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1、With the Shaanxi Expressway networking toll, toll extension business is now weighing charges for storage charges database security and backup of business data has become more prominent. After two years of operation, more and more awareness of the operating units to database stability issues is a pro

2、blem not to be ignored. Simple examples such as: failure of the servers and databases, general maintenance and management staff, in many cases, cannot be independent and quick recovery, had an impact on production. So we need a proper data backup solutions. Database is the core of the whole system,

3、database security should pay more attention. Therefore, the formulation of appropriate database backup strategy, is to maintain database security norms as well as the guidelines, to backup the data it needs from the technical, as well as administratively regulated. In data security, data security st

4、rategy is to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. Therefore, database security policy will focus on these three points, including physical security, access control, data backup and emergency response. Here, in the toll collection system in the province uses the SQ

5、L Server database as an example to illustrate the idea of developing its security policy. 1 research background of construction of networked Expressway toll collection system reduced the number of drivers vehicles in the road network and improve road capacity, reducing environmental pollution due to

6、 parking, enhance the economic benefits of Highway and social image. Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll began in May 2004, as of now there are more than 200 data server, as more sections of grid-connected charges, charges data as the core of the whole system, it is necessary to establish

7、a set of data security and reliable solution. 2 purpose this time through the analysis of network data in server health, Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system based on data, statistical methods of data storage, data research, original charge as possible security, integrity and privacy

8、 of data. For the opening section after incorporation fees provide a reliable set of data security policies. 3 database security situation in the province Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system overview 3.1 database-tier systems, management systems, branch-level management system, the

9、provincial network centre split and transfer system, four-level system. Each system has its own separate data server is used to store their collection of premium business data, provide the basis for statistical analysis. 1, stand-level server storage fees collected from toll lanes flowing data and p

10、ass on this site blessing Kaku, cartridge information within this site, card box allocation, cartridge combination of information and frequency information. 2, the main storage server server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station data and the pass of blessing Kaku, the in

11、ternal cartridge information, reallocation of the cartridge and cartridge combination, personnel information, flight information, charges the actual payment data entry work. 3, Center-class server storage server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station dataWater data integr

12、ity can be up and running. So when a database server fails, you do not need to pass data to recover, simply through the collection procedure for charging water data collection to complete the fast recovery of server failures. 4.4 analysis summary summary analysis, lane because it is not a complete s

13、tation level data, so there is no need for dedicated backup. Stand-level server data because it is at the front of the charge as a whole, its fault directly affects the exercise normally, you need a complete offsite backup solution. Management, and data center server, due to its operations without m

14、anual data entry, so just use common artificial scheduled backups can be. 5 solutions in order to ensure that when the server after a hardware failover, backup data without changes or only minor changes can be quick and easy troubleshooting of server data recovery, you临 沂 职 业 学 院五年制会计电算化专业人才培养方案专业类别

15、:财务会计类 专业代码:620204一、指导思想以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持和落实科学发展观,全面贯彻党的教育方针,学院坚持“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”,坚持为当地经济建设服务,为行业、企业的人才需求服务,面向社会、面向市场的办学理念;学院从办学理念、专业设置、课程体系、教育教学管理等各方面形成了符合职业教育规律和鲜明的职业教育办学特色,走产学研结合的发展道路。根据地方经济发展需要和企业、行业、产业结构的特点,遵循职业教育客观规律,培养德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义建设的合格专业人才。二、专业定位(一)专业发展前景随着临沂经济的持续快速发展,社会对会计电算化专业人才的需求




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