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1、上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 三种下颌种植覆盖义齿固位形式的应力分析 姓名:张青青 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:口腔临床医学(口腔修复学) 指导教师:张建中 20090501 上海交通大学医学院七年制硕士学位论文 1 三种下颌种植覆盖义齿固位形式的应力分析 摘 要 目的:本实验在制作常规下半口义齿、球帽附着式种植覆盖义齿、磁性附着 式种植覆盖义齿及杆卡附着式种植覆盖义齿的基础上,应用三维光弹性应力分析方 法,分析正中牙合、侧向牙合、前伸牙合三种应力加载下义齿支持组织的应力分布情况, 为附着体的临床选用提供实验依据。 方法:本实验选取标准下颌无牙颌模型,在双侧尖牙区植入两枚种植体,参 照此模型制作环

2、氧树脂光弹模型,表面覆盖厚 2mm 的均质硅橡胶牙槽粘膜模拟层, 制作全口义齿,分别连接球帽、磁性、杆卡附着体制成各型种植覆盖义齿。将模型 与义齿固定于加载装置,分别在正中牙合、侧向牙合和前伸牙合状态下进行上颌体中央 1 砝码垂直加载,应力冻结后切取要分析牙位的模型切片,观测应力条纹图样,以 单位厚度的条纹级数值反映应力大小。 结果:三种牙合位下,常规下半口义齿支持组织的后牙区应力值较大,应力最 大值位于牙槽嵴颊舌侧;覆盖义齿的种植体周围应力最大,余留牙槽嵴后牙区应力 较大。种植覆盖义齿的种植体颈部和尖周骨界面应力集中,尖周大于颈部。球帽和 磁性附着体的侧向应力较小,其中磁性附着体的侧向应力更

3、小。杆卡附着式种植覆 盖义齿的种植体骨界面和余留牙槽嵴内的应力值均较大。 结论:(1)常规下半口义齿支持组织的应力最大值不是位于牙槽嵴顶,而是 位于牙槽嵴颊舌侧。 (2)下半口义齿后牙区为承受牙合力主要区域,临床制作义齿时 应重视该区基托的扩展。 (3) 种植覆盖义齿的种植体尖周骨界面为应力最大处。 (4) 球帽和磁性附着体有一定侧向应力缓冲作用,有利于种植体骨界面的健康。 (5)杆 卡附着式种植覆盖义齿种植体周围和余留牙槽嵴的应力均较大,不利于种植体和组 织的健康,应慎选。 关键词:种植覆盖义齿,附着体,全口义齿,应力分析,光弹实验 上海交通大学医学院七年制硕士学位论文 2 STRESS A

4、NALYSIS OF MANDIBULAR IMPLANT-RETAINED OVERDENTURES WITH THREE DIFFERENT RETENTIONS FORMS ABSTACT PURPOSE: To compare the stess distribution of supporting tissue under the traditional mandibular complete denture and implant-retained overdentures with different attachments, including ball-spring atta

5、chment, magnetic attachment and bar-clip attachment. In this study photoelastic method was used to analysis the biomechanical characteristic of mandibular dentures, under the loads of centric, lateral and protrusive occlusion. METHODS: Photoelastic models of epoxy were fabricated according to the st

6、andard mandibular edentulous model with two implants in the canine teeth areas. And alveolar mucosa was simulated by silicone rubber about 2mm in thickness. The complete denture was made, and connecting the three types of attachments into overdentures. 1 kilogram force was vertically applied in the

7、bite force loading device which had fixed the models and dentures in centric, lateral and protrusive occlusion. After stress frozen, photoelastic model slices of different areas were made and stress fringes were observed. The stress value was measured by fringe order per unit thickness. RESULTS: In

8、these three occlusions, stresses in posterior teeth areas of the traditional complete denture were large, and the maximum stress was observed on buccal 上海交通大学医学院七年制硕士学位论文 3 and lingual side of alveolar ridge; under the implant-retained overdentures, stresses around implants were the largest, and str

9、esses of posterior teeth were large. Stresses were concentrated around the cervical parts and apical parts of implants, which used in the implant-retained overdentures, and the stress around the apical part was higher. The oblique stresses of ball-spring attachment and magnetic attachment were small

10、, and the stress of magnetic attachment was smaller than that of ball-spring attachment. Under the overdenture retained with bar-clip attachment, there were higher stresses not only around the implant-bone interface, but also in the alveolar bone. CONCLUSIONS: (1) Under the traditional mandibular co

11、mplete denture, the alveolar ridge crest was not the area of the maximum stress. (2) The posterior teeth area of the mandibular complete denture was main occlusal force bearing area, and the extent of complete denture base should be enlarged in this aera. (3) The stresses around the apical parts of

12、implants used in the implant-retained overdentures were the highest. (4) Ball-spring attachment and magnetic attachment can decrease the oblique stress, which might be beneficial to the health of implants. (5) Under the overdenture retained with bar-clip attachment, there were higher stresses both a

13、round the implant-bone interface and in the alveolar bone. The use of bar-clip attachment in implant-retained overdenture might be well considered. KEY WORDS: implant-retained overdenture, attachment, complete denture, stress analysis, photoelastic experiment 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所

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16、, 可继而引起牙槽嵴、 口腔粘膜、颞下颌关节、咀嚼肌及神经系统的病理改变。因此早在 17 世纪,人们 就开始为牙列缺失患者制作全口义齿。经过几百年的发展和进步,全口义齿的基本 理论、制作步骤和方法逐渐趋于完善。随着人口老龄化,牙列缺失需要全口义齿修 复的患者比例逐年上升。经济的发展和人民生活质量的提高,人们对全口义齿修复 在功能和美观发面都提出了更高的要求。一些研究表明,20%-30%全口义齿修复的 患者对其所使用的义齿常有固位稳定差、咀嚼效率低、疼痛、不适等主诉,这些问 题多发生在下颌全口义齿 3。对于不满足于传统全口义齿的缺牙患者来说,种植义 齿已经成为一种成功的替代治疗方法,极大地提高了这些患者的满意度。通过在颌 骨特定部位植入一定数目的种植体,结合带各种附着体的上部结构进行覆盖义齿修 复,可提供常规全口义齿无法达到的固位与稳定,提高患者的咀嚼效能 4-8。 Boucher 把附着体定义为:是义齿修复的一种固位和稳定的机械装置 9。根据 固位原理的不同,应用于全口覆盖义齿


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