
上传人:ali****an 文档编号:111071851 上传时间:2019-11-01 格式:DOC 页数:5 大小:36.50KB
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1、Three Things That Will Change Your lifeToday our lives are changing faster than at any time in historyHere we report on three important changes that will have a big impact on our everyday lives in the futureThe cashless1)societyCash and banknotes will disappear almost completelyT hey will be replace

2、d by smart cardsplastic cards with microchip2)processors “loaded” with some moneyWhen we pay for goods,the retailer will insert our smart card into a payment terminal and money will be transferred from our card to the retailer s cardWhen all the money is used up,we will be able to“reload3)”it by ins

3、erting it into a telephone,dialing our bank account and transferring money to the card from the accountIf we want to transfer money from our card to a bank account,we will use the same methodSmart cards will be able to hold several different currencies at the same time,so if we go aboard,we will use

4、 our smart cards in the same wayInteractive4)telephonesHuman telephone operators will be sharply replaced by talking computersThese computers will recognize speech,ask us what information we need,access the information from a database,and convert it to speechIf we want to book a flight or pay a bill

5、 by phone,we will interact with a talking computer to do soOf course,this wont happen until all the technology is in place,but when it is we will soon get used to interacting with computers in this w ayHuman telephone operators will be used only for more complex5)operations such as dealing with comp

6、laints or solving concrete problemsIntelligent carsTraffic congestion in cities will be reduced because drivers will use electronic route maps to find the quickest route to their destination and avoid traffic jamsCongestion will also decrease when electronic systems start changing motorists for driv

7、ing in citiesAs soon as motorists have to pay to drive in cities,they will stop using their cars and use public transport insteadSpeed control systems will be built into carsThese systems will automatically regulate the speed of the car to take account of traffic and weather conditions and prevent a

8、ccidentsIt will be many years before these changes bring results but when they do,there will be a titanic6)improvement in road safety改变你生活的三样事物今天我们的生活变化得比历史上任何时候都快。下面我们报道的是未来将对我们日常生活产生重大影响的三个重要变化。无现金社会现金和纸币几乎将完全消失。取代它们的将是智能卡-存有一定金额的内置微芯片处理器的塑胶卡片。当我们支付所购物品时,零售商将把我们的智能卡插入一个付账终端机中,这时支付的金额就从我们的卡中转移到零售商的






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