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1、必修5 Unit 4 高考试卷分块专练.完形填空One of Fatahs close friends had several farms. One year due to _1_ economic conditions, people were suffering starvation. This man _2_ to give the harvest of one of his farms to the _3_. So he went to the square and announced that people could benefit from the _4_, if they we

2、re _5_, and that they could not take from the harvest more than what was _6_.The needy went there every day in large groups and benefited. The _7_ of the farm was so busy with his work that he didnt follow up (关注) closely on the _8_ of that piece of land. After he had _9_ all the other pieces of lan

3、d, he _10_ this particular farm he had given as charity, and _11_ his servants to go and collect any dry grass, plants and _12_ that might have remained.To the great _13_ of the servants, they found that there _14_ remained a lot of crops that had not been harvested. When getting in the harvest, the

4、y all _15_ that the harvest of that piece of land exceeded (超过) that of all the other pieces of land that the man owned._16_, while it was a common _17_ to leave the land without planting any crops the following year _18_ it could regain the minerals it had _19_, it was found that this piece of land

5、 had not lost anything at all, and it was _20_ to grow crops in the following year.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。条件允许的情况下,多去帮助别人,有时你会有意想不到的收获。1A.commonBsteadyCunfair Dbad解析:选D根据本空后“starvation”判断,由于经济状况不好,人们遭受饥饿。2A.begged BcontinuedCdecided Dpretended解析:选C正因为经济情况不好,人们遭受饥饿,所以法塔赫的朋友决定来帮助这些人。3A.sick BpoorCdeaf Dold解析:选

6、B法塔赫的朋友决定拿出一块地来让贫穷的人来收割庄稼。4A.suggestion BeducationCclimate Dland解析:选D根据下文可知,人们可以从他的这块地里收割庄稼。 need Bin returnCin danger Din doubt解析:选A于是他就来到广场上向人们宣布,人们可以从他的这块地里收割庄稼,前提是他们是需要帮助的人。6A.different BnecessaryCsimilar Dsensitive解析:选B人们能从这块地里收割庄稼,但不能超过他们所需要的量。7A.owner BreporterCneighbor Dseller解析:选A土地的主人

7、太忙以至于顾不上关注那块土地的情况。8A.soil BdesignCcondition Dprice解析:选C参见上题解析。9A.measured BwateredCcleared Dharvested解析:选D当他把其他土地的庄稼都收割完后,他才记起那块捐出去的土地。10A.remembered BdiscoveredCmanaged Ddeveloped解析:选A参见上题解析。11A.warned BtoldCadvised Dtaught解析:选B于是他就派仆人去把那块地里剩下的东西收回来。12A.seeds BanimalsCgoods Dtools解析:选A于是他就派仆人去把那块地里

8、剩下的东西收回来,不管剩下的是干草、秸秆还是种子。13A.relief BsurpriseCtaste Dregret解析:选B根据文章下文可知,仆人们感到很惊讶。14A.again BneverCalso Dstill解析:选D看到地里仍然还剩下那么多的庄稼没有收割,他们非常惊讶。15A.explained BforgotCfound Ddreamed解析:选C他们发现从这块地里收割的粮食竟然比其他任何一块都多。16A.However BThereforeCAnyway DBesides解析:选D除此之外,还有一件事令人感到惊讶。17A.plan BrequestCpractice Dsys

9、tem解析:选C通常下一年人们不会在这块地里种任何庄稼,这样就可以把失去的矿物质补充一下,这是人们普遍的做法。a common practice“普遍的做法”。 if Bso thatCnow that Deven if解析:选B参见上题解析。19A.removed BwastedCsaved Dlost解析:选D参见第17题解析。20A.possible BstrangeCsafe Dpainful解析:选A他们发现这块地的矿物质并没有流失,下一年还可以种庄稼。.语法填空At the end of one class, a wise teacher told each of he

10、r students to bring a plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school.The next day she told her students, “From today on, for every person you dont like in your lives, you can choose a potato, on _1_ you write the persons name. Then put the potato in the plastic bag.” Day _2_ day, some students bags bec

11、ame very heavy. Then the students _3_ (tell) to carry their bags with them everywhere they went. They would put it in bed at night, by their side when _4_ (seat) on a bus, and next to their desks at school. _5_ (carry) the bag around with them made the students get to know _6_ a weight they were car

12、rying in their minds. _7_ time passed by, the potatoes went bad and gave off _8_ terrible smell. They were all eager to get rid of the potatoes.Too often we think of forgiveness as a gift to other people, and _9_ (clear) it is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our _10_ (sad) and dislikes in our he

13、arts, we will have to carry them around all our lives.语篇解读:一位老师通过一个有趣的实验使学生们明白了:少一些抱怨和仇恨,你将会拥有更加快乐和轻松的生活。1which从句为“介词关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词为a potato,故填which。2byday by day是固定搭配,意为“一天天地”,强调渐变过程。3were toldthe students是谓语动词所表示动作的承受者,故用被动语态;本文说的是过去发生的事,故用一般过去时。4seatedwhen seated on a bus是“连词分词”的省略形式,完整表达是w

14、hen they were seated on a bus。be seated是习惯表达,意为“就座”。5Carrying此处需填提示词的v.ing形式构成动名词短语,在句中作主语。6what本空需填what引导宾语从句,在从句中作“多么”解。7As此处需填连词As表示“随着”,引导时间状语从句。8aa terrible smell意为“一股难闻的味道”。9clearly此处需填提示词的副词形式在句中作状语,修饰后一分句。10sadness本空与后面的dislikes对应,需填提示词的名词形式作keep的宾语。.语法填空Many people think the more time is sp

15、ent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole day _1_ (finish) schoolwork except the three meals. According to a survey _2_ (carry) out recently, many high school students now have no more than 7 hours to sleep. Consequently, their health is seriously damaged.Modern students usually have _3_ (various) of interests and hobbies. A twoday weekend can free t



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