning and make Ss clear that we have entered a world of life-long learning, more and more people are continuing to study to improve themselves nowadays. Step Pre-readi

7、ng1. Ss look at and talk about the photos and then work in groups discussing how important is it for people to continue their studies after formal education.2. Some of the Ss report their ideas with the class.3. Ss work in small groups of four talking about the rapid changes the world is undergoing

8、and how these changes make it necessary for people to continue learning.4. Some of the Ss share their ideas with the class and then complete the table as a whole class.5. T asks Ss to review the new words of this lesson and read in chorus.Step Fast-reading1. Ss listen to the cassette and find out th

9、e basic information of the three learners (names and ages) the passage refers to.2. Ss work individually skimming the passage to make clear of the main idea and the writers purpose of writing.3. Ss choose right answers to the three questions and fill in the blanks. Check answers as a class by having

10、 some Ss read out the answers.Step Careful-reading1. Ss scan the passage silently again to get detailed information and decide whether the sentences are true or false.2. Ss read the passage paragraph by paragraph and fill in the table with the correct information. Give Ss time to think about and dis

11、cuss the answers if they wish before writing.3. Some of the Ss share their ideas with the whole class.Answers: NameSun WenMs TangGrandpa ChenWhat did they study?Computer EngineeringBusinessHow to email and use the InternetReason for studyGive himself a second chance by studying for a degreeGot bored

12、 with being a full-time housewife after being laid off from work and dreamed of starting her own company.It was too expensive to send letters by airmail when the postage went up.How did they study?By distance learningDid a business courseGot his grandson to instruct himResult of their studyAbout to

13、graduate with a Bachelors degree; Getting promoted at work.Has learnt many new skills and has already prepared a business plan for setting up her own export company.Sent and answered messages fast,can see and talk to his grandchildren in the US on the i-Cam; Hes now doing an Eng1ish course.4. Based

14、on the table, Ss practice retelling the passage and do a summary.Step Post-readingDraw a conclusion to make Ss achieve a better understanding of the importance of life-long learning.T: In Sun Wen and Ms Tangs cases, learning helps them in their career and brings them sense of achievement. As for Grandpa Chen, he enjoys learning for his family life. People from all ages and backgrounds benefit from life-long learning. Step Homework1. Write a short passage to state the importance of life-long learning. Give at least one example. 2. Preview the grammar point -third conditional. 4



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