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1、32010,Vol. 27 No.108Chemistry & Bioengineeringl: 2010- 06- 22Te:周肖寅( 1986- ) ,男, 江苏泰州人,硕士研究生, 研究方向:药物分析; 通讯作者: 刘峥, 博士, 教援bE- mail: lisa4. 6 ; 491047402 qq. comb0CZo1, 1,l2( 1.桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004; 2.桂林南药股份有限公司,广西桂林 541004)K 1:药物多晶型自发现以来受到了广泛关注,多晶型的研究取得了巨大成就, 但药物种类繁多, 新药不断出现,多晶型的研究任务依然艰巨b通过对近1

2、0年来国内外药物多晶型研究相关文献的整理a分析与归纳, 介绍了药物多晶型现象的研究意义a分析方法a多晶型转变的影响因素b1oM:药物多晶型; 分析方法;晶型转变ms|: O 742. 4 DSM: A cI|: 1672- 5425( 2010) 10- 0001- 0504a3bW8,0Cb0118W20M7S1, 20W60MM1S?ZLsm4,sal;aX-LxsZE,0Zy 1b0C#00aa3 2Y,Yb0B4:aaaLb8s0bW8,0(N;80s08;048,;0H,4s0917s0,L,g4Fb1 0ilC0a3aM,t+Vib;EFEaKBrEaQE#hQE( AT R)b.

3、d;EsaTYvb;B,9_s0-?),;|b2o:0CZ/2010M10$_ZEb09T,eF7be?3MH,?lM;,e;e,H?3M,?;0?3?,P;0?;0?3Y,?YM( Raman shift) ,s0?)1bM?9);u,;_K;,9,;bk;MTbM;Es|?ZbQ=M;E 14a;E 15, 16a;E 17#;A 18sTvDb2.4 X-LEX-LE01m,X-LEX-LxEbX-LxEVuY0dakY8auYbX-LEV0a(0Wa)a8a1,0KrZEbX-Lxs1: ( 1)V2H,Br aggT2dsinH= nK(n= 1a2a3 ,)9Wd; ( 2)Vm=

4、Md,.3e)0aZE M .:.VM J .D0,2001, 21( 1) : 29- 30. 25 C heng W en-ting, Lin Shan-yang, Li Me-i jane. Raman microspec-troscopic m appin g or thermal sy stem used to investigate milling-in duced solid-state con version of famotidine polymorphs J . JRam an Sp ectrosc, 2007,38( 12) : 1595-1601. 26 ,V,.*1

5、J ., 2003, 61( 2) : 291-294. 27 Roux Maria Victoria, Dvalos Juan Z, Jimn ez Pilar. E ffect of pr-essu re on the polymorphic form s of famotidine J . T herm ochim-ica Acta, 2002, 394( 1-2) : 19-24. 28 Martin o P D, Guyot-H erm ann A M, Conflant P, et al. Polym or-ph ism of paracetamol J . Biopharm Ph

6、arm T echnol, 1995, ( 1 ) :42-45. 29 f!,u5.03VC J .S05, 2003, 22( 10) : 615-620.ResearchAdvanceofDrugPolymorphismZHOUXiao-yin1,LIUZheng1,FENGXiao-zhen2(1.College of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541004, China;2.Guilin Pharmaceutical Co. ,Ltd. ,Guilin 5410

7、04,China)Abstract:Drug polymorphism has received extensive attention since it had been discovered, and scientistshave got great achievements in research of polym orphism . H ow ever, the drug variety is so large and w ith the in-vention of new drugs, the research of polymorphism is also an arduous t

8、ask. In this paper, on the basis of re-search, analysis and summ ar y of a near decade of correlative literatures, the drug polym orphism, the resear chsignificance, the analysis method, the influential factors of crystal transformation.Keywords:drug polym orphism; analysis m ethod; crystal transformation5


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