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1、. . . .3-4模块测试题一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)。( )1. Have you got _ stamps from America? A. some B. any C. a ( )2. They are famous_ . A. womans B. womens C. women ( )3. Ive got an email _ England. A. from B.at C.with ( )4. Hi, Simon! There is a letter you. A. with B. for C. give ( )5. She can _ another pe

2、n. A. was B. have C. is ( )6. _ is my sisters hobby. A. Draw B. Draws C. Drawing ( )7. Ive got_ airplane. A. an B. a C. one ( )8. He presents to the children. A. give B. gives C. giving ( )9. Daming and_ are going to Beijing . A. I B. me C. my 2、 英汉互译。(共计10分)1. 国旗日 F_ Day 2. 感恩节T_g_ Day3. 春节 S_ F_ 4

3、. 中秋节M_ F_5. 元宵节L_ F_ 6. Christmas _7. Dragon Boat Festival_ 8. Mothers Day_9. be from_ 10. American stamps_3、 选择配伍(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。 ( )1. Have you got a bike? A. No, Im not. ( )2. Has he got a football? B. Stamps. ( )3. Are you from Mexico? C.Yes, you can. ( )4. Wha

4、t are these? D. No, I havent.( )5. Can I ask another question? E. Yes, he has.( )6. Whats your mother? F. No, I dont. ( )7. Whats your favourite subject? G. Yes, it is.( )8. Is it time for English? H. Shes a nurse. ( )9. What is your hobby ? I. English.( )10. Do you like singing? J. Reading books.四、

5、选词填空。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) Collecting these favourite from another 1. English is my _ subject.2. _ are some books about Chinese.3. Now you can have _ Chinese stamp.4. These cars are _ Canada.5. _ animals is my hobby.5、 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) Bob is eight. He goes to school from Monday to Fr

6、iday. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him,Why are you late today? I was in the teachers office. Why did you go to the teachers office? Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人)could an

7、swer it, but me. Its good to answer the teachers questions. But the question was: Who put the ink(墨水) on my chair?( )1. Bob lives near his school.( )2. He goes to school and comes back home by bike.( )3. Today Bob went to school late.( )4. Bob put some ink on the teachers chair.( )5. The boy is very

8、 naughty.六 、单词拼写。A) 根据图示填写适当的字母,完成单词。(共计4分)1. b_ _d 2. st_ m_ 3. c_mp_ ter 4. a _rpl _ne B)根据提示完成单词。(共计16分) 5. R_ (读书)is my hobby.6. We always have a s_(特殊的) meal.7. That s _ (听起来) nice .8. Is there a l _(信件) for me?9. They are f _(著名的) men.10. Do you c _(收集) dolls?11. We w_(观看) a football game on T

9、V.12. We carry flags and s _(唱)songs.七、为句子选择相应的图片。(共计10分) A. B. C. D. E.1. Riding bikes is her hobby.2. There is a famous man on the stamp.3. Ive got a present from my friend.4. Bobs favourite festival is Halloween.5. You can see dragon dances.八、读一读,画一画。(满分10分) Today is Spring Festival. We have a bi

10、g family dinner. On the table, there are some sweets, dumplings and peanuts. There are some flowers on it, too. I am very happy. Please draw it.1. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。2. 若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。在纷杂的尘世里,为自己留下一片纯静的心灵空间,不管是潮起潮落,也不管是阴晴圆缺,你都可以免去浮躁,义无反顾,勇往直前,轻松自如地走好人生路上的每一步3. 花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。4. 岁月是无情的,假如你丢给它的是一片空白,它还给你的也是一片空白。岁月是有情的,假如你奉献给她的是一些色彩,它奉献给你的也是一些色彩。你必须努力,当有一天蓦然回首时,你的回忆里才会多一些色彩斑斓,少一些苍白无力。只有你自己才能把岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的人生画卷。学习参考


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