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1、,American festivels,10个法定节日,New Years Day Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Washingtons Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day,除夕 马丁路德金日 华盛顿诞辰日 美国阵亡将士纪念日 美国独立日,Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day,劳动节 哥伦布日 退伍军人节 感恩节 圣诞节,1. New Years Day,January 1st stay up late start

2、a new life “Open House”,最热闹的是除夕晚上 夜十二点,大家一起把旧物扔进火里烧掉,并围火歌舞,狂欢至黎明 人们聚集在教堂、街头或广场 一同迎候那除旧更新的一瞬,New York people waiting for new years come,Chinese-Americans美籍华人,The Chinese-Americans celebrate their New Years Day according to Chinas lunar calendar They keep the old Chinese troditions for celebrate such

3、as clowns, acrobats, and golden dragons, etc,Chinese-Americans New Year,Martin Luther King Day 马丁路德金日,We will not resort to violence. We will not degrade ourselves with hatred. Love will not be returned with hate.“ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,Third Monday of January(1月第三个星期) 1986年1月20日第一个官方的马丁路德金日,这

4、是唯一一个纪念美国黑人的联邦假日。,Schools, offices and federal agencies memorial services special sermons(布道)reminding Dr. Kings lifelong work for peace. Civil Rights Movement.,华盛顿诞辰日,(Washingtons Birthday) 乔治华盛顿作为美国的开国元勋和第一任总统而为美国人民永远纪念,其诞辰日2月22日是美国各州的法定假日,Memorial Day 美国阵亡将士纪念日,5月最后一个星期一,Memorial Day began in the

5、 United States on May 30, 1868, after the Civil War had ended. Flowers were put on the graves of both sides, in order to help heal the nation. It was later expanded to include all men and women who had died in Americas wars.,4. Independence Day,July 4th the national day of The U.S. It was on this da

6、y in 1776 the Declaration Independence adopted :Americans celebrate their independence with picnics, barbecues, fireworks and family gatherings.,On this day the White House will open to citizens Americans proudly fly the American flag and spend the day with their families,Ceremonies,Labor Day,The fi

7、rst weekend in September 源于美国芝加哥城的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的216816名工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。 每逢9月的劳动节,美国人可以放假一天 各种庆祝活动,以示对劳工的尊重,哥伦布日Columbus Day,每年10月12日。哥伦布日是美国于1792年首先发起纪念的 1893年,Veterans Day退伍军人节,从原11月11日的第一次世界大战停战日演变而来的 November 11, 1919 was set aside(记载下来)as Armistice Day(停战日)in the Unit

8、ed State,1968年,“星期日假日法”,以使人们可以度过三天周末。从1971年开始生效 Politicians and veteran officers gave speeches and held ceremonies of thanks for the peace they had won.,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,每年11月的第四个星期四 The first Thanksgiving Proclamation was made in 1675 In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving.,Thursday November 24, 2011.,圣诞节Christmas Day,每年12月25日,,是教会年历的一个传统节日,它是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日,celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas/Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings.,Thank You,


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