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1、 中共上海市委党校中共上海市委党校 20122012 届硕士届硕士学位论文学位论文 社区党群关系的建构路径与机制探索社区党群关系的建构路径与机制探索 社会资本视角的实证研究社会资本视角的实证研究 专专 业:业:党史(含党的学说与党的建设)党史(含党的学说与党的建设) 研究方向:研究方向: 社区党建社区党建 学学 号:号: 2 200903300160090330016 研研 究究 生:生: 胡晓亚胡晓亚 导导 师:师: 马西恒马西恒 教授教授 20122012 年年 6 6 月月 1919 日日 学位论文独创性声明 本人所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及 取得的研究成果。据我所

2、知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文 不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。 对本文的研究做出重 要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解中共上海市委党校有关保留、使用学位论文的规 定,即:学校有权按有关规定向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的电子 版和纸质版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;有权公布论文的全部或部分内 容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存、汇编学位论文;有权 将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索。 保密的学位 论文在解密后适用本规定。 学位论文作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 日期: I 摘摘 要要 中

3、国共产党最大的政治优势在于密切联系群众。 保持与加强党同人民群众的 密切联系,对于提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位有重要意义。社区党组织 是巩固党在城市领导地位的重要基层组织力量。目前,社区党群关系存在疏离化 倾向,群众工作方式不能适应现代利益格局,组织、动员和引领群众的能力呈弱 化趋势。如何从科学化的角度建构新时期的社区党群关系,巩固群众对党组织的 认同、信任和拥护,促进党群关系的融合,构成了社区党建研究中的热点和难点 问题。 本论文从社会资本视角研究社区党群关系的建构, 旨在探究党群血肉联系的 实践状态与运作机理。本研究提出社会资本是指共同体内部个人与个人、个人与 组织、组织与组织之间经

4、过相互联系形成的关系网络,以及维系关系网络存在与 发展的互动规则、互惠规范、信任、信仰、价值观念等。关系网络、规范、信任 是社会资本理论三个基本要素, 这三个要素同时是党群之间血肉联系的支点和机 制。党组织要从嵌入社区网络入手,在网络的参与及互动中,形成互动规范,在 参与和互动规范基础上产生对政党的信任。同时需要促进网络参与、规范与信任 的循环。 本研究选取A街道A社区“睦邻点建设”为个案,分别从关系网络、规范、 信任三个层面对社区党组织、睦邻点(兼具群众自发性和邻里性特征的组织) 、 社区成员之间的互动交往进行解剖,归纳和概括出社区党组织开发社会资本,建 构党群关系的路径:首先是要综合考量既

5、存的社会资本,分析新生的社会治理资 源;其次是要把握时代特点和群众需求,以组织性力量整合社会资源;最后是要 坚持群众观点和群众路线,不断投资和开发新的社会资本。在此基础上进一步指 出党群关系融合的机制:以党员、社区 精英为节点的党群关系网络建构与发展 机制,以拓展自治性为核心的规范化管理机制,以广泛参与为基点的运作机制, 以党群频繁互动交流为关键的党群信任机制。 关键词: 社会资本;党群关系;社区建设;路径;机制 II Abstract The biggest political advantage of the Communist Party of China lies in the clo

6、se ties with people. Keeping and strengthen the close relationship between the party and people have important significance for improving the Partys governing capacity and consolidating partys ruling status. The community party organizations are important power for consolidating partys ruling status

7、 in cities. At present, the relation between the party and the masses tend to be alienated; The masses work method of the party is not suitable to the modern benefits situation; The ability of organization and mobilization tends to be weaken. How to scientifically construct the relationship between

8、the party and the masses in the new period for consolidating the people self-identity, trust and support party and promoting integration between party and people? This is a hot and hard question in the Community Party build work research. This paper researches the relationship build between the Comm

9、unity Party and people in the view of social capital theory to explore practice state and operational mechanism in the blood relationship between party and people. This paper suggests that social capital is the network of relationships and the rule of interaction, norm of reciprocity, trust, belief

10、and values which keep the network of relationship. The network of relationships can be formed with the interaction between individual and individual, individual and organization, organization and organization. The network of relationships, norm and trust are the essential factors and also the node a

11、nd mechanism in the blood relationship between party and people. The Community Party should start with embed in the community net, then form the rule of interaction, and at last produce the trust between party and people. At the same time, the party should promote the cycle between network, norm and

12、 trust. This paper takes “neighborhood organization” in the A community, A street as an example. Anatomy the interaction between community party, neighborhood organization(the organization is characterized with spontaneity and neighborhood interactivity)and community member from the three dimensions

13、network, norm and trust. Then, induce and generalize the path to develop social capital and built the relationship between party and people: first comprehensively considerate the existing social capital, analyze the new social governance resources; then grasp the times characteristic and the peoples

14、 demand, integrate social resources by organization; at III last stick to mass view and mass line, continue to invest and implore social capital. This paper will add that the mechanism in the blood relationship between party and people: the built and develop mechanism of network with the node of par

15、ty member and community elite, the standardized management mechanism with the core of autonomy, operation mechanism with the basic points of extensive participation, the trust mechanism with the key point of frequent interaction. Key words:social capital;the relationship between party and people; co

16、mmunity building;path;mechanism 1 目目 录录 第第 1 1 章章 导论导论 . 1 1.1 问题的提出 . 1 1.2 文献综述 . 4 1.3 理论基础及研究框架 . 9 1.4 研究的方法、创新与不足 16 第第 2 2 章章 社区发展与社区党社区发展与社区党组织的社会资本概况组织的社会资本概况 . 19 2.1 社区发展与基层治理的变迁 19 2.2 社区党建与党群关系的重构 20 2.3 社区党组织社会资本的总体考察 22 第第 3 3 章章 社区网络与党群关系的建构社区网络与党群关系的建构 . 27 3.1 社会关系网络的变迁与社区党组织的社会使命 27 3.1.1 社会关系网络与社会整合 . 27 3



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