江苏省17—18学学年上学期高二英语:期末复习语法 非谓语 动名词(附答案)$875719.doc

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1、 北京天梯志鸿教育科技有限责任公司 高二英语:非谓语动词高二英语:非谓语动词 动名词(doing/being done, having done/having been done) (一)动名词的用法: 1.主语 Seeing is believing. Walking is a good form of exercise. Its no use ( good ) arguing with him ./ There is no use (good) arguing with him. 注意:doing 与 to do 都可作主语,doing 作主语表示一般或抽象的多次性的行为或强调概 念;to

2、 do 作主语表示具体的或一次性的动作。 Playing with fire is dangerous. 2.表语:Her job is teaching. 3.宾语:记住哪些动词后面须用 doing 作宾语: finish, enjoy, mind, feel like, keep, practice , miss, suggest, cant help, imagine, mention, forgive, excuse, dislike, put off, avoid, admit, appreciate , give up, allow, permit, forbid, advise,

3、 escape , include, cant stand, catch sb. (doing), 等; 注意: (1)某些动词后既可用 to do 也可用 doing 作宾语,但意思不同,如:forget, remember, regret, try, go on, stop, mean; -You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. -Well, I regret _( do) so now. I regret _ ( tell ) you that only half of you passed the exam.

4、-Look, the light is still on. -Oh, I forgot _( turn) it off. -Have you returned the dictionary to him? -Well, I remember _(give) it back to him as soon as I saw him. -Ive knocked at the front door twice, but it seems nobody is in. -Why not try _(knock) a third time? Missing this train means _( wait)

5、 for another two hours. He was so tired that he stopped _(rest) 2 (2) 在 allow, permit, forbid, advise 后接 doing 作宾语,接 to do 作宾补; We dont allow smoking here. We dont allow students to smoke here. (3)当 need, want, require 作“需要”解释, deserve“值得”,且主语与后面的动词有被动关系时, 结构为:need / want / require doing ( to be don

6、e) The roof of the office building needs repairing / to be repaired. (4)be worth doing / be worthy of being done ( be worthy to be done) His method is well worth trying.=His method is worthy of being tried ( is worthy to be tried). 在动词短语 devote to, look forward to, stick to, be used to, be busy , ob

7、ject to, have difficulty (trouble) , have a wonderful time , have a hard time, feel like, get down to, theres no use ( good), theres no sense (point), theres no doing, its/theres no use(good) 等后面用 doing; start / begin 后面可接 to do 也可接 doing,但在下列情况下接 to do: A: 主语是表示物的名词时:It started to snow suddenly. B:

8、当 start 与 begin 以进行时出现时:He is beginning to cook dinner. C:当后面作宾语的动词为感情、思想、意念时:I began to understand what he meant. 4. 作定语:(表示所修饰名词的特点、用途及性质) a reading room ( a room for reading), a sleeping car, a walking stick, waiting room, running shoes, flying suit (二)动名词的复合结构:(1)否定结构:not doing(2)执行者+doing 形容词性物

9、主代词(his)或人称代词宾格(him)+doing 名词所有格(Marys)或普通格( Mary)+doing 这两个复合结构在句中充当宾语: She didnt mind him / his / Jack / Jacks crying and went on doing the washing. 如复合结构在句中充当主语,则用形容词性物主代词或名词的所有格+doing: His coming to my birthday party made me happy. Marys crying loudly made him angry. His not being allowed to vis

10、it his sick mother made him unhappy. 但如动名词的复合结构作宾语,且其执行者(逻辑主语)为无生命的名词或不定代词 (something, somebody 等)时,用名词的普通格: Is there any hope of our team winning the game? He insists on the plan being carried out at once. 3 (三)动名词的时态及语态: 时态:doing / having done 语态:being done / having been done Nobody likes _(laugh)

11、 at in public places. He regretted _(accept) her gift. He was afraid of _ ( leave) alone at home. 巩固练习: 1. I wouldnt advise _ there by bus, because it is too crowded. A. and go B. to go C. to going D. going 2. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. yo

12、ure calling 3. The doctor recommended _ hard work for the first few weeks. A. to avoid B. to avoiding C. being avoided D. avoiding 4. With modern traffic control facilities speeders cant expect to escape _ detected and fined. A. to be B. being C. to have been D. having been 5. I really cant risk the

13、 children _ these awful programs. A. to see B. having seen C. to seeing D. seeing 6. Its strange that she didnt mention _ him at the party. A. to meet B. to meeting C. meeting D. met 7. My younger sister suggested _the Summer Palace first. A. me to visit B. mine visiting C. I visiting D. my visiting

14、 8. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _into buying something they dont really need. A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 9. I forget _ them _ in the school garden. A. allowing; playing B. about allowing; playing C. allowing; to play D. to allow; playing 10. Who co

15、uld have imagined such a sweet-tempered girl as Alice _ such a thing! A. doing B. to do C. will do D. does 11. According to recent U.S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week _ TV. A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch 4 12. Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan. A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able 13. The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding 14. The discovery of the new evidence led to _


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